Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Repeal of DOMA, Town Hall Meeting, April 18 @ Saint Paul UMC Lincoln, health of GLBT's in NE

NE Reconciling folks and friends: Remember the work of repealing DOMA continues in the email below.. along with Reconciling work, Church Within a church and many advocacy groups, faith groups! It is Another Great year of Spiritual Awakenings!

Dates coming up: April 8, 7 pm, GI 3rd Annual HIV AIDS Benefit Concert Trinity UMC, Gollaher Chapel, 5th and Elm, GI
April 9, 11 am, PFLAG hastings coffee time at Blue moon, Hastings, NE downtown, come and meet new friends
April 10, Open Hearts Reconciling Community, 2:30 PM, fellowship time, bring snacks, 3 PM, Trinity UMC, GI, sharing, support
April 14, Day of Silence, Hastings Alliance, Hastings College, Hastings NE
April 18, 5:30 PM, Hazelrigg Student union, Hastings college, PFLAG Hastings, GSA & PFLAG combined potluck meeting
April 18, 7 - 8:30 PM,Town Hall Meeting on Health of LGBTQA in NE, Saint Paul UMC, room 155, Downtown Lincoln
May 31, NE MFSA Dinner (Methodist Federation for Social Action), be watching for info! Dr Don Messer coming as speaker!
June 1 - 4, NE UMC Annual Conference, St Marks UMC Lincoln, south 84th
Summer : Pride events in Lincoln and Omaha to support

----- Original Message -----
From: Cleve Jones, Courage Campaign
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 11:34 AM
Subject: I am here to recruit you

Dear maureen,

When I heard the news that Sen. Dianne Feinstein would introduce repeal of the "Defense of Marriage Act" (DOMA), I was thrilled. Clearly this is a game-changer. And I remembered almost 40 years ago when Dianne Feinstein was still a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and hosted a commitment ceremony for our mutual friend Jo Daly, a lesbian activist.

A great deal has happened in the 40 years since I joined this movement. Today we are on the cusp of winning full equality. But full equality by definition can only come from the federal government. For decades we have fought city-by-city, state-by-state for fractions of equality, and even when we won, every victory is incomplete and impermanent. Incomplete because they do not include the federal rights that are granted to straight Americans and impermanent because we see how easily these victories are overturned at the ballot box.

Now is the time to end this debate. Now is the time to win. We will win through concerted, coordinated political action in all 435 Congressional districts. We must show all 435 members of Congress that people who live, work, pay taxes and vote in their districts believe in equality for all Americans. And to do that, we must have volunteers in 435 districts who can help build pressure on elected representatives in their state.

Will you volunteer just 8 hours a month to become a Courage State Coordinator, working with us to repeal DOMA?

or, if you cannot volunteer:

Will you chip in to fund our efforts to build a 50-state network to repeal DOMA?

Look, I've been in this movement a long time and I'm nearly 60 (if can you believe it). I'm not saying it's made me wise, but it's given me a lot of memories. And I've never seen anything like the sea change we've seen in the last two years. Now is the time to finish the job.

When Sen. Feinstein said she was determined to repeal DOMA, we knew she meant business and we're going to be full partners in making it happen. Please join us -- whether through volunteering or through donating to our work.

In solidarity,

Cleve Jones

Faith in Action april 6, 2011: picking pockets of poor, AIDS crisis in USA, human trafficking, death penality gone 4 states

Faith in Action / April 6, 2011 / Wayne Rhodes, Editor (

Word from Winkler (
Picking the pockets of the poor
By Jim Winkler, General Secretary, General Board of Church & Society
God sides with the poor, not because they are more virtuous than the rich, but because that is God's way of healing the pain in the human family.

Religious Freedom Internship (
Joint effort of General Board of Church & Society, Asbury Seminary
By Wayne Rhodes, Editor, Faith in Action
Intern will write articles, create materials to help local churches understand, combat religious intolerance.

Religious freedom not a given (
Anti-conversion bills in India stymie active propagation of faith
By Manohar James
Religious fanaticism of the majority, national idealism and spiritual oppression threaten freedom of faith, says writer who was beaten for spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Native American mascots must go (
Time to remove them is long passed
By the Rev. Chebon Kernell
Representations undermine ability of American Indian Nations to portray accurate, respectful images of their culture, spirituality and traditions.

Alcohol marketing and young people (
Alcohol Free Lent
By David Jernigan, PhD
The more alcohol advertising and marketing young people are exposed to, the more likely they are to drink or, if already drinking, to drink more.

Illinois chooses life over death (
16th state to abolish capital punishment
By Kathy Gilbert
Illinois third state in four years to abolish penalty; Connecticut, Kansas, Montana, Maryland debating doing so.

