Thursday, May 26, 2011

Flashnet May 18, 2011

May 18 Flashnet

RUM Summer update

Reconciling United Methodists of NE, Friends: Another year of great awakenings!

THIS IS YOUR SUMMER NEWS & DATES : SAVE IT and Send it on to friends! Thanks to those helping with summer emailing~

We have over 300 RUM's in NE! Let's make it 400 friends by growing the circle!
Join us at the RMN table in June or go to the website: :
Go to JOIN US! Cards are available too by calling RMN offices - that you can send in to join! RMN has no membership fee : just a desire for a fully inclusive UMC and commitment to that goal!

Thanks to the WEST Email Contacts: We have FOUR Reconciling Communities in NE and One Reconciling Congregation at Omaha First UMC (thanks omaha),

We are happy to announce New Main Email contacts in the WEST with Robert Wheeler as the new Main Contact and Jo Macintosh assisting (thanks to Margaret Engle for volunteering the past few years - and best wishes moving EAST!

Other WAY WEST Local contacts we are featuring this time: Carolyn Dickinson, Scottsbluff; Mary Ellen Kilmer Harrison, NE and Connie Hansen, Anselmo, Broken Bow area! Thanks to all the emailers and local contacts who lend support to others, listen, get together -- and help us get out reconciling info thru email!

Carolyn Reports -- Way out WEST:
Check out for the latest update on the More Light Presbyterian website. Click on the vote updates near the top sort of right middle.

Presently 94 presbyteries have approved the wording, which so far is 7 more than required. Another 10 presbyteries to go.

By Carolyn Dickinson, Way West
Summer is here! Schools are ending and summer plans are being made!

Try Getting Active 4 AIDS for the UM Global AIDS fund this summer : see attach
We now have 50 AIDS Ambassadors in NE : to become one :
To take ACTION on Inclusive statements go to :

Here are Upcoming Happenings and Ways to Renew your Spirit, offer support this summer to friends:

Update -- Summer Email offering 2 RMN 4 NE Statewide Reconciling Network : Giving is a way to thank volunteers who email, do the new blog, Facebook, gather folks for meetups, organize Rainbows of HOPE Art exhibists, Reconciling tables & events:

We have $95 now to STARTUP our Summer Email Offering to raise $250 for our yearly support this summer -- as an email network of friends (NE Statewide Reconciling Network) Thanks to attending the Birthday Lunch Fundraiser May 11 too!

Thanks to Donors this May / Gifts from: Cathy Denman (Maureen's Birthday), Jim and Donna Lightbody, Wendy, Eric, Brian and Jenna Smith, Maureen and Jay Vetter (everyone's birthday)

To reach our GOAL OF $250 TO RMN this summer: Write checks to RMN, send to Maureen Vetter, 4422 Drake Lane, Grand Island, NE 68801 .. she will record GIFTS and send directly to RMN Ministries in Chicago -- with Sing a NEW SONG CONVO coming IN AUGUST and Gen Conf SPRING 2012!

UPCOMING DATES: Come join us!

May 23: Noon, 313 3rd St, G Island: Thank Scott Taylor for organizing 3 HIV AIDS Benefit concerts in GI so far!

May 28: RAINBOWS OF HOPE Art Exhibit starts at Christ UMC, Great Hall, Lincoln, NE : gather an Art Exhibit locally with children's or art, fibers, quilts, stoles, paintings, drawings of all ages!

May 31: NE MFSA Dinner, 6 PM, Trinity UMC, Lincoln, speaker : Dr Don Messer, Chair of UM Global AIDS Fund, Awards, UM Global AIDS Fund info, $15 per ticket : for info - go to UM Connects : the weekly news from NE UMC Conference : see articles on Don Messer coming!

June 1 - 4: Annual Conference, St Marks UMC Lincoln: RMN Table: Betty: , HIV AIDS Table, Bill: Volunteer today! Thanks to all delegates too!

June 3, Friday morning worship 8:30 am, Annual Conference, St Marks UMC Lincoln, 84th St South : Special Offering for UM Global AIDS fund, Visitors welcome
COME TO OUR TABLES to get info and make new friends! Thanks to ALL the volunteers in may and june~

June 4: Noon, 313 3rd Street, G Island : Thank You Lunch 4 Becca and Breanne Preisendorf, Becca worked hard to start the first GSA at GISH; Breanne, leadership: Bring donations checks to GSA, GISH or cash 4 GISH GSA (Grand Island Sr High Gay Straight Alliance)

June 4, 5 : 24th Annual Danish Days, Dannebrog with Pawnee Art Center, readings, signings: Celebrate Diversity!

June 24-25 : Heartland Pride : Omaha ----- June 25 Parade: 10th and Pacific Get together! Get a table!

June 24-26 : Ethnic Festival, G Island Celebrate Diversity downtown, 3rd st area,

July 9 : Grain Place Farm Tour Day, near Marquette ,NE ( see website for info and reservations ) : Renew your health and spirit, learn about organic foods, local foods in NE; Visit FROGS this summer: the new Organic food grocery in Wolbach, NE : First Rural Organic Grocery Store (friends from Open Hearts Reconciling Community)

July 15 - 17: Lincoln Pride Event : weekend go to Website and Facebook ; Get together! Get a Table!

August : Get a Team Together for AIDS walks in NE Sept 18 ( )

Sept 19 : Welcome Alliance GSA back to Hastings College: Potluck: Hastings PFLAG, Open Hearts hosting

Oct 11 : Coming Out Day and Week : get together with friends! Lend support!

Nov : Thanksgiving Get togethers, coffee get togethers! Give thanks and share Awakening stories

Dec 1 : World AIDS Day, Special offerings, Fundraisers for UM Global AIDS fund Dec 4 in NE

BELIEVE OUT LOUD - Reconciling Goes on the Road to events in NE this summer!

Another Great year of Spiritual Awakenings through Meetups, email, events, support groups, books, writing and telling our stories!

Read Awakening books this summer or write an Awakening Story for fall to share locally in your groups -- with friends drinking coffee or tea (one page front and back that people could print ) with Sing a new Song CONVO coming in August sponsored by RMN and MFSA .. if you are going let us know! or or We know of one person attending so far!

Thanks to EVERYONE who helps through VOLUNTEERING .. our group email network would not work without lots of volunteers and lots of time, energy, home computers, in house donations and passion! Thanks everyone!

Maureen Vetter and Wendy Smith, and
NE Statewide Reonciling Network Contacts Emails and
Our group Facebook is being redone for new group Facebook formats!
PRN contacts, Local reconciling contacts,
Main Email Reconciling contacts -- recruit your children, youth and young adult contacts locally now!
We wish all GRADUATES a more fully inclusive world and faith communities -- congrats with graduations!

MFSA Annual Dinner NEXT WEEK 5/31/2011


"Stigma, Human Rights and the Battle Against AIDS" will be the name of Don's sharing and speech!

When: May 31, Tuesday, 6 PM, after a day of doing mission work: volunteers in Lincoln @ Annual Conference
What : NE MFSA Annual Dinner, Methodist Federation of Social Action, 100+ doing social justice
Where: Trinity UMC, Lincoln (see website)
Cost : $15 a ticket
For info, RSVP and tickets: Susan Davies,
Speaker : Dr Don Messer, Chair of UM Global AIDS Fund of the UMC --
Program : meet new friends, speaker, info and awards given, Jimmy Creech Profile of Justice Scholarship, etc

For more info on Annual Conference and the evening and UM connect articles :
More info on UM Global AIDS fund: our new URL &
Center for the Church and AIDS, Denver: Don Messer Director -- find it online!

Friday, JUNE 3 -- Special OFFERING at the 8:30 worship at St Marks UMC, Lincoln for UM Global AIDS Fund

See you at the Reconciling Table & UM Global AIDS Fund tables June 1 - 4 St Marks UMC, Lincoln.
Sign up as an AIDS Ambassador in your local church and receive a FREE DVD : HIV AIDS TOOLKIT with tons of resources for local churches on HIV AIDS.. it is also online and downloadable at

MFSA Newsletter 5/25/2011

Having trouble viewing this email? Click here


Annual Conference Season!

Sing A New Song
Annual Conferece Season
Student Forum
Detroit Annual Conference Update
Move Over AIPAC!
Stop Mountaintop Removal
Big Changes in the Presbyterian Church (USA)
MFSA on Facebook
Sing a New Song!

Environmental Justice
Connecting Voices

Want to build the progressive movement?
Sign up to host a gathering.
Receive MFSA updates

Volume VII Issue 11
25 May 2011

Dear Wendy,

As clergy and active lay leaders of The United Methodist Church, we often associate late May and June with Annual Conference, and this year is no exception. With some Annual Conferences already concluded and others that don't start for nearly a month, we are now in the heart of what we have come to call "Annual Conference Season." MFSA is right there with you, and we want to hear all about how your conferences are going! We've included here a short report from the Detroit Annual Conference and invite you to share your own stories as your conferences come and go.

While we prepare for Annual Conference, preparations for Sing a New Song continue. In this issue you'll hear from one of our workshop leaders about addressing Environmental Racism. We've also got important updates about how to keep up and follow along with young adults attending Student Forum, so be sure not to miss it!

