Health Fair at Old Walnut first floor across from Trinity UMC, Grand island - on the 500 block of N elm - Enter the Health Fair from the West Side of the building -
3-7 PM - it is sponsored by Trinity UMC and the health committee - If anyone takes photos at the Health Fair, send them to Susan stoppkottee at Trinity UMC :
If you can HELP MOVING TABLES FROM TUMC to Old Walnut and back - contact Trinity UMC church offices : 308-382-1952
Lots of Extraordinary events happening!
Today is the Extraordinary Ordination in Tucson, AZ at the Presbyterian church - Church Within a Church has held one other day of Extraordinary Ordinations
Go to their website as they are live streaming the service and weekend of events - We know a few people attending this event today! Send Prayers for all persons there! Read about this event on their website and the Reconciling website - Rev Troy Plummer preaches today in Tucson at St Francis of the Foothills UMC
Chris Weedy reports that Jimmy Creech's book Adam's Gift is in it's THIRD PRINTING! IT IS NOW OUT ON KINDLE for kindle lovers!
Go to Jimmny's facebook to follow him in Dallas this weekend - you can do a book review no the book websites.
Soulforce organized an event recently at Wheaton College : inviting GLBTQA alums from Wheaton College back for Homecoming.
For many it was their first time back in many years - read the story and other soulforce happenings :
Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network Visions Statement: Our vision is to create safe places for persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities in Nebraska through a statewide community ofreconciling folks centered in the love of Christ for ALL of God's Children. We hope to foster full inclusion and full participation of all gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people as we welcome, affirm and encourage them to share in all ministries in our churches.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Events and Art Shows to feed your spirit : lots of Diversity events coming!
Upcoming Diversity events in Central NE:
Support the Grand Island Multicultural Coalition and building bridges: their conference was this past week -- thanks to those who attended! Build bridges and eat at G island ethnic restaurants! Support the Pawnee Arts Center and programs in Dannebrog, NE -- support the Sudanese Sunday School we have at 1 PM each sunday at Trinity UMC, volunteers always needed
NEWS: HIV AIDS Testing two times a month at Old Walnut Nursing office : call Trinity UMC for times or get info at the Health Fair ; the new testing site is sponsored by TUMC and the HIV AIDS task force and Central Health Center;
Do You KNOW YOUR STATUS? With World AIDS Day coming Dec 1 and HIV AIDS being 30 years old this year - let's tell our friends!
Now : Art Show at Prairie Winds Art Gallery, downtown G island : ken Bassett and three other artists : Madeleine, Dorothy and Bill - three painters and one potter :
this exciting art show is only up one more week - Feed your soul and go before it comes down!
Now : Art Show at Stuhr Museum : two art clubs in G island - see art of Ken and Maureen with many others too! Reception Oct 27 at Stuhr museum, G island
Join GI art club and do monoprints at the Nov mtg: is it Nov 2 or 9? Ken teaches Oil and Acrylics painting : call Prairie winds Art gallery for info
Oct 25: Annual Health Fair at Old Walnut Nursing, Main floor, 3 - 7 Pm, if you can help carry over tables call the church offices, if you can take photos write Maureen: Thanks to our Parish Nurse and Health Committee for organizing this health fair; all screenings will be free
Oct 25 Dinner with Ziad Assad : Central NE Peaceworkers, 6:15 PM, Hunans G Island, hear a native Palestinian focus on the children, write Mena for info : or call Carolyn and Del roper
Oct 27 : Reception for Stuhr museum art show : support local artists, call Prairie Winds Art Gallery for Details for Stuhr Museum
Oct 30 and Nov 13 : Pawnee Art center speakers : see website : Contact Gale Pemberton and Peggy Lang, Dannebrog
Nov 6: Eat in the Neighborhood, meet Maureen @ Vientianne Restaurant, 12:15 PM, Cat lovers against the bomb Calendars 2012 for sale 4 Open Hearts
Nov 12 : Love Your Neighbor Event : Trinity UMC, G Island, sponsored by Reconciling Ministries Network, MFSA and Affirmation : 10 am to 2:30 PM, Miller hall, no cost, freewill offering for lunch
Dec 1 World AIDS Day: Baskets of love Silent Auction, starting nov 30 at Awaken Service, First umc, 6:30 PM, then Baskets go to Trinity UMC till Dec 11 for bidding : supports our TWO HIV AIDS AIDS funds : UM Global AIDS Fund and TUMC Emergency HIV AIDS FUND that gives assistance for Medical emergencies at NAP kearney - a WAITING LIST starts in all NAP Centers in NE on Oct 15 so the funds are needed critically ;
Give GIFTS of love for the TUMC Emergency Fund for HOLIDAY GIVING! Get your cards and envelopes at the Christmas Potluck Lunch for Open hearts in Dec or at Trnity UMC anytime!