'Oh to walk where Jesus walked' (
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
By Margie Briggs
Writer says trip one of the most important things church can do for young clergy members as they begin their ministry.

Gender, justice take center stage (
Union Seminary dean says religion is about human well-being
By Lesley Carter
United Methodists join several hundred faith-based advocates to pursue justice at Ecumenical Advocacy Days

Know your status! (
Speaker wonders how anyone can say U.S. doesn't have HIV/AIDS problem
By Linda Bales Todd
What's happening in the U.S. is not too far from what's happening in Africa, according to executive director of S.C. HIV/AIDS Council.

I love my country (
Israeli Defense Forces soldier explains why he criticizes Israel
By Noam Raz
Security needs can't be used as justification for reprehensible acts.

Battling human trafficking (
Women, girls 80% of victims
By Linda Bloom
U.N. defines human trafficking as recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of people by threat, abduction, deception or abuse of power for sexual or labor-related exploitation.

Native American Ministries Sunday (
United Methodist Special Sunday May 8
Gifts help develop, strengthen ministries within annual conferences and across the United States.

Heritage Sunday May 22 (
'Engaging in Ministry with the Poor: Our Heritage'
Resources from General Commission on Archives & History include PowerPoint, prayers, hymns, scripture readings.

Retreat for Creation's Caretakers (
April 30, Richmond, Va.
Experience to deepen understanding of relationships with God, each other and creation.

On USAID spending priorities (
'In Afghanistan USAID does not do projects on the basis of need, but on the basis of military necessity.'
—David Wildman (General Board of Global Ministries)

The United Methodist Church — General Board of Church and Society
100 Maryland Avenue, Washington, DC 20002 — (202) 488-5600 — (

Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors. The people of The United Methodist Church.

Reconciling news for NE: April 18 -- LGBT Health Town Hall in Lincoln, Saint Paul UMC, Lincoln

Enter parking garage on
11th Street, between M
and N Streets. Also ample
street parking.

Physical, Mental, Social & Sexual Health

Monday, April 18, 7–8:30
Saint Paul United Methodist
1144 M St, Room 155, Lincoln

Join Dr. Christopher Fisher and Dr. Jay Irwin for preliminary data
from their current research on health issues in the LGBT community,
and a community discussion about how the information should be
analyzed and reported.
 What information do you want to see?
 How do you want to see the data presented?
 What will be most useful for you, LGBT organizations
and allies?

The Midlands LGBT Community Needs Assessment was launched at
Omaha Pride 2010. Over 750 lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
Midlanders who live, work, and play in Nebraska answered questions
about their physical, mental, social, sexual health and the health of the
LGBT community. Results will be released at Omaha Pride 2011.

Dr. Fisher, Assistant Professor of Health Promotion, Social and Behavioral Health at
UNMCs College of Public Health, is the lead investigator. Co-investigators are Dr.
Irwin, UNO Assistant Professor of Sociology, and Dr. Jason Coleman, UNO Assistant
Professor of Health Education. All three have conducted previous research with LGBT
populations in Indiana, California, Alabama, and South Carolina. Team also includes
UNMC and UNO graduate students. Research sponsored by the University of
Nebraska Medical Center's College of Public Health.

Benefit Concert: Posters / 3rd Annual HIV AIDS Benefit concert. Friday April 8, 7 pm: TUMC, G Island How u can help!

Working for an AIDS - Free World! APRIL 8, 2011

Help Clients with Medical Emergencies at NAP (NE AIDS PROJECT) Kearney : Trinity UMC Emergency HIV AIDS fund!

Let's join together and make music to make a difference!
3rd Annual HIV AIDS Benefit Concert, Gollaher Chapel, April 8
Trinity UMC, 511 N Elm, Grand Island, NE 68801

Doors open at 6:15 PM, Come and get info on HIV AIDS & health

Four Musicians Sharing at 7 PM : Scott Taylor, Paul Siebert, Peggy Lang, Emily Dunbar

Intermission, DVD's for sale, Freewill offerings, Blankets of Love
(bring new blankets for clients at NAP kearney)

Bring YOURSELF friends, cookies for intermission to share at Intermission, red baskets 4 donations, AIDSribbons / bracelets an, household items for clients and donations! Suggested donation: $5 or more if you can give more!

Gifts/Checks: TUMC, in the memo : Emergency HIV AIDS Fund
Send to: TUMC, 511 N Elm St, Grand Island, NE 68801

Working for an AIDS Free World!