Also in this issue:
Move Over AIPAC
Changes in the Presbyterian Church (USA)
Stop Mountaintop Removal!
Connect with MFSA through Social Media

Grace and peace,
Jen Tyler
Associate for Movement Building
Sing a New Song
Singing for Eco-Justice

Going to the lake to enjoy the water, scenery, the cool air and beauty of God's creation is a great reason to attend Sing A New Song. On the shore of Lake Erie you can kayak, fish, take a cruise, or enjoy the marina and Sheldon Marsh Nature Preserve. Participants will be blessed with relaxation and the calming force of the nature. Yet this resort's pristine beauty might lead us to forget that there are those who do not have access to clean water, safe air to breathe, or parks to play in.

I am coming to Sing A New Song to talk about Environmental Racism, a reality in which communities of color, or communities of lower economic income, disproportionately experience the effect of environmental degradation and hazards. My workshop will help people identify ways they can join campaigns or communities to end the disparity of environmental quality in our world.

One current campaign is to protect the Bristol Bay in Alaska. Anglo American, one of the world's largest mining corporations, has proposed the world's largest open-pit gold and copper mine at the headwaters of Bristol Bay.... (click here to keep reading...)

National Update
Annual Conference Season is Upon Us

That time of year has arrived once again: Annual Conferences! Are you prepared?

Don't worry: if you need last-minute legislation to submit, MFSA has outlined our Legislative Priorities and accompanying legislation, which are posted on our website for your use.

Already done with your Annual Conference? We'd love to hear from you! What better way for chapters to keep up with what other chapters are doing than by sharing your conference reports with one another!? (Detroit has already submitted their report, which can be found on our website here!) MFSA would love to feature YOUR chapter's Annual Conference reports and stories on our blog. We love pictures, too! Please send your Annual Conference feedback to Jen Tyler at
Sparks: OnFire in action
Time for Student Forum!

Student Forum, the annual gathering of The United Methodist Student Movement, begins this week! Taking place from May 26-29 at the University of Evansville in Evansville, IN, this year's theme will be, "God is Calling... Will You Answer?"

The forum will focus on worship and social justice advocacy, leadership training for campus ministry, networking and developing legislation for General Conference 2012.

Throughout the event, OnFire leader Sara Bayles will be keeping everyone in the loop through twitter. Be sure you are following @UMOnFire to get the latest updates! Then keep an eye out next week for an OnFire blog update about Student Forum that didn't fit in 140 characters!
Who is OnFire? We are United Methodist young adults reclaiming our Wesleyan heritage of spiritual and social transformation. We are empowering young adults to impact our church and our world. OnFire organizes as the young adult chapter of MFSA. Check out our blog at: If you are interested in contributing to the OnFire blog, please contact Shannon Sullivan.
Chapters and Partners
Detroit Annual Conference Highlights

Following the Detroit Annual Conference, which ran from May 19-22, Rev. Rich Peacock has submitted the following summary:

Our MFSA mini-retreat and banquet were highlighted by information and inspiration from Rev. Steve Clunn, Coalition Coordinator. The Bishop Jesse and Annamary DeWitt Peace with Justice Awards went to Rev. Melanie Carey and Jeannette Bartz. Melanie is fluent in English and Spanish and has been a pioneer in ministry with immigrants including Justice for Our Neighbors and the creation of a new UMC film on a family from Guatemala. Jeannette has concentrated on labor rights and hospitality for people of all sexual orientations.

Almost all of the delegates to General Conference were supported by us. The conference endorsed a petition to General Conference to strike "the incompatible" sentence from paragraph 161.f and to add sentences recognizing that "the church is not of one mind about the practice of homosexuality" and affirming "the call to inclusiveness."

Finally, the conference also endorsed petitions to create a new resolution to expedite the end of the war in Afghanistan, to end funding of hate-based rhetoric in paragraphs 613 and 806.9, as well as to add a subsection upholding the rights of migrants to paragraph 162. Unfortunately, time constraints were dealt with by tabling a number of other petitions on inclusiveness.
Middle East Spotlight
Move Over AIPAC:
Building a New US Middle East Policy

CODEPINK: Women for Peace, Global Exchange, Interfaith Peace-builders, and the Fellowship of Reconciliation, together with over 100 peace and justice groups organized a gathering in Washington DC from May 21-24, 2011, called "Move Over AIPAC: Building a New US Middle East Policy."

Timed to coincide with the annual policy meeting of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), activists and concerned citizens from around the country gathered to learn about the extraordinary influence AIPAC has on U.S. policy and how to strengthen an alternative that respects the rights of all people in the region.

Protests, education sessions, dialogue and even a flash mob were all a part of this 4-day event. To learn more, visit the Move Over AIPAC website, or visit this page for recent press releases.
Take Action

Stop Mountaintop Removal

"The land is mine; with me you are but aliens and tenants." Lev 25:23

God's Creation is a gift and one that we are called to protect and to serve as tenants - not as owners. And yet we treat Creation as if it's ours, altering it to meet our needs. In no place is this more apparent than in Appalachia, where Mountaintop Removal mining - the practice of blowing off mountaintops to extract coal - is destroying both Creation and communities.

The new documentary Dirty Business sheds light on the energy industry particularly the unsustainable and unjust nature of energy production and consumption.

The National Council of Churches Eco-Justice Program is offering 15 free copies of Dirty Business to the congregations or study groups that have the best plans for public viewings. Please submit your plan here no later than next Friday, May 27th. And be sure to download our study guide and their Mountaintop Removal worship resource here.
Progressive Ponderings

Big Changes in the
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Commentary by Rev. Steve Clunn, Coalition Coordinator
Well it's official: "After 33 years of debate, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has voted to change its constitution and allow openly gay people in same-sex relationships to be ordained as ministers, elders and deacons (Presbyterians Approve Ordination of Gay People by LAURIE GOODSTEIN, May 10, 2011, New York Times)." My heartfelt and sincerest thanks go out to the PC USA for coming to the realization that God's love and call cannot and should not be limited by human prejudice and fears. Sadly, it will take us United Methodists a few years longer - seven to be exact; if we change our policies of condemnation and discrimination at our next General Conference in April, 2012. That's right, 40 years of wandering in the wilderness of hypocrisy, hurtfulness, and lost gifts and graces.

Ever since the incompatibility language went in to the United Methodist Book of Discipline in 1972, we have been losing many gifted and talented clergy people from the UMC.

How do we get out of this wilderness? Together and hand-in-hand! You can read Rev. Steve Clunn's full article on MFSA's website here.
Social Media Corner

MFSA on Twitter

MFSA is now on Twitter. Visit to "follow."

1,000 Facebook likes by Sing a New Song

Help us meet our goal of getting 1000 likes on Facebook before Sing a New Song (August 25-28, 2011)! Share our page with your Facebook friends and grow the movement!

Want to make the conversation PERSONAL? Host a Connecting Voices meet-up in your area, and don't forget to tell us about it!
Forward email

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Blog to check out

Please take a moment to check out Rob Wheeler's blog; we encourage you to send your story to Rob to include on his blog.

Love and Do Not Judge

Rob says:
I have taken the position not to advocate for a particular position but to challenge judgements that are to easily made concerning GLBT issues. I do challenge the notion that any Christian is in a position to judge another's action, and I do promote our obligation as human beings and as Christians to love others unconditionally. I also question whether it is possible, as many fundamentalist Christians argue, to "love the sinner but hate the sin."

I am also looking for stories of persons and families that have faced such issues both of love and of judgment and consequences.

Open Hearts news: May 2011

Here is an update below from Chris Weedy, spouse of Jimmy Creech with Presbyterian new breaking barriers and videos . I just rec'd my copy of ADAM's GIFT : the memoir .. today! I hope you can find a copy this summer, order it online - or find another good read on GLBT justice or stories to share with us in Nov! Write stories of Spiritual awakenings this summer and fall! (one page front and back).

SUMMER EMAIL OFFERINGS for RMN and our NE Statewide Network yearly commitment has begun May 11!
We have $65 to start the offerings from the fundraiser in Lincoln May 11 - We need to raise $250 minimum commitment to RMN! Our statewide network is an "official" reconciling community!

Write LOVE GIFTS and checks to: RMN and mail to Maureen Vetter, 4422 Drake lane, grand island, NE 68801. Maureen will send them in and keep track of donors this summer!
Support RMN or Reconciling Ministries Network -- with General Conf 2012 coming next spring!
Become a Friend of: Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network on FBgroups! search it by that title!

Dates: PFLAG May 16, Hastings, NE at the UCC on marion road, 7 PM, sharing meeting
May 23, Mon noon, Thank you LUNCH 4 Rev Scott Taylor, 313 Cafe and cream, 3rd St, GI (blue moon)
Bring a donation for the TUMC Emergency HIV AIDS fund to honor Scott 4 organizing concerts
Make checks : TUMC -- inMemo put Emergency HIV AIDS fund .. honor Scott this way!
assist clients with medical emergencies at NAP kearney. . $2700 in aid was given last year!
May 31, 6 PM, Trinity UMC LINCOLN, MFSA dinner with Don messer speaker, Becca : scholarship!
For info on the dinner, tickets and more: and see the last UM connect article
Let's support Don Messer coming to speak on HIV AIDS ; Becca Preisendorf, JC Scholarship!
June 4, Saturday Noon, Lunch with Becca and Breanne as a fundraiser to the new GSA at GISH!
Bring cash or we are trying to find out who we make checsk to at GISH for the new GSA!
313 Cafe and Cream (old Blue moon) 3rd street, G Island across from Grand Theater downtown
June 1 - 4, St Mark's UMC, Lincoln; NE Annual Conference; RMN table and UM Global AIDS fund table
If you can help at tables or go to Worship, 8:30 am June 3, offerings will be taken for HIV AIDS
RMN table and Rainbows : contact Betty Dorr
UM Global AIDS table : contact Bill: or Maureen
Pride Events this summer in Lincoln and Omaha : Sing a NEW SONG in August
Sign statements supporting GLBT ordination in the UMC :
Sept 18 AIDS walks across NE -- get a team of friends to go!
Sept 19 1 pm, Um Global AIDS Task force, Central Health Center, S locust, G island, NE
Sept 19 PFLAG / Open Hearts POTLUCK, Hastings to welcome students to Hastings college GSA
Oct 11 Coming out day and week : events around NE
Nov 13 Thanksgiving Open Hearts in the Gathering place
Dec 4 World AIDS day and offerings, Baskets of love silent Auction for UM Global AIDS fund
----- Original Message -----
From: Maureen Vetter
To: maureen vetter
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 11:32 AM
Subject: FYI: May Update from Chris Weedy : Jimmy Creech book -- Adam's Gift ---- Presbyterian USA news, videos!

Hi, I hope you all are well. I just wanted to give you an update on Jimmy and Adam's Gift as things are moving along these days.... If you are on Facebook and are keeping current, then you already know most of this stuff, but if not, here is a synopsis...

Jimmy and I just came back from Austin Texas where we spent 3 days. Sid Hall, Britt Cox, Jessica Hager and Trinity United Methodist Church were fantastic hosts. This was my first trip with Jimmy out of state since Adam's Gift was released. It was special that we could be together in Austin. We got to attend the Old Pecan Street Festival in between events. Sunday night Jimmy did a book reading at Travis Park United Methodist Church's Sunday Night Live program. Thanks to Betty Gibbs Curry for her help with that. Check out the photos at Post your own!

This Friday we are headed to Cincinnati Ohio where we will be hosted by another reconciling congregation - Clifton United Methodist Church. Clifton UMC has been a reconciling congregation since 1998. We will be there Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Jimmy will be doing a book signing on Saturday and preaching on Sunday.

Monday we are flying from Cincinnati to Paris (France) where Jimmy will be participating in a panel discussion for IDAHO (International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia.) The panel discussion is focused on religion and how it is used world-wide to promote homophobia.

Tuesday May 24th Jimmy will be doing a Talk Out with Mitchell Gold @ the John Golden Theatre on Broadway following Larry Kramer's play The Normal Heart.

Memorial Day weekend Jimmy will be doing a book signing on Ocracoke Island. Ocracoke is dear to our hearts as Jimmy was pastor there for 8 years.

Here are 2 recent videos and one link regarding progress in the Presbyterian Church. With the news about the Presbyterian Church this leaves The United Methodist Church and the Southern Baptist Convention as the only major mainline denominations who don't include lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender clergy.

Believe Out Loud Video

How many more gay people does God need to create?

Presbyterian Progress!

I hope this info is helpful and interesting to you. If you do not want these periodic updates, just let me know. If you can, please pass this email on to others and encourage them to "like" Jimmy's Facebook page. If you know of a venue where Jimmy can speak or preach please pass on my email address. His schedule for July and August is open. You have heard of "Where in The World is Waldo?" My goal as Jimmy's agent is "Where in the World is Jimmy Creech?"

BTW, this isn't about Jimmy. It is about getting the word out about religion-based bigotry. Adam's Gift is a vehicle for that. Thanks for your support, advice, and prayers for safe travel.

Chris Weedy

NE Statewide Reconciling Network : Actions /Celebrate: Presbyterian Church Breaks Down Walls to Gay Ordination & Service

GREAT news from the Presbyterian Church USA!

This is a GREAT DAY TO CELEBRATE with our brothers and sisters in NE and around the world! They have voted to remove all barriers to full membership, leadership and service for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons!

See the full Celebration story below on Flashnet through RMN!
You can Request Flashnets weekly at the website:

Take Action to "End UMC Laws That Discriminate" :

Actions: See Links and actions in this email and on our new blog : to sign onto the African American Scholars letter that builds on the 36 Retired bishops in the UMC who first wrote a letter -

Now this newer letter / statement of African American Scholars is open to signatures from persons of ALL races, all colors, all laity and clergy - please sign on - the original letter of the 36 bishops can be signed onto as well thru the RMN website.. let's raise the number of signatures on both statements!

"End UMC Laws That Discriminate"

We want to raise our VOICES with more signatures on both statements/ letters! To sign the two statements :

Maureen Vetter and Wendy Smith, NE contacts for NE Statewide Reconciling Network, PRN contacts, email contacts, local contacts and friends

Group Facebook: Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network

Register for the MFSA dinner may 31: and go to the lastest UM connect for the article about Don Messer coming as speaker on Stigma and HIV AIDS, Jimmy Creech Scholarship, other awards and info - tickets!
See the Church Within in a Church for more info on the African American Scholars Letter and other info :

RMN Action Alert May 11, 2011: Good News!

Yesterday, the Presbyterian Church, USA (PCUSA), the largest Presbyterian denomination in the United States, removed barriers to full membership, leadership and service for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons! The Twin Cities Presbytery was the 87th presbytery to approve ratification of amendment 10-A, a constitutional amendment returning the qualifications for ordained leadership within PCUSA to those based on faith and character, not marital status or sexual orientation.

The Presbyterian Church, USA joins the United Church of Christ, the Episcopalian Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America as denominations that have eliminated official barriers to gay and lesbian clergy. Through the work of the Holy Spirit and faithful United Methodists, one day the United Methodists church will join this list of denominations who bless and receive the gifts of all God's children.

In response to this historic moment, Rev. Troy Plummer, Executive Director of the Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN) celebrates, "God keeps breaking down the walls we erect to separate us. Alleluia! The Presbyterians did what 36 retired United Methodist Bishops and over 300 signers of the African-American scholar's letter called for earlier this year. Everyday Reconciling United Methodists join their voices in a cry for justice by working inside and outside the walls of our church and acting through a deep faith and assurance that all walls of discrimination within the United Methodist Church will come down."

Indeed the walls are coming down, and all of our hands are needed in the work of rebuilding our severed connection within the United Methodist Church. "While we lift up the bold witness of our Presbyterian sisters and brothers, the anti-homosexuality bill in Uganda, upcoming Rev. Amy DeLong trial in the Wisconsin Annual Conference, and the approaching 40th anniversary of the incompatibility clause call faithful United Methodists to believe out loud together. Now is both a time to rejoice and roll up our sleeves as we know our long walk to freedom is not over," said Deaconess Rachel Harvey, Associate Executive Director of RMN.

Join Your Voice and Help Break Down Walls!

Believe Out Loud Together - join RMN and MFSA as we connect with General Conference delegates through Called to Witness 5
Register for Sing a New Song
Sign onto the African-American Scholars Letter - everyone across the racial spectrum is encouraged to sign the petition in support of the statement
Support Rev. Amy DeLong
Sign the petition to stop the Anti-Homosexuality bill in Uganda - currently on the Ugandan Parliament's agenda Friday, May 13, 2011
Support the Reconciling Ministries Network
Volunteer at General Conference - be part of the team working for policy change in the United Methodist Church at General Conference in Tampa, Florida 2012

MFSA Newsletter 5/10/2011


Visit Our Sponsor
Find MFSA at a Social Media Outlet near you!

Your gift brings new life

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Easter leaves us with a taste for tomorrow - a hoping against all hope that new life does spring forth once again. In the resurrection spirit of new life and ongoing hope, the Methodist Federation for Social Action is entering a new chapter in our life. MFSA is thrilled to have two new additions to our staff - our new Executive Director, Jill Warren, and Associate for Movement Building (mission intern), Jen Tyler.

Please support the growing movement with your gift today.

Jill Warren will join MFSA as the next Executive Director on July 5, 2011, combining her lifelong passion for social justice with her extensive nonprofit leadership background. Jill has led agencies, taught management and leadership courses at the graduate and undergraduate level, and provided consulting services to foundations, agencies, boards of directors and nonprofit CEOs. Her faith has led her to do justice work in family violence prevention, reproductive health and civil rights. Jill is a lay member of West Bloomfield United Methodist Church in the Detroit Annual Conference, and has been active at the congregational, district and conference levels. Her enthusiasm is contagious; we can't wait for you to meet her.

On Tuesday, April 12th, MFSA officially welcomed Jennifer Tyler to the staff as our Associate for Movement Building with a focus on young people, one of our strategic priority areas. She is serving as a mission intern from the General Board of Global Ministries, most recently working in South Africa. We are blessed to have been matched with another incredible mission intern.

Enable MFSA to continue its good work through your support.

Over the past few months MFSA has been very busy with initial General Conference preparations by continuing to build relationships with friends of the progressive movement and developing exciting workshops for the Sing a New Song gathering this August in Ohio. We have also taken the time to reflect on who we are as MFSA one year away from General Conference. Through our blog, Facebook and Twitter, many MFSA members and friends-including Jill Warren-have shared their stories about why they're involved in MFSA. Jill writes, "I've learned ... that my individual choices are not enough unless they're coupled with broader action that effect change in systems of oppression and injustice. When I found MFSA - I knew God had found a place for me to continue advocating for social justice through my church, too." If you didn't get a chance, check out the blog at We encourage you to write and share your reflections as well.

For us, MFSA is a sanctuary to connect with other progressive United Methodists. It is the place where we are spiritually renewed and energized to follow Jesus' calling to seek justice and peace. It is our connectional United Methodist "church home." This is an exciting time for MFSA as we prepare to embark on the next chapter when Jill begins as our new Executive Director. We invite you to join us in welcoming our new staff and responding to the inspiration provided by Jill by giving generously and investing in your progressive United Methodist movement.

Please visit our website to make an online donation today.

Let us rejoice and be glad as new life springs forth!

Grace and peace to you,

Rev. Vicki Woods, Co-president Tara L Thronson, Co-president

NE Statewide Reconciling Network: THX Margaret, Lunch /Kickoff May 11 -D Messer, MFSA dinner May 31, Rainbows- UMconnect 05/04/11

NE Statewide RUM's (Reconciling United Methodists) - Friends far and wide:

Another Year of Great Spiritual Awakenings!
Write up a Spiritual Awakening this summer to share in the fall (one page front and back for a booklet of Sacred stories: Spiritual Awakenings) -- Believe out loud - Reconciling goes on the road!

We took Reconciling on the Road this week with dinner in North platte to Thank Margaret Engle for sending out the EMAIL in the West for our NE Statewide Reconciling Network! ( You might have gone on the road recently for an inclusive event or to lend support for more fully inclusive faith groups, creating safe places for all God's children. )

We THANK MARGARET for her volunteer time and energy as she moves our EAST with her husband! If you know Margaret Engle, send her a note of thanks or give $ in her honor for the Summer Email Offering -- and we hope we hear from YOU MARGARET with reports on Reconciling / inclusive church in New Jersey from time to time as our OUR EAST Coast Reporter in the field and our Pacific NW Reporter.

New Volunteer Contacts in the west are working to transition from Margaret's email list. THANK the volunteer who sends you email when you get a chance! We have no budget per se and all of our work is done with volunteers and volunteer time, energy!

Take Reconciling on the Road in your area and attend a Reconciling program or event, worship at a Reconciling congregation, travel to meet reconciling friends or new friends to lend support, plan or organize, drive to a birthday party fundraiser for RMN or drive to SING A NEW SONG - already over 400 people are signed up nationally! www.RMNetwork.og

Sign up today as a Reconciling United Methodist online or as an AIDS ambassador by writing: or

See info on Dr Don Messer coming to speak at the MFSA dinner, how to get tickets, cost and you do not have to be an MFSA member to attend! See the UM Connect below! Other info on giving to the storm relief and more!

Special Offering for UM Global AIDS Fund -June 3, 8:30 am in the Sanctuary at St marks umc.

May 23: noon, Thank You Scott Taylor Lunch, 313 Cafe and Cream, 3rd street, Grand Island (former Blue moon) - Come thank scott taylor for organizing this ongoing HIV AIDS benefit Concert and give some pocket money, gifts to the TUMC Emergency HIV AIDS Fund to honor Scott! Thanks to PHIVE- O (peer education for HIV AIDS) students at Hastings College for giving a $500 Service award to the TUMC Emergency HIV AIDS fund this week!

May 27: Rainbows of HOPE Art show will be going up at Christ UMC, Lincoln! Visit this new Art Show at Annual Conference in Lincoln. Do a Rainbows of hope project, banner, stole, table etc. Thanks to all the artists who have made Rainbow Art this spring!

May 31: 6 PM NE MFSA Dinner with Dr Don Messer speaking! See info below in UM connect! You will also see a schedule of Annual conference and storm response info!

June 1 - 4 NE UMC Annual Conference, St Marks UMC Lincoln (84th street south) Two tables this year needing Volunteers: Reconciling Table (contact betty : Bring rainbows, stoles or ribbons to give away!

HIV AIDS table for UM Global AIDS fund, contact Maureen or bill Bring AIDS Ribbons for the giveaway basket if you want! HIV AIDS Toolkit DVD's will be given to AIDS Ambassadors who sign up at Annual Conference!

We have 50 AIDS Ambassadors in NE now and we would love to reach 100 AIDS Ambassadors this next year -- one or more in each church and $1 per member is our commitment from 2006 Annual Conference -- learn more on the 20/20 campaign at: See our new URL : Sign up at the UM Global AIDS fund table and receive a FREE HIV AIDS Toolkit DVD!

Pride events this summer and more on the blog:
Go to Facebook page to sign up! Groups : Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network

SEE tons of info below (tenth story down) and an article about the MFSA dinner info! Another Great year of Spiritual Awakenings! & Group Facebook: Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network

Maureen and Wendy ------- ps SING A NEW SONG Convo is coming this summer! Are you going? Let us know!
Check out for info on young activists for GLBT rights and Church within a Church for moving stories : Find the Book ADAM'S gift : a memoir by Jimmy Creech or other books with spiritual awakenings this summer! THE RMN website has books and resources as well!
----- Original Message -----
From: Kathryn Witte
To: Maureen Vetter -
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 5:05 PM
Subject: UMconnect 05/04/11

In this edition of UMconnect:

- Register for AC, YAC, MAC, CAC by May 17
- Where to find AC 2011 schedule of events, other important AC-related info
- Pre-conference briefings coming up May 15 and 16
- How to help storm victims
- Update from the Council of Bishops’ meeting being held in Georgia
- Take one of two special offerings this Mother's Day Sunday
- Church and Community Worker Lisa Maupin to be featured in 10-Fold webcast
- Help change the world on Celebrate Community Day, sign up now
- Center for Pastoral Effectiveness of the Rockies will begin Nebraska retreat series in August
- Chair of UM Global AIDS Fund Committee Dr. Don Messer to speak in Lincoln
- Spaces still available to join VIM team going to Panama this summer
- New Micah Corps intern selected
- GBGM missionary pays visit to Norfolk First UMC
- News from UMCOR: Haiti update, new relief-supply network newsletter
- Zach Anderson attends Peace with Justice coordinators gathering in Washington, D.C.
- NWU campus minister Mara Bailey featured in UMNS story
- UNL campus ministry teams up with women’s gymnastics team for clinic
- Cheney UMW assembles, donates more than 50 Easter baskets to kids in need
- Employment opportunities — Omaha St. Andrews UMC seeking director of youth ministries
- UM Camps need your help promoting their ministry
- May is National Youth Safety month
- Spotlight on women’s resources at the Resource Center
- Worship resources from GBOD
- Subscription tools

Click on the link below to read this edition of UMconnect online:

RMN Flashnet 4/4/2011

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Action Needed to sign statements to end UMC discrimination laws

Thanks to Rev Gil Caldwell, active in the Church Within A Church movement and prophet of our time -- for his encouragement to send out INVITATIONS to folks in NE: to take a few minutes and sign on the TWO statements listed below: I have signed both statements and encourage you to do the same! Then send it on to friends!


All the LINKS are BELOW from James Dalton, Communications for RMN or Reconciling Ministries Network.

1) Statement from the Black Methodists for Church Renewal (BMCR) is now OPEN for signatures of all persons, all races and colors, all vocations even though it is entitled African American Scholars and clergy: let's raise the number of signatures!

I am Number 162 and let's take send our signatures SOARING - View the Signatures and the Blog with the tabs at the top and send to FRIENDS .. this Historic Statement builds on the original statement by 36 retired Bishops in the UMC. THE LINKS ARE BELOW!

2) Also you can sign the statement on the RMN website with the link below: by 36 Retired Bishops in the UMC with the following links and see the signatures with 1009 total - last time I looked! I see about six or seven from NE -- so let's send this on to friends far and wide!

Maureen Vetter & Wendy Smith NE Contacts for Reconciling Ministry Network along with friends across NE, PRN folks in Nebraska and Facebook Group: Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network: Another Great Year of Spiritual Awakenings, Believe Out Loud and Taking Reconciling on the Road!

----- Original Message -----
From: James Dalton
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 10:53 AM
Subject: Bishops Statement and African American Scholars Statment

In regards to signing the Bishops Statement: You could invite people to sign on by emailing them this link or by filling out the “Tell a Friend” at

In regards to the statement by Black Methodists for Church Renewal (BMCR): This is from the Flashnet in which we promoted the statement,

“At this stage we are not just asking for academics to sign but persons of color with no exclusions (vocation, religious affiliation, etc). If you would like to sign the petition follow this link:” If you have questions regarding BMCR’s statement you can contact them through this link. BMCR Contact Form

I hope this helps. Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.

