Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network Visions Statement: Our vision is to create safe places for persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities in Nebraska through a statewide community ofreconciling folks centered in the love of Christ for ALL of God's Children. We hope to foster full inclusion and full participation of all gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people as we welcome, affirm and encourage them to share in all ministries in our churches.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Open Hearts Reconciling community
Open hearts reconciling community: News below -- Nov 20 SATURDAY is our next gathering for thanksgiving on a SAT this time from 1 - 3 pm, TUMC, 511 N Elm, G Island, South entrance - the Gathering place.. come at 12:45 for fellowship time, bring a snack to share.. we will have thankgiving offerings, CLAB Calendars for fundraiser, share up coming events, reflect on Inspiring communitie, Telling our story by Brian, share things we are thankful for and more!
Come early at 12:45 if you are new to the group so that you can read the support group guidelines!
Nov 14, 2:30 PM, Incompatible with Christian teaching MOVIE documentary at Saint Paul umc, Lincoln -- Rev steve griffith contact, take Reconciling on the road again! We went on the road last weekend to hastings!
Dec 1 and 5, World AIDS Day coming Dec 1 with special offerings in the NE UMC on Dec 5 for UM Global AIDS fund. Give $20 to UM Global AIDS fund for the new 20/20 campaign so we can start to eliminate HIV AIDS! The 30 year anniversary of HIV AIDS is 2011 so let's start this campaign in NE! Send offerings and fundraisers to NE Conference Treas so that 25% of offerings and funds stay in NE for local aids projects! peace maureen, open hearts email contact
Come early at 12:45 if you are new to the group so that you can read the support group guidelines!
Nov 14, 2:30 PM, Incompatible with Christian teaching MOVIE documentary at Saint Paul umc, Lincoln -- Rev steve griffith contact, take Reconciling on the road again! We went on the road last weekend to hastings!
Dec 1 and 5, World AIDS Day coming Dec 1 with special offerings in the NE UMC on Dec 5 for UM Global AIDS fund. Give $20 to UM Global AIDS fund for the new 20/20 campaign so we can start to eliminate HIV AIDS! The 30 year anniversary of HIV AIDS is 2011 so let's start this campaign in NE! Send offerings and fundraisers to NE Conference Treas so that 25% of offerings and funds stay in NE for local aids projects! peace maureen, open hearts email contact
Christians and Bullying: Standing with Gays and Lesbians
Clergy Against Bullying
Dear friends in the faith in the NE UMC Annual Conference and beyond, Reconciling friends and persons of all faiths:
Please READ and forward this moving Petition by the Human Rights Campaign today to pastors, local church members and friends of all faiths -- so that the cry is loud and clear from our spiritual leadership that bullying is not acceptable in our churches and communities around the world!
We need to hear from our pastors as our spiritual leaders at this time of bullying, hate and violence. As laypersons of faith we also need to speak up and let folks know we want STOP bullying in our neighhorhoods and communities! We thank all of you!
maureen vetter and wendy smith, NE Reconciling Minitry Network Contacts, PRN contacts, Main Email Contacts, Local Contacts in NE,
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Dear friends,
We need your help. HRC has been working in partnership with faith leaders on a "Clergy Against Bullying " petition and website. Please sign this important letter for accountability and a time of healing in wake of gay teen suicides and anti-gay violence. It will only take a minute of your time.
Please forward this email freely. Below is the press release.
Thanks and blessings,
Thanks and blessings,
Dr. Sharon Groves, Deputy Director
HRC Religion and Faith Program
A Faith Alliance to Stop Bullying of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender People
Media Release
October 18, 2010
Media Contact: Ann Craig, 213-703-1365,
Clergy and faith leaders say “No More Bullying!”
In Wake of Gay Teen Suicides and Anti-Gay Violence, Faith Leaders Pledge Peaceful Actions
In a groundbreaking alliance of high level mainline Christian leaders and faith groups that fully include lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people, faith leaders released a statement calling on “the Church Universal to join us in working to end the violence and hatred against our lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender brothers and sisters.”
In the wake of a rash of suicides after anti-gay bullying and violent attacks on gay people in New York, top faith leaders signed a pledge “to be LGBT and straight people of faith standing together for the shared values of decency and civility, compassion and care in all interactions.”
National faith leaders signing the Clergy Against Bullying statement include the Rev. Michael Kinnamon, General Secretary of the National Council of Churches, the Rev. Geoffrey Black, President of the United Church of Christ, Elder Cynthia J. Bolbach, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church (USA), the Rev. Gradye Parsons, Stated Clerk of the Presbyterian Church (USA), Episcopal Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, Bishop Yvette Flunder, Presiding Bishop of The Fellowship and the Rev. Elder Nancy Wilson, Moderator of Metropolitan Community Churches.
