Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pictures from 9/18/2011 AIDS walk

A big thanks to everyone who came out for the NE AIDS walk!!

NE Statewide Reconciling Network : Pics needed: AIDS walks, Sing a new Song

Reconciling folks in NEBRASKA:

Sing a new Song is happening -  get info from this Convo sponsored by MFSA and RMN with blogs, photos and more :

We have 6 people going from NE to SING A NEW SONG that we know of - RUM's and MFSA folks will be gathering to Sing new Song of HOPE - folks from around the globe!

Do something to be in SPIRIT with the folks there at SING A NEW SONG : send prayers, read a book about a more inclusive world and community - go to hear music or play music, light a candle, get together with friends -   ask a friend to do the AIDS walks sept 18 in NE - get together a team from your faith group or local church!! for info on the AIDS walks in NE sept 18  :  change the world!

Take photos of your team at the AIDS walk near you in NE :  send to with names and place of the walk in NE -  or maureen at

Find ways to get together this year as RUM's to lend support, create safe places, tell stories and give offerings to RMN -  do a fundraiser to give our monetary support to RMN each year

Keep track of SING A NEW SONG happening soon -  online - through and MFSA, Methodist Federation for Social action over 100 years old  -  Maureen and Wendy

NE Statewide Reconciling Network : News from KS folks : Sing a New Song, Celebrate Summer Email offerings!

Great news below from Ken and Jeanette Grenz, good friends from college, seminary and beyond -  they are at Sing a New Song CONVO in Ohio from KS East Conference -  we are sharing their news and info BELOW -  they give a website to learn what is happening there!  
Send prayers to folks from NE and KS, all around the world at Sing a New Song Convo -   those from NE : Bob and Betty Dorr, Branden, Zach Anderson, Susan and David Davies!~
Also CELEBRATE the Summer Email offerings for this year -  we made our $250 goal and a bit more with $260 sent to RMN this summer -  THANKS EVERYONE! 
Have a Birthday Party Fundraiser lunch this year or next spring or just have a house party --  and give gifts to our NE Statewide Reconciling Network of friends rather than giving gifts and cards to your friends -  very easy and it honors your friends as we do our yearly giving to RMN!  Give gifts of love to RMN through our NE Statewide Reconciling Network to honor our network of friends, volunteers who do email and everyone as we grow the circle of friends!  
See list of the DONORS for our Summer Email offering at the END OF THIS EMAIL -  the gifts are sent for this summer and Please help us out next spring/ summer!   Have a dinner or think of ways to support local reconciing groups in NE as all of our gifts go directly to RMN ministries. 
Maureen and Wendy, NE statewide contacts, PRN contacts, local contacts, Main Email contacts --  recruit youth and young adults in your local support groups -  

Ken and I are in Huron, Ohio, at the Sing a New Song Convocation which is sponsored by Reconciling Ministries Network, Affirmation, and Methodist Federation for Social Action.  We have heard great sermons, sung inspiring music, been challenged in informative workshops, and connected with new and old friends.  If you go to
you can read summaries and blogs written by attendees and I think videos of some of the plenaries will be posted at some point.  The welcoming letter from Bishop Bruce Ough, the sermon by Amy DeLong, and the keynote address by Bishop Sprague were highlights for me.

Jeanette Grenz

The mission of Wide Is God’s Welcome - KC is to strengthen the Body of Christ through the full inclusion in the United Methodist Church of persons who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.
This mission will be fulfilled as we unite Kansas City area United Methodists for education, advocacy, and empowerment.

Our Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network is an official Reconciling community for nearly six years now and RUMOLA is 14 years old this summer -  starting summer of l997 at Cornerstone at a potluck, AWE at Christ UMC, Lincoln is about six years old, Omaha First umc is a Reconciling congregation for 11 years and Open Hearts, Grand Island is five years old this Nov! We have FIVE official Reconciling Communities in NE!  Support then and start new coffee groups, book groups, food groups, garden groups, movie groups, SS Classes, choirs that could become Reconciling communities!

Thanks to our SUMMER EMAIL OFFERING DONORS FOR 2011 for NE Statewide Reconciling Network's yearly commitment to RMN of $250 or more! 
$260 was given to RMN this SUMMER as our yearly commitment from friends in the faith --  with deepest thanks:  
In honor of all who visited the Reconciling Table at Annual Conference by Bob and Betty Dorr & friends
In Honor of Jimmy Creech's birthday by Joan and Lloyd Byerhof
In Honor of birthdays of friends by Wendy, Eric, Brian and Jenna Smith
In Honor of birthdays of Friends by Donna and Jim Lightbody
In Honor of birthdays of Friends by Maureen and Jay Vetter : Donna Lightbody, Liz Bady, Cathy Denman, Wendy Smith, and Bill Black
In Honor of Maureen Vetter's birthday by Cathy Denman
In Honor of Friends by Loren and Iola Mullins
In Memory of Garnett Bond by Jay and Maureen Vetter
Thanks everyone for Another year of GREAT spiritual AWAKENINGS!    Be thinking of stories that can be written, shared and told for this next year in your local groups :  Awakening stories, Sacred Stories, Coming Out Stories!
AIDS Walks are Sept 18 in six cities in NE -  get a team together, take pics and send them to us!
Coming Out Day Events are coming to NE : Oct 11 is Coming out Day -  be watching for more info or plan an event with friends or faith communities to come out of our bondage or from hiding things in our lives -   Get the book "Coming Out as Sacrament" by Chris Glaser -  look for ways to COME OUT in our spiritual lives!