James D. Dalton
Communications / Technology Coordinator
Reconciling Ministries Network
P: 773-736-5526
F: 773-736-5475

Go to RMN: for more info and Church Within a Church :
View the Signatures on the Two Statements - I found friends from NE and college --- even my own brother who lives across the ocean!

Faith in Action / May 9, 2011

Faith in Action / May 9, 2011 / Wayne Rhodes, Editor (

Word from Winkler (
A significant death
By Jim Winkler, General Secretary, General Board of Church & Society
It was a tragic mistake to transform the hunt for bin Laden from a criminal and intelligence operation into a military invasion of Iraq; hundreds of thousands of lives were sacrificed; trillions of dollars were wasted; and years were lost in doing so.

Bill requires Afghanistan exit strategy (
16 co-sponsor bipartisan legislation; more sponsors sought
By Wayne Rhodes, Editor, Faith in Action
'Afghanistan Exit & Accountability Act' requires quarterly reports on costs of continuing 'longest' war and how much would be saved if U.S. withdraws forces within a reasonable time frame.

It's not about you! (
A reflection on loving mercy
By the Rev. Faith Fowler
It is not optional: We are to love mercy because people are lying and dying in the ditch.

Osama bin Laden was no 'Geronimo' ( (
Code name for terrorist leader offends Native Americans
By Wayne Rhodes, Editor, Faith in Action
Refute notion that Native leaders can be paralleled in any way with persons who 'unashamedly destroy life.'

When abstinence doesn't work ( Sex and the Church Logo
Sex and the Church
By the Rev. Steve Clapp
We should provide teens with the help that they need to relate their faith to their sexual decision-making and to remain safe from unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

Bin Laden death must be turning point (
Churches called to commit to witness for peace
3 United Methodists among 19 Christian leaders who signed National Council of Churches statement following 'significant moment in turbulent history of past decade.'

Desecrating the sanctity of life (
Shackling women prisoners during childbirth
By Heather Rice
Shackling women prisoners during childbirth is a shameful practice that strips away the dignity from the sacred moment of welcoming a new life into the world and increases danger to the health and well-being of both the child and mother.

'I Believe You' ( (
Faith responses to intimate-partner violence
By Linda Bales Todd
Documentary addresses the church's silence in being in ministry with those living with violence in their homes.

Libya and religious freedom (
Does upheaval presage more persecution of Christians?
By Manohar James
Predominantly Muslim country has been somewhat tolerant of other faiths — unless they try to proselytize.

Peace with Justice Sunday (
United Methodist Special Sunday June 19
When you give to Peace with Justice Sunday, you support ministries worldwide to remove unjust systems and equip the victimized to live more fulfilled lives.

New clergy marriage policy voided (
United Methodist Judicial Court rules same-sex unions 'null, void'
By Linda Bloom
Policy adopted but not yet implemented by United Methodists in New York Conference to let clergy marry 'at their own discretion.'

Worldwide action for peace nears (
World Week for Peace in Palestine Israel, May 29 to June 4
Week-long observance is to encourage concerned communities and individuals to make a common witness by participating in worship, educational events and acts of advocacy to support just peace for Palestinians and Israelis.

World Sunday for Peace May 22 (
Celebrate with the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation in Jamaica
World Council of Churches invites congregations around the globe to celebrate God's gift of peace by creating a wave of praise and prayer encircling the earth.

Change proposed for ecumenical agency (
Council of Bishops overwhelmingly approves taking responsibility
By Heather Hahn
United Methodist General Commission on Christian Unity & Interreligiious Concerns would cease to exist as separate entity.

Change the World May 14-15 ( (
More than 100,000 persons took part in first weekend
United Methodists will participate in community service projects on Saturday, May 14; they will invite their neighbors to attend church services on Sunday, May 15.

Churches for Middle East Peace conference (
'For the Peace of Jerusalem' May 22-24
Archbishop Elias Chacour will be featured speaker at the conference whose purpose is to facilitate a negotiated, just, peaceful resolution to the Israel/Palestine conflict.

On bin Laden not 'Geronimo' ( (
'While we decry terrorism in any form, we refute the notion that our Native leaders, past and current, be paralleled in any way with persons who unashamedly destroy life.'
—The Rev. Chebon Kernell (Oklahoma)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

MFSA Newsletter 4/27/2011


Why are you in MFSA?

MFSA's radical and dynamic origins
Mothers' Day Action: Toxin-free households
Luke 6 Nonviolence Gathering
Black Clergy and Scholars Endorce Bishops' Statement
Last chance to register for Student Forum
MFSA is on Twitter!
Sing a New Song!

Early bird rate ends May 1st.
Register today!
Connecting Voices

Want to build the progressive movement?
Sign up to host a gathering.
Receive MFSA updates

Volume VII Issue 9
27 April 2011

Dear Wendy,

I came to MFSA in the beginning of 2009--not too long after a difficult General Conference--in the midst of a campaign to pass a package of constitutional amendments that would restructure our denomination, moving us toward becoming a more equitable, less US-centric, church. Having just returned from serving in the German UMC, I was grateful to find myself among people passionate about helping our church to do better, beginning the long process of bringing our structure up to speed with the global nature of our church. As word came that those and other justice-making amendments were being defeated, I realized I had a decision to make: either accept the apparent immovability of the UMC, or commit to a movement of hopeful struggle.

It has not been easy, but two years later, I cannot express how grateful I am for the invitation to be a part of the struggle. From the OnFire justice immersion trip on the US/Mexico border, to a Hate Crimes Symposium in New York City, from the Global Young People's Convocation in Berlin, Germany, to the beginnings of an MFSA chapter in the Mississippi Annual Conference, I have met United Methodists committed to the vision of a healed, renewed and fully inclusive church. As I prepare to begin seminary at the Boston University School of Theology, seeking ordination as elder in the Baltimore-Washington Conference, I am so glad to have found many lifelong partners in the struggle for justice through the Methodist Federation for Social Action. I don't know where ministry will take me, but I know MFSA will be there--a voice of hope to and for the UMC.

So why are you in MFSA? Is it the empowering history, the motivation to act, the commitment to nonviolence? Is it for the experience of progressive theology in action, celebrated in statements such as the recent one from Black Clergy and Scholars? For the fellowship at national events like Sing a New Song, or within the denomination at Student Forum?

Visit our blog to read stories, or write your own and tell us about it on Facebook and Twitter. (Find us in both places at MFSAVoices.)

Grace and peace,
Jennifer Mihok
MFSA Outreach and Communications Coordinator
National Update

We are now less than a year away from the opening of the 2012 United Methodist General Conference in Tampa, FL. During the dates of General Conference one year out (April 25-May 4), we are encouraging members and friends to share reflections on their involvement with MFSA. Each day we'll feature one or two blogs from MFSA members and friends writing about their experiences, and we're asking everyone to join in. If you have a blog, you can write a post and share it with us on Facebook and Twitter.

Visit the MFSA blog to read these great stories:

"Inspiration and Hope" by Rev. Becca Clark

"Cooperation, Collaboration, Coalition" by Rev. Troy Plummer

"The Methodists are Here!" by Chett Pritchett

"The Connection within the Connection" by Bishop Cliff Ives

And MANY MORE to come!

Chapters and Partners

The Radical Origins of the
Methodist Federation Tradition

McClain presents at MFSA's Voices of Faith in 2007
The Virginia chapter of MFSA reports that former MFSA executive director George McClain (1973-1998) "hit a home run" with his April multimedia presentation of "The Radical Origins of the Methodist Federation Tradition." The interactive production explores the cultural, historical, and theological roots of the Social Gospel movement in the Methodist tradition in a very engaging manner. It includes 50 images and a dozen "appearances" by historical figures, as well as song and audience participation. MFSA national is encouraging other chapters to explore this valuable resource in chapter retreats and events. George would be delighted to "take the show on the road." Contact him at or 718-273-4941.

Take Action

Take Action for Healthy, Toxin-Free Homes through Chemical Policy Reform

Clean your room. Eat your vegetables. Wash behind your ears. Stand up straight.

Moms give plenty of good health advice, going to great lengths to make sure you stay healthy. Yet, even with years of training, admonition, and prayer, toxic chemicals trespass on our homes and undermine our mothers' best efforts to keep our families healthy. Everyday products such as cleaning supplies, toys, food packaging, and furniture contain toxic chemicals that get into our bodies. In fact, despite pregnant mothers' best efforts to abstain from potentially harmful foods, drinks, and activities, we know toxic chemicals trespass on 99% of mothers' wombs and breast milk. These chemicals are linked to an array of health problems, including pre-term delivery, miscarriage, birth defects, developmental disabilities, predisposition to diabetes, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and breast cancer.

Honor Thy Mother. Please call your senators Thursday, May 5 or Friday, May 6 and ask for comprehensive chemical policy reform that upholds our mothers' efforts to keep our families healthy. Visit the National Council of Churches' (NCC) Eco-Justice Programs' website for a call-in script and additional information.
Middle East Spotlight
Seeking Justice, Partnering for Peace, Cultivating Community

You are powerful for the Spirit dwells within. And yet, perhaps like the Prophet Elijah, you feel alone in the work of peace and justice. This gathering is about connecting with others full of Spirit.