Give Offerings the week of World AIDS Day to the UM Global AIDS fund - take the fear and stigma associated with HIV AIDS out of giving by building awareness as we reach out with gifts of love!
Dec Social gathering for Open Hearts : be watching for the Christmas Potluck Lunch either Dec 3 or 10 in the Gathering place at Trinity UMC - i will be checking at the church this week to make a reservation - and let you know the best date!
We hope we can do this on a Saturday from 11:30 to 1 PM at Trinity UMC, 511 N Elm, G Island, NE - Jay and I will bring a Christmas Lesagne and you can bring the rest - we will have drink and bring plates and silver if you can -
We will take a tour of the new remodel project at TUMC as our program - Social meeting!
The Baskets of Love Silent Auction and Gifts of love cards will be there for you to make a bid or if you want to create a basket let me knowby Nov 15 at
40 Days of Prayer now available : 40 days till World AID Day Dec 1
Here is a resource for local churchs and persons of faith - making faith responses to persons battling HIV AIDS in NE and our world! Surprise on Day 26 -
See for more info and
The 40 Days of Prayer is now available for reading and printing off the 20/20: Visioning an AIDS- Free World website. You can access it at http://2020aidsfreeworld. org/#/resources. Please share with your family, friends and fellow church goers. Thank you for contributing to this wonderful piece that can be used now leading up to World AIDS Day and any time through out the year.
Love your neighbor event GI, Nov 12 : training announcement
The Nebraska Reconciling United Methodist team will host an exciting training on
Saturday, Nov. 12, from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Trinity United Methodist Church,
511 N. Elm, in Grand Island.
The training will include information about how participants can help the
United Methodist Church become a more fully inclusive church that does not
discriminate based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
We will learn how to meet with Nebraska delegates to the 2012 General
Conference and effectively share our stories. Lunch will be provided at no charge.
A freewill offering will be taken. For more information or to RSVP, please contact
Betty Dorr at 402-333-7064 or at
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Debate on Same Sex Unions Revived: Omaha World Herald
Dear Reconciling Friends in NE and beyond:
"Debate On Same Sex Unions Revived" (article in the Omaha world herald Oct 9, 2011)
Coming Out Day is Tuesday : Oct 11
Find ways to come out in your life to heal your spiritual wounds. Let's find ways to create support groups to create safe places for everyone.
Join in events across NE with week with Jimmy Creech visiting and sharing his new book / Adam's Gift : a memoir -- Jimmy's story through Duke U Press. Various signings, readings and events will be held. See Omaha PFLAG website for Omaha events - Welcome Jimmy to NE.
Wed Oct 12 Jimmy comes to Central NE to speak at Hastings College Chapel at 10 am and 7 PM at French Chapel at a signing /reading and reception to follow with the Alliance GSA group hosting.
Let's find ways to work for equality for all persons regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity : Let's seek ways to affirm all of God's children in the UMC in our faith groups.
Reach out to those who are marginalized in our communities.
NE blog:
Facebook: Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network
RMN website : and RMN Facebook etc. Reconciling Ministries Network
Become a Reconciling United Methodist today! Go to the main website and Sign on and join with the folks wanting a fully inclusive UMC!
We are 300 strong in NE and we hope to have 400 RUM's this year with your help!
Let us know if you want to be included in our NE Statewide Reconciling Network group email:
RUM's of NE and friends :
Nov 12 : LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR is coming to NE, Trinity UMC, Grand Island, 10 am to 3 PM.
See you at Coming Out Day and Week events!
See Facebook : Jimmy Creech -- for events in NE and Omaha PFLAG website for Omaha events - Jimmy speaks at Hastings College, French Chapel at 10 am and 7 PM in Central NE Wed Oct 12!