The Rev. Michael Kinnamon said, "The member churches of the National Council of Churches are moved by scripture to affirm every person as a valued child of God and to support protection from bullying and discrimination. Just as we spoke out on behalf of Muslims who were under threat, so we now stand as Clergy Against Bullying of our neighbors, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity. Given the recent outburst of anti-gay rhetoric and action, the Church must not be silent."
Head of The Episcopal Church, Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori said, “The Episcopal Church abhors the persecution of any group of human beings and seeks the just and dignified treatment of all.”
"Bullying for any reason is contradictory to authentic religion,” said Dr. C. Welton Gaddy. “Religion inspires respect, empathy, compassion and humility--values that prompt healing and condemn hurting."
“We are asking all faith colleagues, LGBT and straight alike, to go online and sign the Clergy Against Bullying statement and to work toward safe space for all God's children in our churches,” said the Rev. Elder Nancy Wilson. “Too often, young people who are gay, transgender or questioning fear judgmental church people. This statement by Clergy Against Bullying will help us all tell the story of the One who came not to judge or condemn but to love us. Today we are saying to every child who is different in any way: ‘You are safe in the arms of God; you are safe with our congregations.’"
Bishop Yvette Flunder of The Fellowship said, “When our young people hear messages of condemnation from church leaders, they are left alone to wonder if God loves them, if their families will reject them and if their peers will attack them with taunts and bullying. Today, Clergy Against Bullying are choosing to speak words of humility, love and acceptance.”
Harry Knox of the Human Rights Campaign said, “We rejoice that we are joining our voices with Muslims for Progressive Values and the more than 300 Jewish organizational leaders coordinated by Keshet. You will be inspired to do more when you read the powerful Keshet and Muslim statements.”
For a full statement of Clergy Against Bullying and to sign on, go to the web site. All clergy and people of good faith are welcome to sign. Clergy Against Bullying will be building online resources to help congregations create safe spaces and support for all of God’s children, including the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender children.
News & Upcoming events
Open Hearts Reconciling Community folks:
Here is the Oct and Nov news for our group.. Another great year of Spiritual Awakenings.. more info coming for fall and winter as times goes on.. I am just back from LIGHTEN THE BURDEN III in Dallas with Bill Black -- and hope to write a reflection in the next week or so!
Reconciling on the Road: Thanks to all persons and groups that donated with love gifts for bill black, trinity UMC and Maureen Vetter to go from NE! There were 168 persons who came from all over the world to learn and share stories .. the UM global aids fund launched the new 20 / 20 Campaign .. Visioning an AIDS FREE world!
Talk about hitting the road.. bill drove from Lincoln 12 hours each way to dallas and back to get us there and home yesterday ----- and i had fourteen hours in the car both ways leaving from G island to Dallas.. we met new people, heard many tough, heartbreaking stories, learned more what is happening with HIV AIDS in Africa and in the USA, around the world in the UMC.. many urgent challenges all over for those battling HIV AIDS -------- and we need to step our fundraising locally in local churches, start conversations on HIV AIDS whenever we can and wherever, start doing programs in our churches on Human sexuality again, empowering women and laity with HIV AIDS advocacy and human sexuality! Great curriculums available for all ages through Cokesbury publishing and time to work on AIDS prevention programs worldwide! We had spiritual awakenings all three days with inspiration, honest sharing and passion as we tried to LIGHTEN THE BURDEN at this third conference in the UMC.
Rev Steve Griffith attended the RMN Power Summit recently in Oct.. we look forward to hearing from him as well!
1) Believe out loud with events and gatherings: Oct 22, 23 and SATURDAY Nov 20: Inspiring Communities Conference is coming Oct 22, 23 Hastings College for safer communities in NE! SEVEN persons are going from Open Hearts on Friday night and FOUR persons going friday and saturday from our group! We will be carpooling over to HASTINGS COLLEGE BOTH DAYS -- and sharing about the conference Nov 20 at our first SATURDAY gathering for thanksgiving! Brian Whitecalf will TELL HIS STORY so come and lend support to him .. bring a snack to share and come at 1 PM to get started .. our meeting will run in the same place from 1 - 3 pm .. come early at 12:45 Nov 20 on SATURDAY if you are new to the Open hearts group to read the support group guidelines! Bring a friend and come together for inclusive community! We will take Thanksgiving offerings for RMN and do a fundraiser with CLAB Calendars.. also send in our yearly commitment to RMN.. sign up for new members and more! Come join us!
2) Nov 14: Reconciling takes to the road again and we anticipate Spiritual awakenings with the movie "INCOMPATIBLE WITH Christian teaching" at Saint Paul UMC, 2:30 PM on Sunday.. the movie maker will be there and discussion after. Saint Paul UMC is downtown and more info coming! Contact: Rev Steve Griffith at Saint Paul umc or go online or call. Let's pack Saint Paul UMC with this important movie . invite your friends and carpool to Lincoln!