Or, perhaps, you are inspired by the power of people's peaceful movements in Egypt recently. You wonder what could be achieved if you partnered with others who share your vision of seeking God's justice by nonviolent means.

Come to explore possibilities for radical transformation in the world through four focus areas: criminal justice, immigration, food justice, and Israel/Palestine conflict transformation.

Come discover ways to partner for peace and cultivate community beyond the gathering and participate in an intentionally diverse group in a creative and welcoming format that explores the nonviolent pursuit of justice in the Christian tradition.

This gathering is sponsored by the Luke 6 Project and will be held at the Stony Point Conference Center in New York from Sunday, June 12 through Wednesday, June 15. To register, call 845-786-5674 or visit
Progressive Ponderings

Unprecedented Endorsement by African American UMC Scholars and Clergy Urging Ordination of Homosexual Clergy

Media Contact: Dr. Pamela R. Lightsey,

From a statement released on April 19, 2011:

"On January 31, 2011 thirty-six retired bishops of the United Methodist Church released A Statement of Counsel to the Church calling for the removal of ¶ 304.3 from The Book of Discipline (2008). Their statement is particularly directed at this paragraph because it serves as part of current UMC polity that prohibits ordination, certification as candidates, or appointments to serve in ministry of 'self-avowed practicing homosexuals.'

"On February 25, 2011 at its 44th Annual Meeting, Black Methodists for Church Renewal (BMCR) voted to endorse our retired bishops' statement.

"As committed citizens of God's beloved kingdom, we, the undersigned Black clergy and scholars of The United Methodist Church also endorse the bishops' statement and applaud the action taken by our colleagues of BMCR. The action is an expression of the original intent of BMCR to be a renewing agent within and beyond the United Methodist Church, not just on matters of race, but on justice issues beyond race. The current critical discussion within our church on matters related to sexual identity is the issue beyond race that BMCR should, and is now addressing in a manner consistent with its historic advocacy for civil rights in the midst of unrestrained horrific discrimination."

Read the full statement here.

People of color wishing to sign on to the statement may do so on Dr. Lightsey's blog.

Sing a New Song
Early Bird Rate Ends May 1.
Register TODAY for Sing a New Song!

Now is your last chance to get the best deal on attending this summer's Sing a New Song event at the Sawmill Creek Resort in Huron, OH. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with progressive Methodists striving for justice and inclusion in the UMC. Register online at Registrations can be edited later should rooming and meal preferences change, but it's important to reserve your spot and lock in the lowest possible registration rate by May 1.
Sparks: OnFire in action
April 29: Absolute Last Chance to
Register for UM Student Forum

Join United Methodist college students from around the country May 26-29, 2011 at the University of Evansville in Evansville, Indiana for exciting worship, inspiring preachers, legislation development and relevant workshops. Late registrations are being accepted between April 23 and April 29, but will incur a $25 late registration fee in addition to the $75 registration fee. All registrations must be submitted by April 29 (midnight CST). For more information, visit the event website.
Who is OnFire? We are United Methodist young adults reclaiming our Wesleyan heritage of spiritual and social transformation. We are empowering young adults to impact our church and our world. OnFire organizes as the young adult chapter of MFSA. Check out our blog at: If you are interested in contributing to the OnFire blog, please contact Shannon Sullivan.
Social Media Corner

MFSA's on Twitter

MFSA is now on Twitter. Visit to "follow," and join the conversation by using the hashtag #whyMFSA.

1,000 Facebook likes by Sing a New Song

Help us meet our goal of getting 1000 likes on Facebook before Sing a New Song (August 25-28, 2011). Share our page with your Facebook friends and grow the movement!

Want to make the conversation PERSONAL? Host a Connecting Voices meet-up in your area, and don't forget to tell us about it!

MFSA 2011 Dinner May 31, 2011

Nebraska Chapter MFSA Annual Dinner

Tuesday, May 31st
6pm gathering, concluding by 8pm
Trinity United Methodist Church
7130 Kentwell Lane
Lincoln, NE 68516
(Come check out their new space!)

Donald E. Messer, Executive Director for the Center for the Church and Global AIDS, speaker
Schlosser Award presentation
Creech Scholarship presentation
Introduction of candidates for General and Jurisdictional Conference
Delicious dinner

Print the forms below
and follow mailing instructions.






I'd like _________ tickets at $15 each

I'd like _________ student tickets at $10 each

I'd like _________ free retired clergy tickets

I'd like to donate_________ for retired clergy ticket

Total enclosed $__________

Please RSVP to ensure an accurate count.
Mail RSVPs and checks to:
Susan Davies, 1026 Jackson St., Omaha NE 68102


...where progressive United Methodists connect faith to action

YES! I want to be a part of this movement and will make a membership gift as follows:
___ $500 Stellar Membership Gift
___ $200 Spirited Membership Gift
___ $150 Supporting Membership Gift
___ $100 Sustaining Membership Gift
___ $ 60 Subscribing Membership Gift
___ $ Set your own membership gift amount
___ I am unable to give to MFSA financially at
this time but would like to be a member.

Membership in MFSA is not predicated on ability to pay.
Any membership gift is gratefully accepted.

Send a check payable to MFSA


Mail Renewal form and checks to:
Susan Davies, 1026 Jackson St., Omaha NE 68102

NE Statewide Reconciling Network : Adam's Gift, memoir by Jimmy Creech, hear interiview on NE NPR today, Great DATES

Dear Reconciling Friends in NE and beyond:
Another Year of Great Spiritual Awakening!

Here is the LINK for the NPR Radio interview with Jimmy Creech this morning! .. His new book ADAM'S Gift is out now through Duke U Press through amazon and other online sources. The NE MFSA Scholarship in Jimmy's name will be given at the NE MFSA Dinner May 31 in Lincoln .. you do not have to be a member of NE MFSA to attend (see below)

Read about Jimmy's spiritual and justice journey in this book or find other inclusive and awakening books for a book group with friends this summer -- Telling our stories! Remember to : 1) Give to RMN for the many ministries and 2) become a Reconciling United Methodist in a group by signing the card and plegde -- or by going online :

Support for Resolutions, Petitions : Be watching for the Annual Conference Workbook that will be coming out in May that will have Petitions for General Conference on Inclusiveness -- and Resolutions for our Annual Conference on UM Global AIDS fund, being fully inclusive as a UMC!

Note for Support: Rev Dave McCreary has gathered signatures on a Resolution to have all of our churches study the retired bishops' statement of counsel to the church regarding eliminating references to homosexuality in the Discipline. I hope you can get the word out to support it at the AC. Thanks Dave!

SUMMER EMAIL OFFERING IS COMING IN MAY! Support our NEBRASKA STATEWIDE RECONCILING NETWORK and our yearly commitment to RMN for their many ministries! We are an Email group and an official Reconciling community or an EMAIL CHURCH of sorts! All the persons who send out email are volunteers and doing this on their own time and their own computers! Be sure to thank them for keeping our email lists up to date, sending out email and info as a faith commitment! To give to Summer Email offering : send checks made to RMN and then mail them to Maureen Vetter, 4422 Drake Lane, Grand Island, NE 68801 .. i will record the gifts and send them in entirety to RMN.. we have no bank account and we do all of our statewide email work with no budget or memberships per se.. just folks who care! thanks! Our May 11 Birthday fundraiser lunches will be our kickoff for SUMMER Email offering!

May 5 : Mayors Prayer Breakfast Lincoln : Celebrate Diversity: contact Donna Lightbody or Christ UMC Lincoln for info
May 11, Wed, 12:15 PM noon: BIRTHDAY PARTY FUNDRAISER LUNCH : The Egg and I, Clocktower Plaza, corner of 70th and A Street, Lincoln : TWO MISSION causes this year: rather than giving cards and gifts to friends during the year for birthdays -- bring a calendar to record birthdays of friends and your gifts for causes! You can do this too - support your local group, NE Statewide Reconciling Network Summer Email Offering by giving to RMN through our NE group -- and UM Global AIDS fund! *

May 14, 15: CHANGE THE WORLD Sunday and Weekend in the UMC! Do Actions to Change the world! Purchase the book by Mike Slaughter : Change the World -- through Cokesbury Publishing, go online for info! Do a book study!

May 31 : Tuesday, NE MFSA Dinner at the new Trinity UMC, Lincoln, 6 PM :
Dr Don Messer Speaking: "Stigma, Human Rights and the Battle Against AIDS" - also Learn more about General Conference 2012, resolutions, petitions, and candidates, other social justice issues, Jimmy Creech Profile of Justice Scholarship will be given for the 12th year
Come be inspired to do more social justice and missions outreach! Tell your friends.. you do not have to be an MFSA member to attend!

For tickets contact Susan Davies Omaha, Steve Griffith Lincoln or request the E news from MFSA by writing Stephanie Ahlschwede: or More info coming after Easter!

