Thursday, May 17, 2012

Faith in Action May 16

Faith in Action / May 16, 2012 / Wayne Rhodes, Editor
Word from Winkler
A cantankerous conferenceBy Jim Winkler, General Secretary, General Board of Church & Society
The recently concluded General Conference had a unique persona: great worship, good fellowship and orneriness.
2012 Peace with Justice grants
$60,000 awarded to 22 ministries
By Wayne Rhodes, Editor, Faith in ActionRecipients include 3 in Central Conferences overseas and 16 in four of the five U.S. jurisdictions.
Women’s advocacy opening
General Board of Church & Society seeks director for Louise & Hugh Moore Population Project
Work with and on behalf of women around the globe by advocating for passage of just policies by the U.S. Congress and the United Nations.
National Addictions Network
Pezzolesi to discuss legislative initiatives on May 22 conference callMonthly calls to build dynamic, spiritual movement among United Methodists that cultivates national dialogue to help curb the epidemic of addiction.
Peace with Justice Sunday
Quickly referenced resources to help with Special Sunday observance
Peace with Justice Sunday helps provides a voice to the denomination in advocating for peace around the world and around the neighborhood.
‘Communities of love’ urged
Bishops Kiesey, Matthews encourage blessing, rather than cursing each other
By the Rev. Maidstone Mulenga
Hours after General Conference voted to keep the denomination’s stance on homosexuality, 2 bishops challenged United Methodists to love those who may be outside their boat.
Maternal health resolution
General Conference responds to global tragedy of maternal mortality
By Katie Kraft
United Methodist Church called to support direct services and advocacy to improve maternal health and access to family planning.
Hope against hope
United Methodist Church’s anti-homosexual stance survives ‘common-sense’ proposal to change itBy the Rev. Clayton Childers
Local congregations across U.S. are thriving by ignoring denomination’s strictures and embracing radical hospitality, intentionally welcoming everyone regardless of sexual orientation.
Shall we do nothing?
Christians being driven out of Holy Land
By Lonnie Chafin
Future dialogue to change the practices of companies profiting from Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory is ‘futile.’
Safer side by side 
Why Israel needs Palestine
By Hussein Ibish
‘Threat posed by potential Palestinian state most common Israeli objection to a 2-state solution, but occupation itself is main source of insecurity and lack of peace.
Poverty in the U.S.
FaithLink downloadable study resource connects faith with lifeHalf the people in the U.S. may face poverty due to unemployment, war, the Great Recession, corporate greed or income inequality, but what can the faith community do about it?
A mother’s love
Childbirth requires women to give many sacrifices beyond just physical suffering
By Katie Kraft
It is ‘truly disheartening’ to learn that many people struggle to see how anything other than physical life should be given consideration when debating maternal issues.
‘Good emergency’ appeal
Funds needed to ship sweet potatoes
North Carolina grower offers 6.3 million pounds of produce — or 18 million servings — to Society of St. Andrew.
Labor in the Pulpit
Resources to organize a Labor Day weekend observance honoring workers
Join hundreds of congregations and community groups in honoring workers and lifting up the struggle for worker and economic justice.
Second annual food day
Oct. 24 to galvanize support for better food policies
More than 2,300 events occurred last year in nationwide celebration of healthful, affordable, sustainably produced food.
On true 'adaptive change'
'Jesus didn’t say, "Feed only my sheep who are theologically correct, able to be counted in our numbers, who agree with me."'—Bishop Deborah Kiesey (Dakotas)
The United Methodist Church — General Board of Church and Society
100 Maryland Avenue, Washington, DC 20002 — (202) 488-5600 —

Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors. The people of The United Methodist Church.