See below for latest Church Within A Church movement email : Celebrate in Tucson this October Send your prayers, join CWAC amd RMN today! and
Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network blog:
FB: Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network
Become a Reconciling United Methodist today : go and Sign on, Join us! We want to have 400 RUM's in NE this year!
****************************** ****************************** ****************************** *
Friday – Sunday, October 21-23, 2011
St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church, Tucson, AZ
A weekend of Living Justice events culminating in the second “Ecumenical Ordination in a Methodist Tradition Minus the Closet!” |
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Open Hearts: GLBT History Month Speaker Jimmy Creech, Oct 12, 10 am, 7 pm French Mem Chapel
Thanks to Antje Anderson, Faculty at Hastings College and Sponsor for the Alliance GSA at Hastings College for the informative email BELOW with historical summary and encouragement to go hear Jimmy Creech next week on Oct 12 in Central NE at Hastings College at 10 am and 7 PM both in French Chapel - during Coming Out week! Coming Out Day is Oct 11.
Jimmy Creech will be at other events in Omaha for Coming Out Day and week that were sent out recently (or go to Omaha PFLAG newsletter online) - let's welcome him back to Nebraska in Christian love.
We hope you can go either in the morning or evening to hear him or do the reading / signing / reception at 7 PM also in French Chapel. It is on the semi circle on campus and you cannot miss it. Google Hastings college for a campus map. Your life will be enriched spiritually if you go! Take Reconciling on the Road to Hastings!
Join us in welcoming Jimmy and Chris back to NE to hear Jimmy's story of courage and witness -
peace maureen and mena, Open Hearts Reconciling Community, Grand Island, NE -we gather every other month during the school year at Trinity UMC as a support group of reconciling friends of various faith traditions.
NOTE: Nov 12 there will be a special LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR Event coming to Trinity UMC G Island from 10 am to 3 PM sponsored by RMN *Reconciling Ministry Network, MFSA (Methodist Federation for Social Action over 100 years old address important social issues of our day) and Affirmation!
Be watching for registration and details on Nov 12 - you are invited to join us for this event as well! * Open Hearts Reconciling Community is an OFFICIAL Reconciling Community along with four others in NE : AWE and RUMOLA in Lincoln, Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Community and Omaha First umc!
We have over 300 Reconciling United Methodists in NE - let's get to 400 RUM's this year! Sign up online:
You can start a reconciling group with two or three people in your area sharing your faith journeys. Contact us about ways to go through this process or to just gather folks around coffee, book study, Sunday school, choir, going green, missions or rainbow art / crafts!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Anderson, Antje" <>
To: "Faculty and Staff" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2011 6:24 AM
Subject: GLBT History Month Speaker Jimmy Creech, October 12, 10 am and 7 pm in French Memorial Chapel
One more notification on behalf of the Alliance:
Please mark your calendars for next Wednesday, October 12, when Jimmy Creech is coming to campus as our GLBT History Month speaker.
Jimmy Creech is here for Chapel service at 10 am and for a reading and book signing for his new book, Adam's Gift, at 7 pm (also in the Chapel). Many of you were here when he came about a dozen years ago to speak on campus, after having just been ousted as a pastor for uniting a lesbian couple in 1997.
The website of the organization he founded, Faith in America, provides the more detailed back story:
Creech was appointed senior pastor of First United Methodist Church in Omaha, Nebraska, in July of 1996. Charges were brought against him for violating the Order and Discipline of the United Methodist Church after he celebrated a covenant ceremony for two women in September of 1997. He was acquitted during the church trial but charges were again filed against him by the Methodist Church in 1999 after he celebrated the holy union of two men in Chapel Hill, N.C.. The jury in that trial declared Creech guilty of “disobedience to the Order and Discipline of The United Methodist Church” and withdrew his credentials of ordination.
Since the summer of 1998, Creech has traveled around the country preaching in churches and speaking on college and university campuses, as well as to various community and national gay rights organizations. He recently completed writing a book, entitled Adam’s Gift, about his experiences of the Church’s struggle to welcome and accept lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons.