Note: The Power of Hope fundraiser Attached was last Sunday night and a success in Kearney!
We have a SECOND fundraiser for HIV AIDS this week April 8, Friday night!
Join us at Trinity UMC, 5th and Elm, Grand Island in Gollaher Chapel/ Hall
(west end of the building, use South side doors) with 4 area musicians
lending support with music for the 3rd Annual Grand Island HIV AIDS Benefit concert!
Tell your friends! Print the attached flyer!
See the musicians on the poster and print it out, give to friends, hang it at work!
The Daily NE at UNL is running a story about the concert today we think!

We will have Freewill offerings all evening and at Intermission to raise funds!
Bring cookies, bars or cupcakes if you want to help - bring household items for clients at NAP kearney
or Blankets of love .. new blankets!
Come at 6:30 for info on HIV AIDS and visiting with the musicians!
For questions call Trinity UMC 308-382-1952 offices or First Christian, GI (Scott Taylor)
Thanks to Rev Scott Taylor for organizing this event with the help of the TUMC World AIDS Day Team and Missions Committee!
The proceeds help raise money for the TUMC Emergency HIV AIDS fund that give assistance to
those battling HIV AIDS with medical emergencies at NAP kearney!

To BECOME an AIDS Ambassador in the UMC (promote UM Global AIDS Fund offering, give yourself and pray for
those with HIV AIDS and this fund, contact Andrew :
or Bill : or maureen :
We have FIFTY AIDS ambassadors in NE Local UM churches and we want 350 - 400!
For more about the UM Global AIDS Fund Task Force in NE :
For more on the UM Global AIDS fund:
Thanks tons! Maureen Vetter, World AIDS Day Team at TUMC, TUMC Mission Committee Chair,
UM Global AIDS Fund Co Chair, Open Hearts Reconciling Community Contact,
Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network Contact: Group Facebook & blog: RMN or Reconciling Ministries Network:

April New: NE Statewide Reconciling Network: Ap 18 LGBT Health Town Hall at Saint Paul UMC, Lincoln, dates, petitions, info

NE Reconciling U Methodists and friends: Another Great Year of Spiritual Awakenings!

Pass this NEWS on to friends! See our new blog for info: and Group Facebook : Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network and
Sorry i have had the blog wrong the last few times! I apologize!

During Lent and Easter : Seek out Spiritual Partners for your faith journey,
renew yourself spiritually each week .. seek out marginalized friends or
persons different from you to enrich your life! Find new ways to be
inclusive in your local church, your faith group and friends!

Challenge: Another year of Spiritual Awakenings and Actions!

We are Taking Reconciling on the Road daily as you meetup with other
reconciling friends in Nebraska and beyond, go to events, advocate for justice, go to events,
lend support - You are Called to Witness and Believe Out loud as you sign up
friends to be Reconciling United Methodists (online at as
you give to RMN and GLBT ministries ... and tell stories! Gather Rainbows
of HOPE this spring and summer to share with others!

NEWS: Get involved in Pride events this summer in Lincoln and Omaha : give
out info about your reconciling group!

April 1 is the day that Jimmy Creech's new book is out - published
through the Duke U Press! Go online to find this moving story and journey
in the book :: "ADAM's GIFT" by Jimmy Creech - justice & hope!
It is also our story together as people of faith! "Adam's Gift" has a longer title as a memoir!
Read it as a group or SS class this summer or get a few friends to order it and share about it!

Nominations were due April 1: for the MFSA Jimmy Creech Profile of Justice College Student Award / Scholarship!
Contact person: Zach Anderson :

Another book out: David Weekly as author: In From the Wilderness, his journey as a UMC transgender pastor -- go to RMN webpage or Church Within a Church for more info:

Did you know that there are TWO Reconciling Congregations in Tucson, AZ? St Francis of the Foothills UMC and First UMC, Tucson!

Celebrate Reconciling Communities, Welcoming and affirming congregations and
Reconciling Congregations like Omaha First umc who organize Horizons of
Faith each year and do inclusive work faithfully -- and our four reconciling communities in NE: AWE Christ umc, Lincoln; RUMOLA Lincoln; Open Hearts Grand Island and NE statewide Reconciling community, our group
email network of reconciling friends in NE

Go to RMN Facebook, to for info on Reconciling Ministries Network!
Go to our Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network Group FACEBOOK today.. or our new blog: Thanks to Wendy Smith of Christ UMC, Lincoln for administering FB and our
new blog!

We hope that April showers bring May Flowers --- and June Rainbows of HOPE in your local churches!

Plan to gather Rainbows of HOPE this spring for art shows, Quilts and
Fibers, Children's Rainbow art displayed, Rainbow Photos displayed,
Rainbow Suitcases or baskets with Rainbow things to share with others as a
fundraiser, Rainbow Tables, Rainbow Sunday, Rainbow Bake sales or Rainbow
Movie night, Sign up party, RMN Rainbow Birthday Lunch Fundraiser or a
Rainbow meetup for coffee!