MFSA is over 100 years old doing social justice as a caucus group in the UMC! Go online to read about Methodist Federation for Social Action: MFSA and RMN are working together for the CONVO SING A NEW SONG this summer! Go to: for the latest FLASHNET on the upcoming trial in June of Amy DeLong!
Send prayers!

June 1 - 4, 2011 : NE UM Annual Conference, St Marks UMC Lincoln, 84th street south:
We will have 2 INFO tables, VOLUNTEERS needed at TWO tables :
1) Reconciling table contact Betty @ &
2) UM global AIDS fund table June 1 - 3 noon :
June 3, 8:30 AM Worship, Special Offering for UM Global AIDS fund, St Marks UMC, Lincoln

Make checks for the Special offering June 3: to Conf Treas - in the memo put :
NE Advance # 578, Global AIDS so that 25% stay in NE for local AIDS projects!

* TWO MISSION and JUSTICE Causes for the Birthday Lunch Fundraiser May 11 in Lincoln at the Egg and I, 12:15 PM:

1) Summer Email offering for RMN as our yearly commitment for NE Statewide Reconciling Network (we are an official reconciling community through RMN) or our facebook for groups!

2) UM Global AIDS fund: the new 20/20 Campaign to give $20 as often as you can to eliminate HIV AIDS by 2020! Info about Don Messer coming May 31 for MFSA dinner in Lincoln too! Our other challenge is $1 per member each year (2006) go to our new URL: or
(Checks to: RMN -- for Summer Email offering for NE Statewide - for UM Global AIDS: give to your local church in the check with NE Advance #578 Global AIDS in the memo area, make sure your local churches sends it to the Conf Treas in Lincoln so that 25 % stays in NE for local aids projects in NE or write the check to Conf Treas and we can send directly )


Pride events this summer: Omaha Pride or Heartland Pride: June 25 is the parade, deadline to register June 15. Events scheduled for about a week around the June 25 date: for details. The festival to 10th and Pacific for this year's event, halfway between Soul Desires and the Blue Flamingo, and just a few blocks from Dietz Memorial UMC.


The Lincoln pride (Star City PRIDE) is always in July. This year here is the schedule:

Saturday, July 9 @ 9 pm Mr & Ms Star City PRIDE 2011 Pageant

Thursday, July 14 Comedy Kick-off @ Club Blue featureing Lyp Schtick (a comedy improve troop - depends are recommended)

Friday, July 15 Street Dance @ 18th & N (outside The Panic) with Alexandra St. James as the guest MC, Kristie Stremel doing an accoustic set and Boss Philly rocking the block down. Food vendors and beer garden will be open from 6 - midnight.

Saturday, July 16 Pride Festival @ 18th & N (outside The Panic) speakers/vendors/ performers starting at 2 pm and going through mid-night. Evening headliners = Alexandra St. James as the guest MC, Kristie Stremel and the 159ers, DJ Spence Love

Sunday, July 17 Post Pride Party @ The Q

Do Rainbows of HOPE in your local churches with art shows, children's rainbows, make ribbons, stoles, find pins and leis to wear or take to the Reconciling table at Annual Conference! God's promise of HOPE came through the Rainbow in the sky after the rain!

Perhaps the rain is God's tears and God is crying with us -- and then come the Rainbows of hope and the flowers -- God is crying with us as a country comes from : the book, "No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency" series, Morality for Beautiful girls, by Alexander McCall Smith p 209. for Reconciling news and info, sign up today for Flashnet, etc SING A NEW SONG is coming! for info on Church Within a Church Movement in the UMC! for our new NE blog for NE statewide! we are an official Reconciling community as a statewide network.. support this work with our SUMMER Email offering starting in May!
Facebook groups: Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network Maureen and Wendy, NE RMN contacts

MFSA Newsletter 4/25/11


Why are you involved? Share your story -- 1 year from General Conference

We are now less than a year away from the opening of the 2012 United Methodist General Conference in Tampa, FL. During the dates of General Conference one year out (April 25-May 4), MFSA is encouraging its members and friends to share reflections on their involvement with the Methodist Federation for Social Action. Each day, beginning today, we'll feature one or two blogs from MFSA members and friends writing about their experiences, and we're asking everyone to join in. If you have a blog, you can write a post and share it with us on Facebook and Twitter. We have a brand new MFSA Twitter account as well as a hashtag (#whyMFSA), so if brevity is your thing, join the conversation there.

Our first blog comes from Rev. Becca Clark, elder in the New England Conference. To see subsequent blogs, visit (We will not be sending daily emails.)

Inspiration and Hope: Why I'm a part of MFSA

I am part of the Methodist Federation for Social Action because it both inspires me and gives me hope. For me, MFSA lifts up the greatest strengths and addresses the greatest areas of weakness in my denomination. One of the biggest things that drew me to The United Methodist Church as a college student was the denomination's commitment to mission work that equips and empowers, and never uses assistance as a bait-and-switch conversion tool. Read more on the MFSA blog.

Under one week left for early bird registrations!

Get the best deal when you register by May 1

Early bird registration ends May 1st for Sing a New Song, a gathering of Methodist progressives from August 25-28 in Huron, Ohio. You won't want to miss this powerful opportunity to worship, learn, connect and organize with members and friends of the Reconciling Ministries Network and MFSA. Visit to fill out your online registration form today. Paper forms are also available, but electronic registration is preferred. See you there!

NE Statewide Reconciling Network : Short email : (shock) lots of dates, info! Spiritual Awakenings: roll our stones away!

Reconciling United Methodists of NE and friends --

What an anxious world we live in! In our town -- yesterday youth were shooting at each other on Eddy Street!
It was on the front page of the paper today in Grand Island! We need less guns in our world -- and more compassion!
We need more reaching out to each other to find our commonalties and not our differences --- I guess it starts with ME!

We do need God's calming spirit for Good Friday events today and remembering the Last Supper and Passion story -- so that we can take in the new life that is coming to all of us through the Easter Sunday story and narrative...

We give thanks for the LOVE of the Creator in our lives with the powerful stories and new life resurrection for ALL GOD'S CHILDREN!

Here is the short form of events: Contact folks for more info- seek spiritual awakenings OR they might be in front of you:

April 29 ; STAND UP AGAINST RACISM Day, support YWCA's nationwide and google or call to find events in your city!
Grand Island: Grace Abbott Park, 6 PM, ice cream & events for families, many other sites all day!
April 29 - 30: Cather Conference, Red Cloud NE Honor GLBTQA writers, authors, artists!
April 30 : 12:30 PM, Open Hearts Reconciling Community, Grand Island, NE : Ken Bassett's place, pulled goat sandwiches by ken -- we bring the rest of the food! RSVP this week!
May 5 : Mayors Prayer Breakfast Lincoln : Celebrate Diversity: contact Donna Lightbody or Christ UMC Lincoln for info

The Egg and I, Clocktower Plaza, corner of 70th and A Street, Lincoln :
DOUBLE HEADER with TWO MISSION causes this year:
GIVE to 2 causes rather than giving cards and gifts to friends during the year for birthdays --
bring a calendar to record birthdays of friends and your gifts for causes!
Try doing this in your town with friends to support your local group, NE Statewide Reconciling Network Summer Email Offering by giving to RMN through our NE group -- and UM Global AIDS fund!

TWO MISSION and JUSTICE Causes for the Birthday Lunch Fundraiser in Lincoln or do one in your town:
1) Summer Email offering for RMN as our yearly commitment for NE Statewide Reconciling Network (we are an official reconciling community through RMN) and
2) UM Global AIDS fund: the new 20/20 Campaign to give $20 as often as you can to eliminate HIV AIDS by 2020! Info about Don Messer coming May 31 for MFSA dinner in Lincoln too! Our other challenge is $1 per member each year (2006)
(Checks to: RMN -- for Summer Email offering for NE Statewide - for UM Global AIDS: give to your local church in the check with NE Advance #578 Global AIDS in the memo area, make sure your local churches sends it to the Conf Treas in Lincoln so that 25 % stays in NE for local aids projects in NE or write the check to Conf Treas and we can send directly )

May 14, 15: CHANGE THE WORLD Sunday and Weekend in the UMC! Do Actions to Change the world! Purchase the book by Mike Slaughter : Change the World -- through Cokesbury Publishing, go online for info! Do a book study!

May 31 : Tuesday, NE MFSA Dinner at the new Trinity UMC, Lincoln, 6 PM, Dr Don Messer Speaking: "Stigma, Human Rights and the Battle Against AIDS" - Learn more about General Conference 2012, resolutions, petitions, and candidates, other social justice issues, Jimmy Creech Profile of Justice Scholarship will be given for the 12th year
Come be inspired to do more social justice and missions outreach! Tell your friends.. you do not have to be an MFSA member to attend!

For tickets contact MFSA folks in leadership : Steve Griffith, Lincoln Saint Paul UMC; Stephanie Ahlschwede Omaha - more info coming after Easter!

MFSA is over 100 years old doing social justice as a caucus group in the UMC! Go online to read about Methodist Federation for Social Action: MFSA and RMN are working together for the CONVO SING A NEW SONG this summer! Go to: for the latest FLASHNET on the upcoming trial in June of Amy DeLong!
Send prayers!