3) World AIDS day coming Dec 1 with spiritual awakenings and responding in faith to those with HIV AIDS in our world :
UM Global AIDS fund special offerings in Local Churches Dec 5! If your church does not have an AIDS Ambassador to promote this offering, you can be that person! Remember the commitment to $1 per member in NE (2006) and that would be $78,000 for this Special offering! Offering envelopes are FREE at cokebury or create your own offering envelopes or fundraisers!
Write Maureen or marta at or Andrew at NAP kearney to volunteer to be an AIDS Ambassador in the UMC and promote this Special offering in NE and around the world! If you want more info on this offering and the TOOLKIT of resources go to : today!
We need you to help us be the arms of love around the world for this LIFE GIVING offering. Send prayers and promote this offering in all local churches in NE!
You can do fundraisers too this fall or winter for UM Global AIDS fund too! we hope to do Baskets of LOVE for the two HIV AIDS funds (global fund and our local emergency fund for NAP kearney) if you want to participate in Baskets of love Dec 5 and Dec 12 with a Silent Auction both weekends at worship -- let Maureen know .. we will be sending ideas for fundraisers this winter!
25 % of all offerings that are sent to NE Conf offices to the Conference Treasurer go to LOCAL AIDS projects for Working for an AIDS Free World Grants set up by our new NE UMC HIV AIDS Task Force a year ago! Applications for these Grants are due Nov 1 .. you find the Grant to apply on the Conference website: and then go to Ministries in Action, then to Risk taking mission and find it on the Risk taking mission and Justice team page!
4) Star City Pride events : attached info on events and tell your friends.. hit the road and connect with new friends.. collaborate with other GLBT groups!
5) Go online to Foundry UMC, Washington DC for news about doing same sex unions in an all church decision in September.
6) Check out other Reconciling congregations around the USA and get inspiration! Go to Pacific Northwest Conference a Reconciling Conference as well! First UMC Tucson is voting soon to become a Reconciling congregation! You can start a Reconciling community with two more folks or an established group at your church!
7) Sign up to be a Reconciling United Methodist today and join over 300 persons in NE now -- we hope to reach 400 RUM's this year.. start a Reconciling support group in your area at a coffee shop, at a Sunday school class, at a book study or book group, at a youth group, at a community group, at a choir or movie group..
Check out the book "Voices from the KINGDOM" by beverly cole or "COMING OUT as Sacrament" by Chris Glaser, "Change the World" by Mike Slaughter or Transformal Journal.. there are also many books by Bishop Spong who is coming as the Theologian to HORIZONS OF FAITH Conference in Omaha late march for the 10th Anniversary!
Go to " Stranger at the Gate" by Mel White is a moving telling our story ------- "Would Jesus Discriminate" is a book by the new director of Soulforce! Send your offerings to RMN, TELL our stories, share your stories one on one!
Start a project for writing down your SACRED stories on paper as a booklet to share in your local group and congregation this winter, put together Awakening our spiritual stories, Believe out loud stories or go to the new Blog to share your stories:
8) A brand new book is available for groups entitled "NAMES NOT JUST NUMBERS" by Don Messer on HIV AIDS along with his total of 15 books authored! Go online today to purchase them for groups, coffee get togethers, sharing for gifts and more! Dr Don Messer is a volunteer Chairperson for the UMC Global AIDS fund -- we need more AIDS Ambassadors if you are feeling called to respond in faith this way!
9) OUTREACH, Missions in G Island : The movie THE 800 Mile Wall this wed, oct 20 with FREE Admission at the Grand Theater, Grand island, NE downtown! Juan Carlos frey the movie maker will be there and the keynote speaker at the Multicultural Conference Thurs Oct 21 at the Midtown Holiday Inn, Grand island, NE~ learn how to be involved in diversity projects.
The Literacy Council Fundraiser Nov 4 at the Saddle Club, G Island, Call Kelly Outson at the Literacy council today for tickets! Volunteer to be a Literacy mentor today! Literancy volunteers are needed in G Island! Sudanese Ed time for children each sunday is another MISSIONS project at TUMC! Volunteer to be a sub or helper, do snacks today.. call Jan coghlan at TUMC, family ministries! Kelly OUTSON the Director of Literacy council is sharing at our Friends for the Journey forum, Sunday Nov 21 along with upcoming books preview! Celtic Light Circle is Nov 7 and MS support group info in G Island all at 10 am on sundays in Nov in Gollagher chapel at TUMC, Trinity UMC.
