Some of us have been looking for the Resolution that was approved at Annual Conference on the UM Global AIDS fund. Go out your nearest NE UMC Conf journal, 2006 at Kearney on page 294 - 5.. this resolution passed in 2006 after the 2004 General Conference -- it as an Advance of the UMC or sending offerings in to your Conf Treas near World AIDS day (Dec 1 each year) allows 25 % of all offerings to go into a special account in the NE UMC offices for grants for local aids projects in NE.. the challenge of $1 per member below would be $78,000 in NE.
We now have a NE UMC HIV AIDS task force one year old (started Fall 2009) to administer these funds and give out grants each year after the offerings .. or the Working for an AIDS free world Grant due each year nov 1. We have a Special offering this year on Dec 5 in NE again for the UM Global AIDS Fund. Two people are attending Lighten the Burden III from NE this Oct, 2010 in Dallas Tx for the first time. Chair 2009 Maureen Vetter;
2010 Co chairs: maureen vetter, Trinity UMC G Island and Marta Wheeler, Giltner & Phillips UMCs
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Whereas the 2004 General Conference of the UMC created the United Methodist Global AIDS Fund to respond to the HIV / AIDS pandemic which has swept across the world in just 25 years; today today 46 million people are infected, 600,000 children are infected yearly and 8000 people die each day from the ravages of the disease;
And Whereas the General Conference invited every Annual Conference to enter into ministries of education, advocacy, and funding support; in reponse the Nebraska Annual Conference has faithfully helped to build an orphanage in Nigeria for children who have lost parents to HIV / AIDS;
And Whereas the General Conference committed itself to establishing the United Methodist Global AIDS Fund (Special Advance #92345) and established a goal of raising $8 million, which equates to $1 per member of the United Methodist Church,
Therefore be it resolved that the Nebraska Annual Conference ask each congregation to engage in at least one educational oppportunity annually to inform members and the communityi of the suffering and stigma of this global health crisis.
Therefore be it resolved that the Nebraska Annual Conference urge local churches to raise $1 per church member for this Fund.
Be it further resolved that every congregation in the Nebraska Annual Conference will pray for persons and their loved ones who journey through the pain and sorry of HIV / AIDS.
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