June 1 - 4 : NE UM Annual Conference, St Marks UMC Lincoln, 84th street south
June 3, 8:30 AM Worship, Special Offering for UM Global AIDS fund, St Marks UMC, Lincoln

We need help at TWO INFO Tables this year: 1) June 1 - 3 UM Global AIDS Fund : Contact Maureen: or Bill : and 2) the Reconciling Table: Betty We would love to have 2 people during half day shifts at BOTH INFO tables.. let us know!

June 1 - 4: Reconciling Table for RMN in NE : contact Betty Dorr to help volunteer:
Betty has been doing this 20 years with friends and she would love to have help!

Bring AIDS Ribbons to Annual Conference to give out at the HIV AIDS Info Table AND/ OR Rainbow ribbons, stoles, pins for the Reconciling table!

Do Rainbows of HOPE at your local church this SPRING: through banners, art shows, children drawing rainbows and displaying, Rainbow sunday, giving out rainbow ribbons, Rainbow movie night, Rainbow lunch, coffee, tea party, Rainbow bake sale, Info on Reconciling and Sacred Stories, Rainbow stories or Awakening stories in a booklet to give away @ your local church or do book studies, or a Rainbow BBQ! Collaborate with other groups!

Pride Events in Lincoln (June) and Omaha (July) this summer & AIDS Walks at Sept 18 across NE next fall!

Remember that Jimmy Creech's new book is just out! Adam's Gift A memoir.. Find it on Amazon through Duke U press and do a book study this summer.. other great books and resources at and Church Within a Church:

Remember to promote all these events at your church and register for SING A NEW SONG the CONVO organized by MFSA and RMN this summer! Get posters and info at Sign up to be an RUM today online!

Join our Group Facebook today: Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network
Our new blog:
Maureen Vetter & Wendy Smith, NE Statewide Reconciling Network Contacts

NE Statewide Reconciling Network: Awakenings: Welcome the Stranger Breakfast, Volunteers, Birthday lunches, books, dates!

NE Statewide Reconciling friends: Spiritual Awakenings are all around us! Enjoy the Beauty and Wonder of Spring!

Get together with friends and make new friends.. Reconciling goes on the ROAD:

May 5 Mayor's Interfaith Prayer Breakfast Lincoln SEE INFO BELOW ------ Encourage Diversity and story telling!

May 11 : 12:15 PM, Birthday fundraiser Lunch Meetup : The EGG and I Restaurant in Lincoln, Clocktower Mall (70th and A Street) : Birthday Fundraiser Lunch for NE Statewide Reconciling Network, jumpstarting the Summer Email offering at THE EGG AND I with friend over lunch! Instead of giving gifts and cards, give to RMN and go to lunch with friends! Bring your calendar to write down birthdays -- enjoy lunch and friendship!

May 31 : NE MFSA Dinner, Lincoln : info coming - special guest Dr Don Messer, Chair of UM Global AIDS fund and author of 15 books, former President of Iliff Seminary, Denver -- Director of the Center for Church and Global AIDS, Denver too! MFSA : METHODIST FEDERATION FOR SOCIAL ACTION founded over 100 years ago nationwide! Tell friends! UM Global AIDS fund and task force in NE in NE:

Website for the Center for the Church and Global AIDS, Denver co:

June 1 - 4, Lincoln Annual Conference, ST Marks UMC : Volunteers needed for the Reconciling INFO Table, contact betty : , bring rainbow things and info to share locally & UM Global AIDS fund INFO table : Contact maureen or Bill with Don Messer coming May 31 & Special offerings will be taken for UM Global AIDS fund on Friday morning, june 3 at the morning worship service!

If you want to do a Birthday Fundraiser Lunch during Annual Conference and raise money for NE Statewide Reconciling Network Summer Email offering, just let us know! and

Summer : PRIDE Events in Lincoln and Omaha and SING A NEW SONG Event is coming in Aug : early bird special is coming soon for registration : and For Progressive and inclusive United Methodists to gather to reach out!

Jimmy Creech's new book : "ADAMS GIFT a memoir.... " is out now through Duke U press.. see Jimmy's FACEBOOK to get more info on his upcoming speaking engagements and events telling his story. Other books and resources are available through and go to Church Within a church as well for books, new awakenings:

Create a RAINBOW CRATE with books and movies for your local church or support group, friends, Sunday school class! Do Rainbows of HOPE through art shows, children's art, rainbow tables, bake sales, lunches, meetups, movies, suitcase or basket with pins, stoles, ribbons and more! Do Rainbow service projects -- missions and outreach! Collaborate with PFLAG groups, other faiths and NAP in your area

Mayor’s Interfaith Prayer Breakfast, Lincoln, NE :

“Welcome the Stranger” is the theme of the Thursday, May 5, Mayor’s

Interfaith Prayer Breakfast. The October 10, 2010, Parade section of the Sunday

paper featured several Lincoln Mideast refugee families and referred to Lincoln’s

designation as “refugee friendly” by the U.S. State Department in the 1970’s.

Do our cities, towns, communities and state continue to be "refugee friendly"?

The featured speaker will be Amir Azimi, a native of Iran who received his

college degrees from UNL and has been involved with diversity and crosscultural

communication training since 1982. Mr. Azimi is currently the

Administrator of Support Services for the Nebraska Department of Health and

Human Services. His message is “Everyone Has a Story, and This is Mine.”

Tickets to this event can be purchased in the church office for $20 per person.

The 7:30 a.m. breakfast will be at the Embassy Suites, with doors opening at

7:00 a.m. For more information, please call the office, or Donna Lightbody at

(402) 435-3662.


Group FACEBOOK: for Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network - Grow the number of friends!

Become a Reconciling United Methodist Today: go to and go to SIGN UP!

Tell your stories as you are Called to Witness through stories - Believe out LOUD, Take Reconciling on the Road and do lunches, meetups, plan ways for reaching out to others....

Create SAFE PLACES and SUPPORT Groups for GLBT's and allies as reconciling communities and book groups, coffee groups, mission groups, outreach groups -- as we discover another GREAT YEAR of SPIRITUAL AWAKENINGS! Seek out spiritual partners and persons different from us this Holy Week coming!

April news; volunteer to help at a table at AC in June

NE Statewide Reconciling Network and friends:

Awaken our spirits to new life through our Creator's love for us, to reaching out to others and working for justice -- through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit working in our lives and the larger faith and marginalized communities around us! Change the World!

Dr Don Messer, Chair of UM Global AIDS fund will be the speaker at the NE MFSA dinner, May 31 on Tuesday night.. more info will be coming and spread the word!

Let's GROW THE GROUPS on Facebook (group FB by searching Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network) and our new blog -- and in our local churches and communities in person!

See the new URL for our NE UM global aids task force in NE: go to it and check it out! Or for the um global aids fund!

We have 300 + Reconciling United Methodists in NE and we need to get to 400 by General Conference in April and May 2012!

To become an RUM go to: today! Awaken your spirit, believe out loud, be called to witness and tell your stories -- give to RMN at events and take to the road for events! Reconciling on the Road this year and every year!

Have a get together of Reconciling folks in your town or area .. go to an event together, have a coffee or lunch meetup, birthday party fundraiser for RMN for our NE Statewide Summer email offering --

Take reconciling on the road, do a pulled pork event or BBQ get together, AIDS benefit concert, Baskets of LOVE silent auction for UM global AIDS fund, Get Active for HIV AIDS this summer or read Jimmy Creech's new book / memoir and share : ADAMS's GIFT from DUKE U press! Go to Jimmy creech's Facebook page for info!

Invite others to : Check out our group facebook : Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network -- and our new blog for upcoming events in NE: Go to : for info on Sing a new SONG convo coming! Go to Church Within a Church for info

We could use volunteers to help at NE Annual Conference in Lincoln: two inclusive INFO tables June 1 - 4, Lincoln at St marks, UMC on south 84th:

1) to volunteer at the HIV AIDs Table for UM Global AIDS fund contact Maureen @ or Bill at we have one person for wed already!

WE hope to sign up more AIDS ambassadors on the Clipboard at the table! If you sign up you will receive an HIV AIDS toolkit on DVD (till supplies last) or you can download it : go to and find it to download today! The HIV AIDS TOOLKIT is full of TONS of resources for AIDS ambassadors and local churches! As an AIDS ambasador you: promote the offering Dec 4, give yourself, pray! (you can do more if you wish!) LIGHTEN THE BURDEN IV Conference will be April 23 ahead of Geneal Conference in Tampa, Florida

2) Reconciling Ministry Network Table : contact Betty Dorr : if you have info or rainbows for the table - so folks can wear rainbow ribbons, stoles. rainbow ribbon crosses, or Rainbow scarves! Bring them to the table! RMN lapel pins are $2 through RMN offices, chicago!


Get involved today and create a Rainbow Basket, suitcase, or table at faith events! Some churches are doing Rainbows of HOPE art shows and more! Create rainbow banners! Symbols speak to us and let us know about safe places!

Maureen Vetter and Wendy Smith, ,
State Reconciling contacts along with 300 + RUM's (Reconciling United methodists in NE, PRN (parents reconciling network) folks and local contacts, Main email contacts!