10) More coming about "Another year of Spiritual Awakenings" this winter! Reflect on your spiritual awakenings! Share your spiritual awakenings! We hope to find ways to share some rainbows next year locally, do uplifting meet ups for signing up folks, movies, books, fundraisers for birthdays and collaborating with other GLBTQ groups ....... building partnerships.. starting support groups of friends and growing the circle of reconciling in NE and beyond! Open hearts events for 2011: january coffee time, Feb meeting on Sunday Feb 20, Horizons of faith March 25 - 27, Saturday meeting April 16 with Marta wheeler sharing about her brother and HIV AIDS, with pride events rainbows, movies and meet ups in summer!~
Maureen Vetter, Wendy Smith, PRN contacts, Main Email contacts, local contacts and friends around NE
Open Hearts Reconciling community
If you want to create a BASKET of LOVE for the silent auction Dec 5 and 12 weekends for our TWO HIV AIDS funds at the church.. contact Maureen Vetter or Debz bartlett today! We would love to have a dozen or so baskets.. we have SIX signed up to be donated so far!
Nov 14 is the documentary in Lincoln at 2:30 pm at Saint Paul UMC downtown.. i hope some of us can carpool... Incompatible with Christian Teaching is the movie and movie maker..
NEW TIME and DAY in Nov and April : Nov 20 SATURDAY is our next OPEN HEARTS Support group gathering from 1 - 3 pm in The Gathering place with Brian Telling his story and our Thanksgiving meeting! See you there from 1 - 3 PM, bring a snack to share, Fundraiser for RMN and offering, upcoming events etc. Come early at 12:45 if you are new to the group! Our support group meetings are held in the Gathering place at Trinity UMC, 511 N Elm, Grand island, NE
World AIDS day plans are being made for Dec 5 including Baskets of love for our two funds : UM Global AIDS Fund and TUMC Emergency HIV AIDS fund.. also a possible service, offerings at all worships and more! We meet tonight to make plans!
Keep in touch and remember we are discussing the book THE SHACK at Friends for the Journey in Gollagher Chapel --Oct 31 at 10 am on halloween on sunday.. the author is in Lincoln sunday night at 7 PM at St marks UMC to keynote the Shame and Guilt conference for three days. We will be sharing upcoming books Nov 21 at 10 am and also learning about LITERACY COUNCIL and how to volunteer, give support, dinner Nov 4 as a fundraiser.. $25 to support Literacy council -- they need your help!
Sign up for the new HIV AIDS book in the church offices for Dec reading and holiday remembering others who are struggling with HIV AIDS: NAMES, NOT JUST NUMBERS by Don messer and this book is just out! Don is Director of the UM Global AIDS fund for the UM church and is volunteering this in his RETIREMENT!
Sign up for this book in December -- and January / February books in the church offices in NOV.. they will be announced Nov 21 at the Friends for the Journey forum at 10 am -- and we will discuss the book new book on HIV AIDS at one of our homes in December!
Invite your friends and come join us at events! friends for the journey! Join us for worship each weekend!
Call the church for more info too! maureen vetter and cathy
Nov 14 is the documentary in Lincoln at 2:30 pm at Saint Paul UMC downtown.. i hope some of us can carpool... Incompatible with Christian Teaching is the movie and movie maker..
NEW TIME and DAY in Nov and April : Nov 20 SATURDAY is our next OPEN HEARTS Support group gathering from 1 - 3 pm in The Gathering place with Brian Telling his story and our Thanksgiving meeting! See you there from 1 - 3 PM, bring a snack to share, Fundraiser for RMN and offering, upcoming events etc. Come early at 12:45 if you are new to the group! Our support group meetings are held in the Gathering place at Trinity UMC, 511 N Elm, Grand island, NE
World AIDS day plans are being made for Dec 5 including Baskets of love for our two funds : UM Global AIDS Fund and TUMC Emergency HIV AIDS fund.. also a possible service, offerings at all worships and more! We meet tonight to make plans!
Keep in touch and remember we are discussing the book THE SHACK at Friends for the Journey in Gollagher Chapel --Oct 31 at 10 am on halloween on sunday.. the author is in Lincoln sunday night at 7 PM at St marks UMC to keynote the Shame and Guilt conference for three days. We will be sharing upcoming books Nov 21 at 10 am and also learning about LITERACY COUNCIL and how to volunteer, give support, dinner Nov 4 as a fundraiser.. $25 to support Literacy council -- they need your help!
Sign up for the new HIV AIDS book in the church offices for Dec reading and holiday remembering others who are struggling with HIV AIDS: NAMES, NOT JUST NUMBERS by Don messer and this book is just out! Don is Director of the UM Global AIDS fund for the UM church and is volunteering this in his RETIREMENT!
Sign up for this book in December -- and January / February books in the church offices in NOV.. they will be announced Nov 21 at the Friends for the Journey forum at 10 am -- and we will discuss the book new book on HIV AIDS at one of our homes in December!