If you want to bring Rainbows things (from origami to stoles, pins, ribbons
to wear) to Annual Conference for the Reconciling table, bring them on June
1 to the RMN table at St marks UMC on 84th street south -- Betty Dorr of
Omaha First UMC will be there at the RMN table of hope and rainbows,
volunteer to help her out or bring info on a group or project, pride event
for the Reconciling Table to affirm all God's children :

If you want to donate Rainbow items to the OPEN HEARTS Reconciling
Community Rainbow Suitcase for events contact

Our Open Hearts group in Grand Island is hoping to start a Rainbow Suitcase
for Gatherings and Reconciling on the Road events along with a Rainbow Crate
of GLBT and allies RESOURCES -- like DVD's, music, books, magazines, book
studies, GLBT studies for the group here -- you might want to do this in your group?

THANKS for ALL THE DONATIONS this past winter! WE are very grateful! Seek
out Resources at the Resource Center in Lincoln at Conference offices too! through Diane .. they have the DVD: Call Me Malcolm and
other GLBT, faith resources! Donate to the Resource Center in Lincoln too!

The DVD: FOR THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO would be a great one to donate to the NE UMC Resource
Center, your church library or share in local groups or start a Rainbow Crate with Resources locally! *

*At Open Hearts we could use a copy of the DVD "INCOMPATIBLE with Christian Teaching" when it goes
on Sale if someone wants to donate it -- and a copy of the movie "The Kids
are All right" or other notable GLBTQA movies, documentaries for faith groups!

Petitions and Resolutions:

1) Omaha First UMC and the HIV AIDS task force in NE have sent in Petitions to
NE Annual Conference for 2012 General Conference on GLBT Legislation

2) The UM Global AIDS FUND and HIV AIDS Task force for the NE UMC has
submitted a Resolution to Annual
Conference for the 20 / 20 Campaign of Visioning an AIDS Free World by
2020 -- giving $20 whenever possible to eliminate HIV AIDS by 2020 as we
respond in faith to persons battling HIV AIDS in NE and beyond!

Send Gifts for UM Global AIDS Fund to the NE Conf Treas : ADVANCE # 578
Global AIDS - so that 25 % of offerings and gifts stays in Ne for local AIDS
projects! see the new URL:

See the NE UMC Workbook for Annual conference coming out for Petitions to
General Conf 2012 as legislation -- and the HIV AIDS Resolution -- all to be voted on by our NE UMC Annual Conference.

Spring Events:

We have some Spring events coming for Reconciling groups and check for PFLAG
meetings, other Inclusive faith groups in your area ------ Collaboration
is a good way to build alliances and allies:

April 8: Take Reconciling on the Road: 7 PM Friday night is the 3rd Annual
HIV AIDS Benefit Concert at TUMC, G island at 5th and Elm. Four musicians from Central NE will SHARE
their SONGS, time and talents to raise funds for the TUMC Emergency HIV AIDS fund! This fund needs to be replenished each year as it gives assistance for medical emergencies at NAP Kearney in Central NE. There are Waiting lists in 21 states for medical emergencies at AIDS centers! NE is one of

April 8 : Come early at 6:30 PM to get info on HIV AIDS in the Gathering
Place at TUMC and testing sites in the area! We celebrate the new TESTING
Site through Trinity UMC in GI with Central Health Center two times a month!
KNOW YOUR STATUS : come get tested the first thurs of each month (am) and
the third Thurs of the month (afternoon). There are many other testing
sites across NE and through NAP in five sites in NE (NE AIDS Project .. -- or go to STOP AIDS NE or other online resources!

We will have an Intermission at the HIV AIDS Benefit Concert too and
musicians will bring DVD's to sell .. bring cookies if you want to help that
way with Intermission and if you want to help with washing coffee mugs etc!
We hope that this fund brings hope to those battling HIV AIDS in Central NE! Bring new blankets of love
too or household items, cleaning items, personal items to replenish the
caring cupboard at NAP kearney to serve clients in 30 plus counties!

April 10 : Open Hearts Reconciling Community and Support Group.. 3 PM
with fellowship time at 2:30 PM in the Gathering Place, TUMC, 5th and Elm,
Grand Island, NE.

Program: Sharing stories, Writing up our Stories: Spiritual Awakenings,
upcoming events for GLBT justice and support! Contact
for info or Mena Bring a snack to share and meet new

June 1 - 4, Reconciling Table at NE UMC Annual Conference: Share Rainbow
things you might have or create at this table! Betty Dorr and folks from
Omaha First UMC will staff the table or volunteer : today!