Source: about-fia/board-members/jimmy- creech/
We are thrilled to have Jimmy, who comes to us from North Carolina, come for another campus visit, and hope you will attend and spread the word to your students, colleagues, and friends. Of course the events are free and open to the public.
Antje Anderson, Ph.D.
Chair, Department of Languages and Literatures
Hastings College
710 N. Turner Avenue
Hastings, NE 68901
Ph.: [001] 402 461-7351 (o)
[001] 402-831-0677 (c)
Thanks to Antje Anderson, Faculty at Hastings College and Sponsor for the Alliance GSA at Hastings College for the informative email BELOW with historical summary and encouragement to go hear Jimmy Creech next week on Oct 12 in Central NE at Hastings College at 10 am and 7 PM both in French Chapel - during Coming Out week! Coming Out Day is Oct 11.
Jimmy Creech will be at other events in Omaha for Coming Out Day and week that were sent out recently (or go to Omaha PFLAG newsletter online) - let's welcome him back to Nebraska in Christian love.
We hope you can go either in the morning or evening to hear him or do the reading / signing / reception at 7 PM also in French Chapel. It is on the semi circle on campus and you cannot miss it. Google Hastings college for a campus map. Your life will be enriched spiritually if you go! Take Reconciling on the Road to Hastings!
Join us in welcoming Jimmy and Chris back to NE to hear Jimmy's story of courage and witness -
peace maureen and mena, Open Hearts Reconciling Community, Grand Island, NE -we gather every other month during the school year at Trinity UMC as a support group of reconciling friends of various faith traditions.
NOTE: Nov 12 there will be a special LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR Event coming to Trinity UMC G Island from 10 am to 3 PM sponsored by RMN *Reconciling Ministry Network, MFSA (Methodist Federation for Social Action over 100 years old address important social issues of our day) and Affirmation!
Be watching for registration and details on Nov 12 - you are invited to join us for this event as well! * Open Hearts Reconciling Community is an OFFICIAL Reconciling Community along with four others in NE : AWE and RUMOLA in Lincoln, Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Community and Omaha First umc!
We have over 300 Reconciling United Methodists in NE - let's get to 400 RUM's this year! Sign up online:
You can start a reconciling group with two or three people in your area sharing your faith journeys. Contact us about ways to go through this process or to just gather folks around coffee, book study, Sunday school, choir, going green, missions or rainbow art / crafts!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Anderson, Antje" <>
To: "Faculty and Staff" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2011 6:24 AM
Subject: GLBT History Month Speaker Jimmy Creech, October 12, 10 am and 7 pm in French Memorial Chapel
One more notification on behalf of the Alliance:
Please mark your calendars for next Wednesday, October 12, when Jimmy Creech is coming to campus as our GLBT History Month speaker.
Jimmy Creech is here for Chapel service at 10 am and for a reading and book signing for his new book, Adam's Gift, at 7 pm (also in the Chapel). Many of you were here when he came about a dozen years ago to speak on campus, after having just been ousted as a pastor for uniting a lesbian couple in 1997.
The website of the organization he founded, Faith in America, provides the more detailed back story:
Creech was appointed senior pastor of First United Methodist Church in Omaha, Nebraska, in July of 1996. Charges were brought against him for violating the Order and Discipline of the United Methodist Church after he celebrated a covenant ceremony for two women in September of 1997. He was acquitted during the church trial but charges were again filed against him by the Methodist Church in 1999 after he celebrated the holy union of two men in Chapel Hill, N.C.. The jury in that trial declared Creech guilty of “disobedience to the Order and Discipline of The United Methodist Church” and withdrew his credentials of ordination.
Since the summer of 1998, Creech has traveled around the country preaching in churches and speaking on college and university campuses, as well as to various community and national gay rights organizations. He recently completed writing a book, entitled Adam’s Gift, about his experiences of the Church’s struggle to welcome and accept lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons.
We are thrilled to have Jimmy, who comes to us from North Carolina, come for another campus visit, and hope you will attend and spread the word to your students, colleagues, and friends. Of course the events are free and open to the public.
Antje Anderson, Ph.D.
Chair, Department of Languages and Literatures
Hastings College
710 N. Turner Avenue
Hastings, NE 68901
Ph.: [001] 402 461-7351 (o)
[001] 402-831-0677 (c)
NE Statewide Reconciling Network : Stories /National Coming Out Day Oct 11, lend your voice!
