Thursday, May 26, 2011

RUM Summer update

Reconciling United Methodists of NE, Friends: Another year of great awakenings!

THIS IS YOUR SUMMER NEWS & DATES : SAVE IT and Send it on to friends! Thanks to those helping with summer emailing~

We have over 300 RUM's in NE! Let's make it 400 friends by growing the circle!
Join us at the RMN table in June or go to the website: :
Go to JOIN US! Cards are available too by calling RMN offices - that you can send in to join! RMN has no membership fee : just a desire for a fully inclusive UMC and commitment to that goal!

Thanks to the WEST Email Contacts: We have FOUR Reconciling Communities in NE and One Reconciling Congregation at Omaha First UMC (thanks omaha),

We are happy to announce New Main Email contacts in the WEST with Robert Wheeler as the new Main Contact and Jo Macintosh assisting (thanks to Margaret Engle for volunteering the past few years - and best wishes moving EAST!

Other WAY WEST Local contacts we are featuring this time: Carolyn Dickinson, Scottsbluff; Mary Ellen Kilmer Harrison, NE and Connie Hansen, Anselmo, Broken Bow area! Thanks to all the emailers and local contacts who lend support to others, listen, get together -- and help us get out reconciling info thru email!

Carolyn Reports -- Way out WEST:
Check out for the latest update on the More Light Presbyterian website. Click on the vote updates near the top sort of right middle.

Presently 94 presbyteries have approved the wording, which so far is 7 more than required. Another 10 presbyteries to go.

By Carolyn Dickinson, Way West
Summer is here! Schools are ending and summer plans are being made!

Try Getting Active 4 AIDS for the UM Global AIDS fund this summer : see attach
We now have 50 AIDS Ambassadors in NE : to become one :
To take ACTION on Inclusive statements go to :

Here are Upcoming Happenings and Ways to Renew your Spirit, offer support this summer to friends:

Update -- Summer Email offering 2 RMN 4 NE Statewide Reconciling Network : Giving is a way to thank volunteers who email, do the new blog, Facebook, gather folks for meetups, organize Rainbows of HOPE Art exhibists, Reconciling tables & events:

We have $95 now to STARTUP our Summer Email Offering to raise $250 for our yearly support this summer -- as an email network of friends (NE Statewide Reconciling Network) Thanks to attending the Birthday Lunch Fundraiser May 11 too!

Thanks to Donors this May / Gifts from: Cathy Denman (Maureen's Birthday), Jim and Donna Lightbody, Wendy, Eric, Brian and Jenna Smith, Maureen and Jay Vetter (everyone's birthday)

To reach our GOAL OF $250 TO RMN this summer: Write checks to RMN, send to Maureen Vetter, 4422 Drake Lane, Grand Island, NE 68801 .. she will record GIFTS and send directly to RMN Ministries in Chicago -- with Sing a NEW SONG CONVO coming IN AUGUST and Gen Conf SPRING 2012!

UPCOMING DATES: Come join us!

May 23: Noon, 313 3rd St, G Island: Thank Scott Taylor for organizing 3 HIV AIDS Benefit concerts in GI so far!

May 28: RAINBOWS OF HOPE Art Exhibit starts at Christ UMC, Great Hall, Lincoln, NE : gather an Art Exhibit locally with children's or art, fibers, quilts, stoles, paintings, drawings of all ages!

May 31: NE MFSA Dinner, 6 PM, Trinity UMC, Lincoln, speaker : Dr Don Messer, Chair of UM Global AIDS Fund, Awards, UM Global AIDS Fund info, $15 per ticket : for info - go to UM Connects : the weekly news from NE UMC Conference : see articles on Don Messer coming!

June 1 - 4: Annual Conference, St Marks UMC Lincoln: RMN Table: Betty: , HIV AIDS Table, Bill: Volunteer today! Thanks to all delegates too!

June 3, Friday morning worship 8:30 am, Annual Conference, St Marks UMC Lincoln, 84th St South : Special Offering for UM Global AIDS fund, Visitors welcome
COME TO OUR TABLES to get info and make new friends! Thanks to ALL the volunteers in may and june~

June 4: Noon, 313 3rd Street, G Island : Thank You Lunch 4 Becca and Breanne Preisendorf, Becca worked hard to start the first GSA at GISH; Breanne, leadership: Bring donations checks to GSA, GISH or cash 4 GISH GSA (Grand Island Sr High Gay Straight Alliance)

June 4, 5 : 24th Annual Danish Days, Dannebrog with Pawnee Art Center, readings, signings: Celebrate Diversity!

June 24-25 : Heartland Pride : Omaha ----- June 25 Parade: 10th and Pacific Get together! Get a table!

June 24-26 : Ethnic Festival, G Island Celebrate Diversity downtown, 3rd st area,

July 9 : Grain Place Farm Tour Day, near Marquette ,NE ( see website for info and reservations ) : Renew your health and spirit, learn about organic foods, local foods in NE; Visit FROGS this summer: the new Organic food grocery in Wolbach, NE : First Rural Organic Grocery Store (friends from Open Hearts Reconciling Community)

July 15 - 17: Lincoln Pride Event : weekend go to Website and Facebook ; Get together! Get a Table!

August : Get a Team Together for AIDS walks in NE Sept 18 ( )

Sept 19 : Welcome Alliance GSA back to Hastings College: Potluck: Hastings PFLAG, Open Hearts hosting

Oct 11 : Coming Out Day and Week : get together with friends! Lend support!

Nov : Thanksgiving Get togethers, coffee get togethers! Give thanks and share Awakening stories

Dec 1 : World AIDS Day, Special offerings, Fundraisers for UM Global AIDS fund Dec 4 in NE

BELIEVE OUT LOUD - Reconciling Goes on the Road to events in NE this summer!

Another Great year of Spiritual Awakenings through Meetups, email, events, support groups, books, writing and telling our stories!

Read Awakening books this summer or write an Awakening Story for fall to share locally in your groups -- with friends drinking coffee or tea (one page front and back that people could print ) with Sing a new Song CONVO coming in August sponsored by RMN and MFSA .. if you are going let us know! or or We know of one person attending so far!

Thanks to EVERYONE who helps through VOLUNTEERING .. our group email network would not work without lots of volunteers and lots of time, energy, home computers, in house donations and passion! Thanks everyone!

Maureen Vetter and Wendy Smith, and
NE Statewide Reonciling Network Contacts Emails and
Our group Facebook is being redone for new group Facebook formats!
PRN contacts, Local reconciling contacts,
Main Email Reconciling contacts -- recruit your children, youth and young adult contacts locally now!
We wish all GRADUATES a more fully inclusive world and faith communities -- congrats with graduations!

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