Flashnet 9/15/2011

NE Statewide Reconciling Network: Sad news from NAP: Waiting Lists Oct 15, Actions / Good news : see AIDS walks article below, pics, links, 2011 HIV AIDS story : UMconnect 09/21/11

Reconciling United Methodists and Friends :    ANOTHER GREAT YEAR OF SPIRITUAL AWAKENINGS -  Coming Out As Sacrement -  Take Reconciling on the Road  -  Believe out loud  - Called to Witness

Please send this on to friends, pastors, church staff, parish nurses, health professionals, missions persons, education persons, caring persons in your local churches!

On the heels of the HAPPY news on the heels of the AIDS walks in NE  --  raising $20,000 Statewide with the help of folks like you and me -
we rec'd the SAD news yesterday from Andrew Brackett of Kearney NAP and Jordan Delmundo of NAP / NE AIDS project in Omaha below. 

Sadly we need to let you know that there will be a Waiting list again for the Drug Assistance of clients with HIV AIDS in NE (we were hoping this would not happen again)

I will send out Andrew's note and attachment separately through Open Hearts News - send prayers and make a faith resposne to this Waiting List coming Oct 15.

See Jordans link in his note -  the HIV AIDS Action notice.

Also see the GREAT article in UM connect yesterday (below on a link) about the AIDS walks in NE 2011 with photo, 2011 HIV AIDS story by Andrew Brackett, link to our GRANT for local churches and UM groups and more !

THINGS WE CAN DO / actions, faith responses to the Waiting list starting oct 15 in NE :   see Jordan's short note below

1) Contact your neareset NAP center and get info for your faith community / church -

2) Become an AIDS Ambassador for your local church, leadership - 
contact bill : or Andrew :

3) Apply for a GRANT-  NE UMC WORKING FOR AN AIDS FREE WORLD GRANT - in your local church: there is a New Grant available each year to local NE UMC churches and groups that are selected -

they are due NOV 1, 2011 : for the link on the GRANTS and printing them out to apply this year.

Meet with your pastor, missions group, ed committee, parish nurse, health group, HIV AIDS task force, health professionals, teachers, Sunday school class, UMW or friends:  to write a "WORKING FOR AN AIDS FREE WORLD GRANT" in your local church or group to help with the Waiting list :

Start a special fund and projects to help with the Waiting List and ongoing support for NAP centers with medical emergency funding  : 

To print the short GRANT Application forms, go to and it is due Nov 1, 2011.  See directions on the link.

The Grant funding comes from Special Offerings this fall and Dec 4 in NE UMC for UM Global AIDS Fund #578  -- 25 % of all offerings for UM Global AIDS fund are to stay in NE for local church or UM group AIDS projects  --  if the offerings are sent to Lincoln Conference Offices :  to the Conference Treas, 3333 Landmark Circle, Lincoln, NE

Contact :  Maureen Vetter : or Andrew Brackett :  andrewb@nap  in kearney about the TUMC Emergency HIV AIDS Fund and projects at Trinity UMC, G Island which gives assistance for medical emergencies of clients in Central NE through NAP Kearney -  to GIVE to the TUMC Emergency fund this fall and during the holidays:  write checks to TUMC, put TUMC Emergency HIV AIDS fund in the memo:  mail to Trinity UMC, 511 N Elm, Grand Island, NE 68801    We now have an HIV AIDS testing site through the church and other projects.

4) do a special fundraising event to assist with medications for clients on the Waiting List :  dinner, silent aucton of Basket of LOVE, have a fall offering, do a walk or run, bike-a-thon, trike-a- thon, have a benefit concert, variety show, talent show - Contact your nearest NAP center to see how your church can collaborate with NAP -  www.nap.org5

5) Contact funding sources you know, tell your friends, get to know where testing is done in your area and have a speaker come to share at your church, write a letter to the editor with an action.

6) Send prayers to persons battling HIV AID in NE and around the globe - and GIVE to the UM Global AIDS Fund through your local church : send to Lincoln Conference offices  - mark Global AIDS :  Conf Treas, 3333 Landmark Circle, Lincoln, NE

7) Learn where testings sites are in your area, learn  more about HIV AIDS, find ways to get involved :  Go to websites:  fro NE  Also:    Check out
STOP AIDS NE, Center for the Church and Global AIDS, UN AIDS and more! 

8)  Find a way to make a faith response to this Waiting List in NE!   Walk in the AIDS walk next Sept or have your own walk this fall at your church --  or do pledge sheets for GETTING ACTIVE 4 AIDS 4 an AIDS Free world!   Put out this challenge for a month or a weekend!  Make your own pledge sheet with pledges going to UM Global AIDS fund in NE -
send gifts to Lincoln Conf offices, Conf Treas for Global AIDS account #578.  

 Maureen Vetter and Bill Black, Co Chairs, UM Global AIDS Fund Task Force for NE UMC, part of Risk taking Mission and justice team of NE UMC

Hey Maureen,

I just found out that Nebraska will be instituting a waiting list to the ADAP (AIDS Drug Assistance Program) effective October 15th.  I just wanted to share this with you and with any other advocates you feel may be interested in this news.  I wrote a quick blurb about it on my policy blog here:


Please let me know if you, or anyone you know would be interested in teaming up on some advocacy on this issue.  I will be targeting our federal policy makers.

Thanks for all that you do!

Jordan Delmundo MPA, MSW
Grants and Public Policy Manager
Nebraska AIDS Project
250 S. 77th St. Suite A
Omaha, NE 68114
Below - SEE HIV AIDS WALK Article from UM Connect yesterday : Grant info, pics, 2011 HIV AIDS Story for NE UMC and friends :  from Andrew Brackett to share in local chruches this fall!

Click on the link below to read this edition of UMconnect online: