Thursday, October 11, 2012

RMN Flashnet -- Spirit Day, Eight new Reconciling Communities and more!

Reconciling UM's and friends in NE and beyond!  Another year of GREAT spiritual awakenings! 

See Facebook for coming events in NE :  Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network
Blog :      RMN website :

Here is the lastest RMN Flashnet below :  you can get it monthly by email :  by going online to www.RMNetwork to sign up for it, see katalyst news and become a Reconciling UM by going to JOIN US ;  see all churches listed that are Reconciling Communities and where other Reconciling communities are in your state or conference!   See Stories, Resources and more!

Remember you can start a Reconciling COMMUNITY :  it can be a SS class, a choir, a youth group, a campus ministry, a UMW or book study, Missions committee, Coffee group or Support group! Let us know if you want to start a Reconciling community this fall!

We have the following Reconciling Communities in NE :   CELEBRATE FIVE Reconciling Communities in NE and see the new EIGHT Reconciling communities in the Flashnet!

1) Celebrate the Sixth Anniversary for Open hearts Reconciling Community and Support group in Nov!   Open hearts meets at Trinity UMC, G Island about once a month or has other events once a month!  We meet next Oct 14 at 2:30 PM, Nov 11 at 4 PM Telling our stories this fall: Coming out as Allies!   Contacts : Maureen Vetter, Mena Sprague

2)  Omaha First UMC over ten years and going strong!  Contact, Pastors Jane Florence and Deb McKnight
Coming out day rally today at 5:30 :  we hope it is going well!   It was at Omaha first umc today!  Send an email telling about it!

3)  RUMOLA, Lincoln :  contact Liz Bady, 15 years old this last summer!   HOORAH!

4) Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network :  over six years!

5)  AWE or Affirming and Welcoming Everyone :  Christ UMC, Lincoln  Contacts  Wendy smith, Liz Bady, Cheryl Moncure, Jim Miller pastor

-------- Begin forwarded message --------
Subject: Spirit Day, Eight new Reconciling Communities and more!
Date: 10/11/12 5:36:15 PM
From: "Reconciling Ministries Network"
To: "Maureen Vetter"

 If you have trouble reading this e-mail, please click here

October 11, 2012
Dear Maureen,

In a recent RMN Blog post, Michael Overman shared his heart breaking story of being told in his ordination process that he would have to hide who God created him to be if he were to proceed with his journey in The United Methodist Church. Here is an excerpt: My identity [as a gay man] and relationship [with my partner] are something God loves and finds joy in and takes pleasure in. I am God’s beloved in the entirety of who I am, and God has not asked or called me to change. I am worthy because my Creator has called me worthy…
October is LGBT Heritage Month, a time to celebrate the diversity of our sexual orientations and gender identities and who God has really created us to be.  We participate together in these secular practices because, as people of faith, we
 believe God occupies the ordinary and makes it sacred.
Coming out and being who God created us to be takes a community. As the Eucharist reminds us, and as Michael tell us again in his story, "Though we may feel divided, we are one with Christ, one with each other, and one in ministry to all the world."
May it be so, as we come out together.

Happy National Coming Out Day! Challenge: If you feel able, come out today to your pastor, church community, law makers and/or friends and let them know you are LGBTQ, an ally, a person of faith or whatever you think is important for them to know. Then let them know you expect their support and full inclusion. Share your stories on our Facebook!
National Coming Out Day History: On Oct. 11, 1987, half a million people participated in the March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights.  Read more»


Spirit Day Spirit Day was founded in 2010 by high school student Brittany McMillan. This October 19th, millions of Americans will wear purple to speak out against bullying and as a sign of support for LGBT youth. We need your help to help spread the word! GLAAD has put together a resource kit so that you can ask your local news, schools or elected officials to participate: more »


8 New Reconciling Communities Beverley Hills Community United Methodist Church (Alexandria, Virginia): Rev. Sara Manner and Lay Leader Karen Beasley are proud to announce the joining of BHCUMC with other churches across the country to “live out the teachings of Jesus Christ, who welcomed all people to his love, care, and grace.” On July 1st they voted to become a Reconciling Congregation!  Read more »

Meet the New Regional Organizers! RMN’s Regional Organizers are facilitating trainings in your area. If you want to help coach congregations and communities through the process of becoming a Reconciling Community, please contact you regional organizer.Read more »

Save the Date! The 2013 Reconciling Convocation has been scheduled for Labor Day weekend. Tell your friends, and plan to bring a group!  Reconciling Convocation Labor Day Weekend 2013 August 30 – September 2;  4-H Youth Conference Center Chevy Chase, Maryland (Washington, DC Area)

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