After writing your COMING OUT story for HRC (see below), print it, save it, attach it or send it to your local reconciling group in NE -- so we can start writing our SACRED STORIES again by spring in our local groups - let's start reclaiming our faith and sharing our journey stories!
Create a Coming Out stories or Sacred Stories booklet in your local group / send stories on to HRC for Coming out day -
We all come out about various things in our lives - so let's get writing this fall and winter again -
See the book by Chris Glaser for a study "Coming out as Sacrament."
See Jimmy Creech's new book: coming out with his story : Adam's gift : a memoir by Duke U press - also Bishop Gene Robinson's book THE EYE OF THE STORM and Mel White's book STRANGER AT THE GATE - all are coming out stories!
We are having : Another Great Spiritual Awakening through the stories we share, write and tell - talk about sharing stories / writing stories in your faith local groups and find a way to post them on a blog, a website - post them on the NE statewide Reconciling network blog - post stories on our FB page -
Print them out as one page stories for a local SACRED STORIES booklet to share with others in your congregation and families, friends - or create a Coming Out Stories booklet or Awakenings booklet -
Sharing our stories promotes awareness and starts healing the deep spiritual wounds -
thanks everyone for sharing stories to promote healing, dialogue and truthtelling!
Write us if you have a stories project going in your area of NE - thanks!
maureen and wendy and NE contacts for RMN
FB : Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network
----- Original Message -----
From: Joanna Blotner
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 2:30 PM
Subject: National Coming Out Day Oct 11, will you lend your voice?
Dear Faith Leader,
National Coming Out Day is less than a week away – Tuesday, October 11. As a faith leader, would you consider devoting your message, this weekend, to LGBT equality? If not your weekly message, why not organize a service, small group, or Bible study to focus on National Coming Out Day and LGBT equality? It is important, whether you are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or a straight ally to be proud of who you are and to claim your faith in support of equality this Coming Out Day.
The Religion and Faith Program, here at HRC, is gathering coming out stories from people of faith. If you or someone you know has a story you would be willing to share, please pass these along to our email address at and we will feature them on the HRC Backstory Blog. Don’t forget to check out our NCOD Facebook app at
Thank you for your continued commitment,
Your Religion and Faith Team – Sharon Groves, MacArthur Flournoy and Joanna Blotner
NE Statewide Reconciling Network : Press Release, Coming Out day and week events in NE
See press release below for Coming Out Day event: Oct 11, 2011 in Omaha, NE
Other events along with Press Release Event Oct 11 in Omaha, NE next week for Coming out week related to Jimmy visit :
Oct 12 : Hastings college French Chapel, Hastings, NE, 10 am : Jimmy Creech preaches
Oct 12 : Hastings College French chapel, 7 PM : Signing and Reading, reception to follow
Oct 13 : PFLAG Omaha meeting - see Omaha PFLAG website, Jimmy Creech Facebook
other events listed on the website and FB - i think Jimmy preaches at the MCC Omaha too!
Thanks to everyone for all the great events in NE coming!
Rev. Debra McKnight, (402) 556-6262,
Rev. Jane Florence, (402) 556-6262,
Mr. Barrett Scroggs, (402) 556-6262,
3 October 2011
Local Churches and Organizations to Rally in
Support of Gay and Lesbian Rights on National
Coming Out Day
Omaha, NE –A community of support from many organizations and faith
communities will gather for dialogue and learning, reflection and celebration
durning a 7:00 pm rally on Oct. 11 at First United Methodist Church Omaha, 7020
Cass St. A resource fair will begin at 5:30 in Cary Hall.
Among the speakers will be pastors and leaders from across Omaha and Mr. Jimmy
Creech, former Senior Pastor of First United Methodist Church. Mr. Creech, whose
orders were removed in a church trial, will invite all people to consider coming out
as a community of support and end religious based bigotry.
Rev. Debra McKnight says, “We are celebrating the community of support and
providing space for the diversity of Omaha organization to be in conversation with
one another.” The Heartland Clergy for Inclusion hope people who want to come
out, people who struggle, people who question and people who want to learn more
about being a supportive ally will come out on October 11th.
Bullying workshop
68840 308-432-5521 PASTOR CATHY COLE
Bullying is on the rise.
• Over 16% of all U.S. students have been targets of bullying during the current school term.
42% of kids have been bullied while online. 1 in 4 have had it happen more than once.
35% of kids have been threatened online. Nearly 1 in 5 more than once.
21% of kids have received mean or threatening e-mail or other messages.
58% of kids admit someone has said mean or hurtful things to them online. More than 4 out of 10
say it has happened more than once.
53% of kids admit having said something mean or hurtful to another person online. More than 1 in 3
have done it more than once.
58% have not told their parents or an adult about something mean or hurtful that happened to them
online. Based on 2004 i-SAFE survey of 1,500 students grades 4-8
Cyber bullying victims were almost twice as likely to have attempted suicide compared to youth who
had not experienced cyber bullying. (
Help is needed.
On October 15, Becoming an Ally: Interrupting Name-Calling and Bullying, a training class for middle
school and high school students and their parents will be hosted by and held at Faith United, 203
Garfield, Gibbon, NE. The cost is $10 per family. Scholarships are available.
The goal in providing these workshops is to give students and parents the tools needed to combat
bullying in their schools and online by:
ü Developing an understanding of name-calling and bullying behaviors
ü Examining the cycle of name-calling and bullying and its impact on students who are targets of
these behaviors
ü Gain specific tools and strategies for interrupting students name-calling and bullying behaviors
by offering both a Parent Training Workshop that will help parents become better aware of bullying and
name calling and to better intervene when their children are either perpetrators or targets of bullying
(educators are also invited) and a Student Training Workshop for middle and high school to help
students become allies and to learn specific tools and strategies for interrupting bullying behaviors. At
least one parent/guardian must attend for a student to participate.
The workshops will be led by A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE® Institute, a leading provider of anti-bias
education and diversity training programs and resources. The Institute seeks to help participants:
recognize bias and the harm it inflicts on individuals and society; explore the value of diversity; improve
intergroup relations; and combat racism, anti-Semitism and all forms of prejudice and bigotry.
To make reservations or for additional information call Faith United at 308-468-5521.
Additional Background Information
October 2011 is the sixth annual Anti-Bullying Month (
October 3, 2011: Roxana Spady, Nebraska Mother, Says Son Was Hazed, Seeks $650,000 From
Columbus Public Schools (
LB 205 LB 205 Anti-bullying statute Approved by the Governor February 7, 2008
Introduced by Howard, 9; Adams, 24; Ashford, 20; Avery, 28; Hudkins, 21; Kopplin, 3; Kruse, 13;
Nantkes, 46; Preister, 5.
FOR AN ACT relating to schools; to amend section 79-267, Revised Statutes Cumulative Supplement,
2006; to provide for a bullying policy; to change provisions relating to student discipline; to repeal the
original section; and to declare an emergency. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Nebraska,
Section 1. (1) The Legislature finds and declares that: (a) Bullying disrupts a school’s ability to educate
students; and
(b) Bullying threatens public safety by creating an atmosphere in which such behavior can escalate into
violence. (2) For purposes of this section, bullying means any ongoing pattern of physical, verbal, or
electronic abuse on school grounds, in a vehicle owned, leased, or contracted by a school being used
for a school purpose by a school employee or his or her designee, or at school-sponsored activities
or school-sponsored athletic events. (3) On or before July 1, 2009, each school district as defined
in section 79-101 shall develop and adopt a policy concerning bullying prevention and education for
all students. (4) The school district shall review the policy annually. Sec. 2. Section 79-267, Revised
Statutes Cumulative supplement, 2006, is amended to read: 79-267 The following student conduct shall
constitute grounds for
long-term suspension, expulsion, or mandatory reassignment, subject to the procedural provisions of
the Student Discipline Act, when such activity occurs on school grounds, in a vehicle owned, leased, or
contracted by a school being used for a school purpose or in a vehicle being driven for a school purpose
by a school employee or by his or her designee, or at a school-sponsored activity or athletic event: (1)
Use of violence, force, coercion, threat, intimidation, or similar conduct in a manner that constitutes a
substantial interference with school purposes; (2) Willfully causing or attempting to cause substantial
damage to property, stealing or attempting to steal property of substantial value, or repeated damage
or theft involving property; (3) Causing or attempting to cause personal injury to a school employee,
to a school volunteer, or to any student. Personal injury caused by accident, self-defense, or other
action undertaken on the reasonable belief that it was necessary to protect some other person shall not
constitute a violation of this subdivision; (4) Threatening or intimidating any student for the purpose of
or with the intent of obtaining money or anything of value from such student; (5) Knowingly possessing,
handling, or transmitting any object or material that is ordinarily or generally considered a weapon;
(6) Engaging in the unlawful possession, selling, dispensing, or use of a controlled substance or an
imitation controlled substance, as defined in section 28-401, a substance represented to be a controlled
substance, or
alcoholic liquor as defined in section 53-103 or being under the influence of a controlled substance or
alcoholic liquor; (7) Public indecency as defined in section 28-806, except that this subdivision shall apply
only to students at least twelve years of age but less than nineteen years of age; (8) Engaging in bullying
as defined in section 1 of this act; (8) (9) Sexually assaulting or attempting to sexually assault any
person if a complaint has been filed by a prosecutor in a court of competent jurisdiction alleging that the
student has sexually assaulted or attempted to sexually assault any person, including sexual assaults
or attempted sexual assaults which occur off school grounds not at a school function, activity, or event.
For purposes of this subdivision, sexual assault means sexual assault in the first degree as defined in
section 28-319, sexual assault in the second degree as defined in section 28-320, sexual assault of a
child in the second or third degree as defined in section 28-320.01, or sexual assault of a child in the first
degree as defined in section 28-319.01, as such sections now provide or may hereafter from time to time
be amended;
(9) (10) Engaging in any other activity forbidden by the laws of the State of Nebraska which activity
constitutes a danger to other students or interferes with school purposes; or (10) (11) A repeated
violation of any rules and standards validly established pursuant to section 79-262 if such violations
constitute a
substantial interference with school purposes. It is the intent of the Legislature that alternatives to
suspension or expulsion be imposed against a student who is truant, tardy, or otherwise absent from
required school activities. Sec. 3. Original section 79-267, Revised Statutes Cumulative Supplement,
2006, is repealed. Sec. 4. Since an emergency exists, this act takes effect when passed and approved
according to law.
Cyber-Bullies in the News: Nebraska Posted on January 19, 2011 by admin
NEBRASKA LEGISLATURE: Cyber-bullies Could Be Punished By School Districts
You might wonder how some kids can do and say such vicious things when they take on the disgusting
role of cyber bully.
A first thought: They’ve been watching too many politicians on television.
Whatever the cause, Sen. Lavon Heideman of Elk Creek has sponsored a measure (LB123) that would
give school districts authority to discipline student cyber bullies, regardless of whether their actions are
initiated at school or elsewhere.
The bill was scheduled for a public hearing Tuesday before the Legislature’s Education Committee.
The guts of the measure define cyber-bullying:
Cyber-bullying means any ongoing use of electronic mail, text messaging, social networking web sites,
or any other form of electronic communication, on or off of school grounds, with the intention of causing
harm or serious emotional distress to students or school personnel.
Each school district would be required to adopt an anti-cyber bullying policy. The measure would grant
school officials authority to deal with the issue. It notes:
Cyber-bullying … shall constitute grounds for long-term suspension, expulsion, or mandatory
reassignment, subject to the procedural provisions of the Student Discipline Act, if such conduct causes
or is reasonably projected to cause a substantial or material disruption of the school environment or
threatens the safety and security of students or school personnel, regardless of whether such conduct
occurs or is initiated on or off of school grounds.
Bullying Myths
•Bullying is an Isolated, Individual Aggressive Action – Bullying is not an isolated aggressive
action. In fact, bullying/victimization problems are influenced by peers, families, schools, and
•Bullying Occurs Between a Bully and a Victim – Bullying is a dynamic social relationship problem
and many youth move in and out of various roles.
•Anti-Bullying Polices are Ineffective – Anti-Bullying policies create awareness and lay the
foundation for lasting societal change.
•It’s Impossible to Stop Bullying – When there is positive adult leadership in schools, positive
student leadership, and healthy relationships there is less bullying.