June 1 - 4, Special Offering June 3 at 8:30 Worship for UM Global AIDS fund
and HIV AIDS / UM Global AIDS fund Info at the Risk Taking Mission Table, St Marks UMC, Lincoln, IF YOU CAN HELP at the TABLE signing up AIDS Ambassadors and
with and info contact : maureen: or bob:

You receive a FREE UMC HIV AIDS Toolkit if you sign up as an AIDS Ambassador
at the Table at Annual Conference (as long as supplies last) or download the
TOOLKIT today yourself at IT is designed for YOU!

Support the Resolution for the 20/20 Campaign for UM Global AIDS fund in the
NE UMC Annual Conference along with the challenge of $1 per member yearly
approved in 2006 in NE UMC.


Join us by becoming a Reconciling UM in NE -- join the 300 folks in NE by
signing up today :

If you want to do a Signup party / MEETUP at Annual Conference, movie night
get together, you can organize an events in your local groups and then let
us know~ Thanks to all Local Contacts and Main Email contacts for keeping
the news flowing in NE as volunteers! We have no budget per se and all our
work is in house and through volunteers like YOU ... all of our fundraising
goes to RMN for ministries (chicago offices) and a more fully Inclusive UMC!
See info about SING A NEW SONG the next CONVO for RMN at the website!


Important Gathering: Town Hall in Lincoln APRIL 18.. see below:

LGBT TOWNHALL MEETING in Lincoln, April 18, Saint Paul UMC, downtown

Enter parking garage on
11th Street, between M
and N Streets. Also ample
street parking.

Physical, Mental, Social & Sexual Health

Monday, April 18, 7–8:30
Saint Paul United Methodist
1144 M St, Room 155, Lincoln

Join Dr. Christopher Fisher and Dr. Jay Irwin for preliminary data
from their current research on health issues in the LGBT community,
and a community discussion about how the information should be
analyzed and reported.
 What information do you want to see?
 How do you want to see the data presented?
 What will be most useful for you, LGBT organizations and allies?

The Midlands LGBT Community Needs Assessment was launched at
Omaha Pride 2010. Over 750 lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
Midlanders who live, work, and play in Nebraska answered questions
about their physical, mental, social, sexual health and the health of the
LGBT community.

Results will be released at Omaha Pride 2011
Dr. Fisher, Assistant Professor of Health Promotion, Social and
Behavioral Health at UNMCs College of Public Health, is the lead investigator.

Co-investigators are Dr.Irwin, UNO Assistant Professor of Sociology, and Dr. Jason Coleman, UNO
Assistant Professor of Health Education. All three have conducted previous research with LGBT populations in Indiana, California, Alabama, and South Carolina. Team also includes UNMC and UNO graduate students. Research sponsored by the University of Nebraska Medical Center's College of Public Health.

Support RMN or Reconciling Ministries Network - become a Reconciling UM today!
Maureen Vetter and Wendy Smith, Statewide Contacts for Group email and Group Facebook & our new blog and, Main Email Contacts, PRN contacts and Local Contacts!
Recruit Youth and Young Adult Contacts in your local groups!

Become a local Reconciling contact or start a reconciling coffee group,
book group, Sunday school class, choir, UMW or UMM or support group today!
Let us know : or wendy at

For info on the UM global AIDS fund or being an AIDS ambassador and on a District UM Global AIDS fund team : contact Maureen
and Bill black

Co chairs of the NE UMC HIV AIDS Task force going for two years Fall 2011. for general info .. send all giving to NE Conf treas so that 25 % of all offerings and fundraisers stay in NE for local AIDS projects with local churches.. we do grants with the 25 % (see URL above)

TIME FOR EGGS and all kinds of spiritual awakenings this spring! We pray for a more fully inclusive and compassionate world!

Open Hearts news

Open Hearts Reconciling folks in the G Island, NE area:

CELEBRATE: We are Glad to report that Del and Carolyn have sent in the Nomination of Becca Preisendorf for the MFSA Jimmy Creech Profile of Justice Scholarship on behalf of our Open Hearts group! Thanks Becca, Del and Carolyn for your time on preparing this Nomination and information .. the due date for Nominations was today April 1.

We wish Becca the best as she graduates from GISH now this spring and looks forward to college learning and life. We thank you for sharing your journey of starting the first GSA at GISH at our February meeting! If you ever want to write this up as a one page story for a Booklet of our Awakening stories / Sacred stories in Open hearts -- we would welcome it as our first story!

CELEBRATE the new HIV AIDS testing site through TUMC at Old Walnut two times a month on the First Thurs am and the third Thurs afternoon in the Parish nurse offices there .. this is a collaboration with Central Health Center in GI. Know your status and get tested! Donations are accepted at this testing site or find out other testings sites in the area. TUMC was awarded the 2011 Working for an AIDS - FREE World Grant of $650 this year for the TUMC Emergency HIV AIDS Fund!

We hope you can join us for events in April -- to meet new friends and for the support of allies, friends, family of GLBT persons in our community and the surrounding area.. for persons of all faiths!

Info came to you today via the NE Statewide Reconciling Network Group Email with more details.. here are the basics and info on Sing A New Song Convo coming for Reconciling folks around the globe!

1) April 8 3rd Annual HIV AIDS Benefit Concert, 7 PM, Gollaher Chapel at Trinity UMC, GI with intermission and freewill donations -- four musicians sharing their songs, talents, time : Scott Taylor, Peggy Lang, Emily Dunbar and Paul Siebert!
Come early at 6:30 PM for info in the Gathering Place on HIV AIDS .. bring household items for NAP kearney and new blankets for Blankets of LOVE for clients at NAP kearney!

2) April 10 Sunday : Open Hearts Reconciling Community and Support Group Get-Together in the Gathering place of Trinity UMC, 5th and Elm, G Island, NE @ 3 PM with fellowship time ahead at 2:30 pm.. bring a snack to share! Bring a friend -- Come early at 2:30 PM if you are new to the group to read the Support Group guidelines ahead -- Bring things for the Rainbow Suitcase or hear about it!

We will share Awakening Stories : think of something that has been an Awakening to you (Another year of great spiritual awakenings -- and upcoming events for summer! We will take an offering for RMN and gather for support and renewal!

See info below in SING A NEW SONG with more info on the website:

Sing a New Song (RMN event)

Early Registration Ends SOON!
Summer is coming, everyone is beginning to think about how they will use those hard earned vacation days and we wanted to make sure everyone has added Sing a New Song to their list of things to do this summer. So get your calendars out and make sure you save August 25 - 28, 2011 for Sing a New Song.

Early Registration Ends May 1st!!
Register today to get the early bird discount.
Visit: to register online now.

Help Spread The Word About Sing a New Song!
Sing a New Song is just around the corner and we want don't want anyone to miss out. Help us spread the word! Here are four simple ways you can help .

Bulletin Inserts
Your congregation can help spread the word by including this bulletin insert in your Sunday bulletin. Follow this link to download the file. These can also be used as flyers for your Sunday school class room or to pass out at events.

Email Signature
An easy way to help spread the word is to add a message to your email signature. In most major email programs you are able to add a signature to the bottom of your email. Usually people will add their name and contact info. To help spread the word about Sing a New Song you could add a message inviting people to register at Visit this link to see and example of an email signature.

Share Sing a New Song on Facebook
If you are on Facebook take a second to visit the Sing a New Song Facebook page. You can help spread the word if you "Like" the page. You can also help by sharing the Facebook Event. Click here to visit Sing a New Song on Facebook.

Hang Up Your Sing a New Song Poster
Beautiful posters have been sent out to Reconciling Congregations across the country that show your who the presenters will be and all the important information about Sing a New Song. If you didn't get your poster or you need a new one contact the Reconciling Ministries Network office by either calling 773-736-5526 or emailing

To see this in a webpage (I think pasting the text broke the links):

News from 4/1/11

NE Reconciling U Methodists and friends: Pass this on to friends!

During Lent and Easter : Seek out Spiritual Partners for your faith journey, renew yourself spiritually each week .. seek out marginalized friends or persons different from you to enrich your life! Find new ways to be inclusive in your local church, your faith group and friends!

Challenge: Another year of Spiritual Awakenings and Actions!

We are Taking Reconciling on the Road daily as you meetup with other reconciling friends, go to events, advocate for justice, go to events, lend support - You are Called to Witness and Believe Out loud as you sign up friends to be Reconciling United Methodists (online at as you give to RMN and GLBT ministries ... and tell stories! Gather Rainbows of HOPE this spring and summer to share with others!

NEWS: Get involved in Pride events this summer in Lincoln and Omaha : give out info about your reconciling group!

Today - April 1 is the day that Jimmy Creech's new book is out - published through the Duke U Press! Go online to find this moving story and journey in the book :: "ADAM's GIFT" by Jimmy Creech - his story of struggle, pain, justice and hope! It is also our story together as people of faith! Adam's Gift has a longer title as a memoir! Read it as a group or SS class this summer or get a few friends to order it and share about it!

Nominations are due today April 1: for the MFSA Jimmy Creech Profile of Justice College Student Award / Scholarship!
Contact person: Zach Anderson :

Another book out: David Weekly as author: In From the Wilderness, his journey as a UMC transgender pastor -- go to RMN webpage or Church Within a Church for more info:

Did you know that there are TWO Reconciling Congregations in Tucson, AZ? St Francis of the Foothills UMC and First UMC, Tucson!

Celebrate Reconciling Communities, Welcoming and affirming congregations and Reconciling Congregations like Omaha First umc who organize Horizons of Faith each year and do inclusive work faithfully -- and our four reconciling communities in NE: AWE Christ umc, Lincoln; RUMOLA Lincoln; Open Hearts Grand Island and NE statewide Reconciling community, our group email network of reconciling friends in NE

Go to RMN Facebook, to for info on Reconciling Ministries Network!
Go to our Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network Group FACEBOOK today.. or our new blog:
Thanks to Wendy Smith of Christ UMC, Lincoln for administering FB and our new blog!

We hope that April showers bring May Flowers --- and June Rainbows of HOPE in your local churches!

Plan to gather Rainbows of HOPE this spring for art shows, Quilts and Fibers, Children's Rainbow art displayed, Rainbow Photos displayed, Rainbow Suitcases or baskets with Rainbow things to share with others as a fundraiser, Rainbow Tables, Rainbow Sunday, Rainbow Bake sales or Rainbow Movie night, Sign up party, RMN Rainbow Birthday Lunch Fundraiser or a Rainbow meetup for coffee!

If you want to bring Rainbows things (from origami to stoles, pins, ribbons to wear) to Annual Conference for the Reconciling table, bring them on June 1 to the RMN table at St marks UMC on 84th street south -- Betty Dorr of Omaha First UMC will be there at the RMN table of hope and rainbows, volunteer to help her out or bring info on a group or project, pride event for the Reconciling Table to affirm all God's children :

If you want to donate Rainbow items to wear with the OPEN HEARTS Reconciling Community Rainbow Suitcase for the MFSA dinner and other Inclusive, GLBT events : you can bring items to Lincoln June 1 -- Rainbow ribbons, pins, stoles, scarves, jewelry, lapel pins, Rainbow leis, and things for people to wear at Annual conference to identify themselves as Rainbow People -- or create your own Rainbow Suitcase or Basket for worship at local churches, events, gatherings, movie showings, concerts for HIV AIDS -- contact maureen at

Our Open Hearts group in Grand Island is hoping to start a Rainbow Suitcase for Gatherings and Reconciling on the Road events along with a Rainbow Crate of GLBT and allies RESOURCES -- like DVD's, music, books, magazines, book studies, GLBT studies for the group here --

THANKS for ALL THE DONATIONS this past winter! WE are very grateful! Seek out Resources at the Resource Center in Lincoln at Conference offices too! through Diane .. they have the DVD: Call Me Malcolm and other GLBT, faith resources! Donate to the Resource Center in Lincoln too!

The DVD: FOR THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO is a great one to donate to a Resource Center, your church library or share in local groups or start a Rainbow Crate with Resources locally! *

*At Open Hearts we could use a copy of the DVD "INCOMPATIBLE with Christian Teaching" when it goes
on Sale if someone wants to donate it -- and a copy of the movie "The Kids are All right" or other notable GLBTQA movies, documentaries!

Petitions and Resolutions:

1) Omaha First UMC and the HIV AIDS task force in NE have sent in Petitions to
NE Annual Conference for 2012 General Conference on GLBT Legislation

2) The UM Global AIDS FUND and HIV AIDS Task force for the NE UMC has submitted a Resolution to Annual
Conference for the 20 / 20 Campaign of Visioning an AIDS Free World by 2020 -- giving $20 whenever possible to eliminate HIV AIDS by 2020 as we respond in faith to persons battling HIV AIDS in NE and beyond!

Send Gifts for UM Global AIDS Fund to the NE Conf Treas : ADVANCE # 578 Global AIDS - so that 25 % of offerings and gifts stays in Ne for local AIDS projects! see the new URL:

See the NE UMC Workbook for Annual conference coming out for Petitions to General Conf 2012 as legislation -- and the HIV AIDS Resolution -- all to be voted on by our NE UMC Annual conference.

Spring Events:

We have some Spring events coming for Reconciling groups and check for PFLAG
meetings, other Inclusive faith groups in your area ------ Collaboration is a good way to build alliances and allies:

April 8: Take Reconciling on the Road: 7 PM Friday night is the 3rd Annual HIV AIDS Benefit Concert at
TUMC, G island at 5th and Elm. Four musicians from Central NE will SHARE their SONGS, time and talents to raise funds for the TUMC Emergency HIV AIDS fund! This fund needs to be replenished each year as it gives assistance for medical emergencies at NAP Kearney in Central NE. There are Waiting lists in 21 states for medical emergencies at AIDS centers! NE is one of them!