Invite your friends and come join us at events! friends for the journey! Join us for worship each weekend!
Call the church for more info too! maureen vetter and cathy
GI Editorial from Brian (THANKS!)
Need to end violence against gays
I am writing this letter in regard to the illustration in the Oct. 6 Grand Island Independent newspaper. The illustration depicted a person being pushed out a window by several hands that represented cyber bullying. Near the window was a letter. I interpret this as a representation of a person's suicide. Personally I feel sickened by the lack of honor, respect and dignity in this drawing. I have seen The Independent newspaper give generous and respectful coverage of military and accidental deaths, I commend them on this. Since there is no reason given why this person chose to end their life other than cyber bullying, I can safely assume that it is in reference to recent news events regarding several individuals committing suicide due to their attraction to the same gender. I would like to remind people that this is someone's child, sibling or spouse.
Suicide is a major issue facing this country and should not be taken so lightly. The...
For more of this story, click on or type the URL below: articles/2010/10/12/opinions/ letters/ doc4cb3613bbcdcc350998829.txt
I am writing this letter in regard to the illustration in the Oct. 6 Grand Island Independent newspaper. The illustration depicted a person being pushed out a window by several hands that represented cyber bullying. Near the window was a letter. I interpret this as a representation of a person's suicide. Personally I feel sickened by the lack of honor, respect and dignity in this drawing. I have seen The Independent newspaper give generous and respectful coverage of military and accidental deaths, I commend them on this. Since there is no reason given why this person chose to end their life other than cyber bullying, I can safely assume that it is in reference to recent news events regarding several individuals committing suicide due to their attraction to the same gender. I would like to remind people that this is someone's child, sibling or spouse.
Suicide is a major issue facing this country and should not be taken so lightly. The...
For more of this story, click on or type the URL below:
Friday, October 8, 2010
Reject the "truce"
The call for a "truce" is nothing less than a call for burying one's head in the sand and ignoring the pain the church body is inflicting on so many people each day.
AIDS resolution
Some of us have been looking for the Resolution that was approved at Annual Conference on the UM Global AIDS fund. Go out your nearest NE UMC Conf journal, 2006 at Kearney on page 294 - 5.. this resolution passed in 2006 after the 2004 General Conference -- it as an Advance of the UMC or sending offerings in to your Conf Treas near World AIDS day (Dec 1 each year) allows 25 % of all offerings to go into a special account in the NE UMC offices for grants for local aids projects in NE.. the challenge of $1 per member below would be $78,000 in NE.
We now have a NE UMC HIV AIDS task force one year old (started Fall 2009) to administer these funds and give out grants each year after the offerings .. or the Working for an AIDS free world Grant due each year nov 1. We have a Special offering this year on Dec 5 in NE again for the UM Global AIDS Fund. Two people are attending Lighten the Burden III from NE this Oct, 2010 in Dallas Tx for the first time. Chair 2009 Maureen Vetter;
2010 Co chairs: maureen vetter, Trinity UMC G Island and Marta Wheeler, Giltner & Phillips UMCs
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Whereas the 2004 General Conference of the UMC created the United Methodist Global AIDS Fund to respond to the HIV / AIDS pandemic which has swept across the world in just 25 years; today today 46 million people are infected, 600,000 children are infected yearly and 8000 people die each day from the ravages of the disease;
And Whereas the General Conference invited every Annual Conference to enter into ministries of education, advocacy, and funding support; in reponse the Nebraska Annual Conference has faithfully helped to build an orphanage in Nigeria for children who have lost parents to HIV / AIDS;
And Whereas the General Conference committed itself to establishing the United Methodist Global AIDS Fund (Special Advance #92345) and established a goal of raising $8 million, which equates to $1 per member of the United Methodist Church,
Therefore be it resolved that the Nebraska Annual Conference ask each congregation to engage in at least one educational oppportunity annually to inform members and the communityi of the suffering and stigma of this global health crisis.
Therefore be it resolved that the Nebraska Annual Conference urge local churches to raise $1 per church member for this Fund.
Be it further resolved that every congregation in the Nebraska Annual Conference will pray for persons and their loved ones who journey through the pain and sorry of HIV / AIDS.
October update
NE Reconciling UM's and friends: SHARE THIS INFO WITH FRIENDS FAR and NEAR!
New Website for RMN or Reconciling Ministry Network.. check it out and the news on Flashnet this week : Remember COMING OUT DAY is in early october too! Plan an event or tell your story to a friend.
We are taking Reconciling on the Road in NE this year to lend support when we can with movie events, Telling Our Stories, to larger events, celebrations, World AIDS Day services around the state, heading to trainings, conferences!