•Bullying Prevention and Intervention are Complicated and Expensive – The development of
healthy social relationships is free. Strategies don’t have to be expensive and should simply be
based upon the golden rule.
•Physical Bullying is More Damaging than Relational or Verbal Bullying – “Sticks and stones
may break my bones but words will never hurt me,” is UNTRUE. With cyber bullying on the rise
verbal bullying can go undetected, maybe for years.
The above myths taken from the book “Bullying Prevention and Intervention” by Susan Swearer, Dorothy
L. Espelage, and Scott Napolitano.
Other Myths
•No Bullying Here/No Gangs Here – Schools and communities that deny the possibility or presence
are where you are MOST likely to find both flourishing in anonymity.
•Right of Passage – Adults believe that since they went through “bullying or were also in gangs that
it is a normal stage that kids must go through.
•They Are Tough – Gang members and bullies are weak, and cowardly and when they are without a
victim to bully have low self esteem.
•They are Popular – They are surrounded by people not because of popularity but fear.
•Small Communities are Immune – Small communities think they are immune; they are more likely
to have higher bully/gang victimization rates. Gangs find the suburbs a lucrative alternative to the
cities where competition cuts into the profits.
Adapted from of Form
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OPEN HEARTS Reconciling community and support group: Oct openings
Open Hearts folks, Central NE Reconciling United methodists and friends: Another Great Year of Spiritual Awakenings!
Open hearts is 5 years old this november! Thanks everyone!
Join us at Coming Out Day / week events next week - Hastings College events are very close by with Jimmy Creech coming Oct 12 to Hastings college. See other events : Omaha PFLAG website, news, Jimmy Creech Facebook -
Support some of our artists in Open Hearts : Ken Bassett listed below opens an art show this Friday night in G island! Maureen and Ken both have artwork in the new show going up at Stuhr museum for two art clubs in NE - did I miss anyone in open hearts in art shows?
Also support FROGS the new organic food store in Wolbach : First organic grocery store in wolbach, NE Mena and Dave are working hard to get this organic food store going! Take a roadtrip and visit it to get your food this fall!
Don't forget our many events coming and Pawnee Arts Center speakers this fall - the next one is coming Oct 30 with Jean Lukesh, one is over with Roger Welsch yesterday and the last one is Nov 13 the day after our LOVE OUR NEIGHBOR Event Nov 12 (from 10 am to 3 PM) at trinity umc for Reconciling folks, affirmation folks, MFSA folks - many are the same folks in NE! More info coming!
See the new Katalyst online about the LOVE OUR NEIGHBOR events - for more info!
I am sending a copy of our STORIES OF SACRED WORTH booklet from four year ago to Robert Wheeler, the main email contact in N platte - he has a blog and would like to use some of these stories on his blog -he will need your permission if you wrote a story - we hope to write more new stories this winter in our local group to share in the spring - more info coming!
The author of THE IMMORTAL LIFE OF HENRIETTA LACKS is sharing at Creighton U Thursday night - see Creighton U for more info! Get this book to read for our winter read at TUMC for Friends for the Journey!
Bookshare for CHANGE THE WORLD is oct 17, 6:30 pm at Maureen and Jay's home - come if you have read it or want to know more - RSVP to if you are coming!
Fall Forum for Friends for the Journey is Oct 16 at 10:45 am in Gollaher Chapel : Marce Berryman sharing on being an ABE teacher : LOVE WHAT YOU DO, DO WHAT YOU LOVE! Bring your coffee and join us -
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Just a reminder and a special invitation for you to join us for two openings receptions. Prairie Winds “ Plein-Aire Nebraska” Friday (7th) evening and my own opening at the Good Samaritan Retirements center on next Sunday (9th) afternoon. Hope to see you there. Dee
112 W. 3rd STREET
Announces their October 2011 show
Celebrated Nebraska’s artists,
Painters, Madelene Rose, Ken Bassett Dorothy Uhrmacker and potter,
Bill Robbins
Who will display their latest creative impressions of the unique Nebraska scene and atmosphere
The public is invited to
join them at their opening reception on Friday
October 7th from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Come and enjoy fine art, refreshments and friendships.
This show will run from October 1 to 31, 2011.
Art center is open Monday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
For more information on this show,
other art center events and art classes for adults and children,
please call 308-381-4001 or visit our web site at
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