April 8 : Come early at 6:30 PM to get info on HIV AIDS in the Gathering Place at TUMC and testing sites in the area! We celebrate the new TESTING Site through Trinity UMC in GI with Central Health Center two times a month! KNOW YOUR STATUS : come get tested the first thurs of each month (am) and the third Thurs of the month (afternoon). There are many other testing sites across NE and through NAP in five sites in NE (NE AIDS Project .. -- or go to STOP AIDS NE or other online resources!

We will have an Intermission at the HIV AIDS Benefit Concert too and musicians will bring DVD's to sell .. bring cookies if you want to help that way with Intermission and if you want to help with washing coffee mugs etc! We brew Equal Exchange coffee at TUMC now.. We hope that this fund brings hope to those battling HIV AIDS in Central NE! Bring new blankets of love too or household items, cleaning items, personal items to replenish the caring cupboard at NAP kearney to serve clients in 36 counties!


April 10 : Open Hearts Reconciling Community and Support Group.. 3 PM with fellowship time at 2:30 PM in the Gathering Place, TUMC, 5th and Elm, Grand Island, NE.

Program: Sharing stories, Writing up our Stories: Spiritual Awakenings, upcoming events for GLBT justice and support! Contact for info or Mena Bring a snack to share and meet new friends!

June 1 - 4, Reconciling Table at NE UMC Annual Conference: Share Rainbow
things you might have or create at this table! Betty Dorr and folks from
Omaha First UMC will staff the table or volunteer : today!

June 1 - 4, Special Offering June 3 at 8:30 Worship for UM Global AIDS fund and HIV AIDS / UM Global AIDS fund Info at the Risk Taking Mission Table, St Marks UMC, Lincoln, if you want to help at the table signing up
AIDS ambassadors and info contact : or

You receive a FREE UMC HIV AIDS Toolkit if you sign up as an AIDS Ambassador at the Table at Annual Conference (as long as supplies last) or download the TOOLKIT today at

Support the Resolution for the 20/20 Campaign for UM Global AIDS fund in the NE UMC Annual Conference along with the challenge of $1 per member yearly approved in 2006 in NE UMC.


Join us by becoming a Reconciling UM in NE -- join the 300 folks in NE by signing up today :

If you want to do a Signup party / MEETUP at Annual Conference, movie night get together, you can organize an events in your local groups and then let us know~ Thanks to all Local Contacts and Main Email contacts for keeping the news flowing in NE as volunteers! We have no budget per se and all our work is in house and through volunteers like YOU ... all of our fundraising goes to RMN for ministries (chicago offices) and a more fully Inclusive UMC!
See info about SING A NEW SONG the next CONVO for RMN at the website!


Important Gathering: Town Hall in Lincoln APRIL 18.. see below:

LGBT TOWNHALL MEETING in Lincoln, April 18, Saint Paul UMC, downtown

Enter parking garage on
11th Street, between M
and N Streets. Also ample
street parking.

Physical, Mental, Social & Sexual Health

Monday, April 18, 7–8:30
Saint Paul United Methodist
1144 M St, Room 155, Lincoln

Join Dr. Christopher Fisher and Dr. Jay Irwin for preliminary data
from their current research on health issues in the LGBT community,
and a community discussion about how the information should be
analyzed and reported.
 What information do you want to see?
 How do you want to see the data presented?
 What will be most useful for you, LGBT organizations and allies?

The Midlands LGBT Community Needs Assessment was launched at
Omaha Pride 2010. Over 750 lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
Midlanders who live, work, and play in Nebraska answered questions
about their physical, mental, social, sexual health and the health of the
LGBT community.

Results will be released at Omaha Pride 2011
Dr. Fisher, Assistant Professor of Health Promotion, Social and
Behavioral Health at UNMCs College of Public Health, is the lead investigator.

Co-investigators are Dr.Irwin, UNO Assistant Professor of Sociology, and Dr. Jason Coleman, UNO
Assistant Professor of Health Education. All three have conducted previous research with LGBT populations in Indiana, California, Alabama, and South Carolina. Team also includes UNMC and UNO graduate students. Research sponsored by the University of Nebraska Medical Center's College of Public Health.

Support RMN or Reconciling Ministries Network - become a Reconciling UM today!
Maureen Vetter and Wendy Smith, Statewide Contacts for Group email and Group Facebook & our new blog! and, Main Email Contacts, PRN contacts and Local Contacts!
Recruit Youth and Young Adult Contacts in your local groups!

Become a local Reconciling contact or start a reconciling coffee group,
book group, Sunday school class, choir, UMW or UMM or support group today!
Let us know : or wendy at

For info on the UM global AIDS fund : contact Maureen and Bill black
Co chairs of the NE UMC HIV AIDS Task force going for two years Fall 2011.