We also hope to continue Believe Out Loud (signing up RUM's, giving to RMN and Telling our stories to gain understanding and HOPE) We also are in the midst of Another Great Spiritual Awakening to be a more fully inclusive UMC as we remember other Great spiritual Awakenings in our lives and in history!
Some folks have been doing Reconciling on the Road for years amd we say THANKS to them -- driving to Omaha
for Horizons of Faith, various events, speakers, workshops, Indigo Girl concerts, Anne Lamott, Pride events, Healing Hope and Hospitality services, DOMA events, hands around the capital, walking across the Bridge, Council Bluffs after Same Sex Marriages were approved, Rainbow Witnesses, Safe Sanctuary workshop, Light for the Journey services, fundraisers, Jimmy Creech Scholarship projects, Annual Conference, events in Central NE, PFLAG events, AIDS walks, NAP support, HIV AIDS task force, plays, fundraisers, support out west and out East, events in CO, MN, KC and SD nearby and others many miles from NE, Shower of Stoles, projects at General Conferences all over,planning meetings all over NE, Rainbow Giveaway meetings, sending rainbows or taking them in person, getting stoles to events, meeting folks to create rainbows, & writing Sacred stories to share!
Now we are hoping we can mobilize lots of folks to go ON THE ROAD for a fun year of seeking out other Reconciling folks, working together, connecting with reconciling folks in KS with our conferences sharing the same Bishop by 2012, doing AIDS walks, going to Convos, doing missions and justice actions AND heading to LINCOLN to hear speakers, going to World AIDS day services!
We hope you will go to the movie at Saint Paul UMC, Nov 14 at 2:30 PM -- INCOMPATIBLE WITH CHRISTIAN TEACHING! Contact Rev Steve Griffith for more info on this movie Nov 14 in Lincoln! Steve & others are headed to Reconciling trainings and others are heading to LIGHTEN THE BURDEN III Conference in Dallas, TX in October!
RUMOLA has already started to go on the road by attending the last Plymouth Pride event and movie Sept 19 - FISH OUT OF WATER! Try to find this movie & others online or the Resource Center for churches:
We hope you will go on the road to lend support to each other, have coffee, share struggles, lamentations, joys and start new reconciling support groups~! We hope you will find spiritual partners even if if means driving to another town!
We encourage you and others to carpool and attend support groups, visit worship services, attend events together, maybe even create social events as we we think of ways to get on the road with others across this vast state who value RMN --inclusive church, creating safe places as we as we collaborate with other groups, tell stories and grow the circle of RECONCILING friends!
We hope you will keep doing BELIEVE OUT LOUD and becoming aware of spiritual awakenings in your life!
Hopefully you can go on the road this year by making a pledge to yourself to get folks together in your area or town for conversations, support, coming out, reading a book, reflecting or study of the Bible. sharing together.
Join "Reconciling on the Road" and come to Central NE for the Inspiring Communities Conference at Hastings College Oct 22 and 23 (starts at 7:30 PM friday night and runs all day Saturday for $45!) Start getting together a carload of friends or find new people you don't know! REGISTER TODAY.. let's see how many RUM's we can get to this event!
http://us1.campaign-archive. com/?u= 590151ec268a7ed9ec9f92336&id= fc099250c9&e=26d99dc8ca
Inspiring Community
Building a Better Nebraska for LGBTQ People
Friday, October 22, 2010
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Saturday, October 23
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Hastings College
Hazelrigg Student Union
9th & Elm St.
Hastings, NE 68901
An opportunity for 100 people from around Nebraska to:
* Advance LGBTQ friendly communities, schools and workplaces
* Meet with other passionate individuals from urban and rural communities.
* Build Relationships so we can work together
Nearby hotel rooms will be less than $100/room. Details will be
provided soon.
* Homestays will be available from local PFLAG members and Hastings College faculty.
Conference Program
Friday Dinner, networking and panel discussion by leaders from around Nebraska.
Saturday Continental breakfast; skill-building workshops; networking
sessions; lunch; discussion groups; film screenings; dinner with closing
plenary and discussion.
Sessions will include:
* Midlands LGBT Community Needs Assessment: A Conversation on Preliminary Findings, Dr. Christopher Fischer
* Finally Out: Letting Go of Living Straight in Mid-Life, Dr. Loren Olson
* Taking Control of Your Health, Ryan Sallans
* Reflections on HRC's DADT Repeal Campaign, Nic Swiercek
* Bullied to Death: Safeguarding LGBT Students in Schools, JohnCarl Denkovich
* Performances by the Omaha Theatre Company for Young People's Pride Players.
Facebook page and the following website : http://inspiringcommunity. for more information
Conference Team: Hastings College Alliance | PFLAG-Hastings |
49Voices | OutLinc | GLSEN Omaha
Sponsors: Adams County Convention and Visitors Bureau | Hastings Museum
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Remember UM global AIDS fund offerings Dec 5. If you want to be an AIDS Ambassador and promote this offering, contact today! Free Offering Envelopes online at cokesbury or by phone.. or make your own! All offerings go to NE conf Treas with 25 % of all offerings staying in NE for local AIDS projects (see grants on under Risk taking mission and Justice Team).
Thanks to all who have given gifts to help support Bill Black and Maureen Vetter in attending LIGHTEN THE BURDEN III Conference in Dallas, TX mid They are going as REPS from NE on behalf of all HIV AIDS ministries and projects in local churches / communities / support groups to encourage more support for those battling this disease and families, friends, neighbors, allies.
Thanks for the summer email offerings and in house contributions of copying, table registrations etc. We sent in more than our $250 yearly RMN commitment!
Check out the new RMN website today! Get involved and become an RUM by going to JOIN US on the new website!
Also find info at the group Facebook for Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network today and the new blog:
Maureen and Wendy, statewide email contacts and
KS East Wide is God's Welcome Conference:
Linda Bales Todd from the General Board of Church and Society will be the keynote speaker for a seminar entitled Heterosexism and Homophobia: How We All Pay the Price to be held at Valley View United Methodist Church (8412 W. 95th St.) in Overland Park, KS on Sunday, October 24 from 2:45-5:00 PM.
Andrew Mitchell, pastor of Stull United Methodist Church and the author of the Kansas East Conference petition on Heterosexism and Homophobia, which was approved by the 2008 General Conference, will explain why and how the petition was developed. Linda will facilitate a discussion of societal factors that contribute to these attitudes, how homophobia and heterosexism are manifest in today's world, and why the United Methodist Church should be addressing these issues. Worship through music will be lead by Reverends Mitch and Jan Todd.
$5 donation at the door requested.
The mission of Wide Is God's Welcome - KC is to strengthen the Body of Christ through the full inclusion in the United Methodist Church of persons who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.
This mission will be fulfilled as we unite Kansas City area United Methodists for education, advocacy, and empowerment.
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Write a vision and mission statement for your local church, for your support group or your reconciling community!
Remember you are loved by God ---- thanks to everyone for all the many acts of love happening through the Holy Spirit in our lives and communities, among friends & folks that we are welcoming into our lives and faith groups!
New Website for RMN or Reconciling Ministry Network.. check it out and the news on Flashnet this week : Remember COMING OUT DAY is in early october too! Plan an event or tell your story to a friend.
We are taking Reconciling on the Road in NE this year to lend support when we can with movie events, Telling Our Stories, to larger events, celebrations, World AIDS Day services around the state, heading to trainings, conferences!
We also hope to continue Believe Out Loud (signing up RUM's, giving to RMN and Telling our stories to gain understanding and HOPE) We also are in the midst of Another Great Spiritual Awakening to be a more fully inclusive UMC as we remember other Great spiritual Awakenings in our lives and in history!
Some folks have been doing Reconciling on the Road for years amd we say THANKS to them -- driving to Omaha
for Horizons of Faith, various events, speakers, workshops, Indigo Girl concerts, Anne Lamott, Pride events, Healing Hope and Hospitality services, DOMA events, hands around the capital, walking across the Bridge, Council Bluffs after Same Sex Marriages were approved, Rainbow Witnesses, Safe Sanctuary workshop, Light for the Journey services, fundraisers, Jimmy Creech Scholarship projects, Annual Conference, events in Central NE, PFLAG events, AIDS walks, NAP support, HIV AIDS task force, plays, fundraisers, support out west and out East, events in CO, MN, KC and SD nearby and others many miles from NE, Shower of Stoles, projects at General Conferences all over,planning meetings all over NE, Rainbow Giveaway meetings, sending rainbows or taking them in person, getting stoles to events, meeting folks to create rainbows, & writing Sacred stories to share!
Now we are hoping we can mobilize lots of folks to go ON THE ROAD for a fun year of seeking out other Reconciling folks, working together, connecting with reconciling folks in KS with our conferences sharing the same Bishop by 2012, doing AIDS walks, going to Convos, doing missions and justice actions AND heading to LINCOLN to hear speakers, going to World AIDS day services!
We hope you will go to the movie at Saint Paul UMC, Nov 14 at 2:30 PM -- INCOMPATIBLE WITH CHRISTIAN TEACHING! Contact Rev Steve Griffith for more info on this movie Nov 14 in Lincoln! Steve & others are headed to Reconciling trainings and others are heading to LIGHTEN THE BURDEN III Conference in Dallas, TX in October!
RUMOLA has already started to go on the road by attending the last Plymouth Pride event and movie Sept 19 - FISH OUT OF WATER! Try to find this movie & others online or the Resource Center for churches:
We hope you will go on the road to lend support to each other, have coffee, share struggles, lamentations, joys and start new reconciling support groups~! We hope you will find spiritual partners even if if means driving to another town!
We encourage you and others to carpool and attend support groups, visit worship services, attend events together, maybe even create social events as we we think of ways to get on the road with others across this vast state who value RMN --inclusive church, creating safe places as we as we collaborate with other groups, tell stories and grow the circle of RECONCILING friends!
We hope you will keep doing BELIEVE OUT LOUD and becoming aware of spiritual awakenings in your life!
Hopefully you can go on the road this year by making a pledge to yourself to get folks together in your area or town for conversations, support, coming out, reading a book, reflecting or study of the Bible. sharing together.
Join "Reconciling on the Road" and come to Central NE for the Inspiring Communities Conference at Hastings College Oct 22 and 23 (starts at 7:30 PM friday night and runs all day Saturday for $45!) Start getting together a carload of friends or find new people you don't know! REGISTER TODAY.. let's see how many RUM's we can get to this event!
Inspiring Community
Building a Better Nebraska for LGBTQ People
Friday, October 22, 2010
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Saturday, October 23
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Hastings College
Hazelrigg Student Union
9th & Elm St.
Hastings, NE 68901
An opportunity for 100 people from around Nebraska to:
* Advance LGBTQ friendly communities, schools and workplaces
* Meet with other passionate individuals from urban and rural communities.
* Build Relationships so we can work together
Nearby hotel rooms will be less than $100/room. Details will be
provided soon.
* Homestays will be available from local PFLAG members and Hastings College faculty.
Conference Program
Friday Dinner, networking and panel discussion by leaders from around Nebraska.
Saturday Continental breakfast; skill-building workshops; networking
sessions; lunch; discussion groups; film screenings; dinner with closing
plenary and discussion.
Sessions will include:
* Midlands LGBT Community Needs Assessment: A Conversation on Preliminary Findings, Dr. Christopher Fischer
* Finally Out: Letting Go of Living Straight in Mid-Life, Dr. Loren Olson
* Taking Control of Your Health, Ryan Sallans
* Reflections on HRC's DADT Repeal Campaign, Nic Swiercek
* Bullied to Death: Safeguarding LGBT Students in Schools, JohnCarl Denkovich
* Performances by the Omaha Theatre Company for Young People's Pride Players.
Facebook page and the following website : http://inspiringcommunity.
Conference Team: Hastings College Alliance | PFLAG-Hastings |
49Voices | OutLinc | GLSEN Omaha
Sponsors: Adams County Convention and Visitors Bureau | Hastings Museum
Remember UM global AIDS fund offerings Dec 5. If you want to be an AIDS Ambassador and promote this offering, contact today! Free Offering Envelopes online at cokesbury or by phone.. or make your own! All offerings go to NE conf Treas with 25 % of all offerings staying in NE for local AIDS projects (see grants on under Risk taking mission and Justice Team).
Thanks to all who have given gifts to help support Bill Black and Maureen Vetter in attending LIGHTEN THE BURDEN III Conference in Dallas, TX mid They are going as REPS from NE on behalf of all HIV AIDS ministries and projects in local churches / communities / support groups to encourage more support for those battling this disease and families, friends, neighbors, allies.
Thanks for the summer email offerings and in house contributions of copying, table registrations etc. We sent in more than our $250 yearly RMN commitment!
Check out the new RMN website today! Get involved and become an RUM by going to JOIN US on the new website!
Also find info at the group Facebook for Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network today and the new blog:
Maureen and Wendy, statewide email contacts and
KS East Wide is God's Welcome Conference:
Linda Bales Todd from the General Board of Church and Society will be the keynote speaker for a seminar entitled Heterosexism and Homophobia: How We All Pay the Price to be held at Valley View United Methodist Church (8412 W. 95th St.) in Overland Park, KS on Sunday, October 24 from 2:45-5:00 PM.
Andrew Mitchell, pastor of Stull United Methodist Church and the author of the Kansas East Conference petition on Heterosexism and Homophobia, which was approved by the 2008 General Conference, will explain why and how the petition was developed. Linda will facilitate a discussion of societal factors that contribute to these attitudes, how homophobia and heterosexism are manifest in today's world, and why the United Methodist Church should be addressing these issues. Worship through music will be lead by Reverends Mitch and Jan Todd.
$5 donation at the door requested.
The mission of Wide Is God's Welcome - KC is to strengthen the Body of Christ through the full inclusion in the United Methodist Church of persons who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.
This mission will be fulfilled as we unite Kansas City area United Methodists for education, advocacy, and empowerment.
Write a vision and mission statement for your local church, for your support group or your reconciling community!
Remember you are loved by God ---- thanks to everyone for all the many acts of love happening through the Holy Spirit in our lives and communities, among friends & folks that we are welcoming into our lives and faith groups!
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