Remembering Walter Wink

See you this summer :  Cather Conference end of May : ,
Queen's birthday june 9 kearney for NAP Kearney (info from Andrew at NAP : :  
NE MFSA dinner May 5 Lincoln; contact Susan Davies, Soul Desires bookstore Omaha
Special Offering for UM Global AIDS fund June 7 at 8:30 am worship, St marks UMC Lincoln;
HIV AIDS Table and Reconciling table at St marks UMC :  june 6 - 9 Lincoln; 
Reconciling Birthday Bash Lunch :  June 8 noon, Dinos Lincoln, RSVP to Liz :
Pride events this summer! 
Special event August in KS for Reconciling : go to Facebook for more info :  search - Nebraska Stateiwide Reconciling Network : 
New Facebook for NE : UM Global AIDS Fund and more!

Thanks to Church Within a Church for publishing this!   See news on General Conference on the RMN website Become a Reconciling UM today : 
peace maureen vetter and wendy smith
PS give to summer email offering :  write a check to RMN and send to Maureen Vetter, 4422 drake lane, grand island, NE 6880l  : she will send on to RMN offices as our yearly commitment from NE statewide reconciling network!   WE are at $240 now and hope to get to $500!   Donors will be listed later this summer and into fall!  thanks!

The Church Within A Church Movement is very sad to learn that Walter Winkwalter wink passed, Thursday May 10, 2012.
Please read this reflection on the blog of the Fellowship of Reconciliation:

From Annie Britton: "I will never forget Walter running and dancing playfully through the pews at Chicago Theological Seminary during his nonviolent direct action lecture --- the weekend in Chicago when we presented Greg Dell with the Gil Caldwell Justice Award. He truly "enlivened" scripture for us, as I know he had done so many times in classes and seminars. A man of conviction and grace, truth and justice. Such a one will be deeply missed, especially at a time when his words of love, grace, and inclusion are so needed."

From Gil Caldwell: " I have long been a fan of Walter Wink. I will not forget hearing him for the first time at the Chicago CWAC event. His management of his illness, gave me new incentive to manage my own." 

June Wink's Candle

June and family; our thoughts and prayers are with you. We are so grateful we had our time with you and Walter in 2009. My version of this light (made by June) is burning on my desk
in remembrance of a life lived well. Walter made a difference in our world.
On behalf of the CWAC Movement's Coordinating Team, members and friends, cathy knight.

CWAC logo JL 2010

"A progressive Methodist-related Movement dedicated to BEing the fully inclusive church"
save the date banner

October 19-21, 2012  Chicago, IL

"The Church Within A Church Movement:
Celebrating 10 year of Faith, Hope and Justice"

Make plans to celebrate with CWAC Movement Members and
friends from across the country.

Stay tuned for more information!


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Join with others to make a path to justice and inclusion.

Write your testimony of the CWAC Movement HERE.

Renew your 2012
CWAC Movement Membership HERE.

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The CWAC Movement is BEing the fully inclusive and just church.

What we've been doing lately:

"JustChurch" Lawrence
March, 2012

"JustChurch" Tampa
May 1, 2012

 Let's talk about a "JustChurch" event in your community!

Community Conference
The first Monday of the Month. Join with CWAC Movement Members to talk Faith,
Hope and Justice.

Not yet a Member?


Support this Justice Ministry



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May Reflection: Faith, Hope and Justice

It's been two weeks since I participated in"JustChurch" Tampa! I continue to reflect on the intersection of my life-lines; of the United Methodist Church's General Conference in Tampa, my leaving Florida 13 years ago, and my return to Florida on behalf of the Church Within A Church Movement.

One of the reasons I moved away from Florida in 1999 was because I could no longer abide by the treatment I was experiencing by the church. For 18 years I attended a United Methodist Church (UMC) in a small town in south central Florida. I was closeted and never felt it would be spiritually or emotionally safe to come out. And why would I? Every year, whether in response to something in the news, the "Gay Days" at Disney World or because Annual Conference or General Conference was on the horizon, the "issue" of homosexuality was raised. In Sunday School classes and from the pulpit I was reminded that I was not accepted. One pastor, who later became a District Superintendent, preached one bright sunny morning, that I was an abomination. In that moment something deep inside shifted for me. I knew God had something more for me than being spiritually abused by some pastors of the UMC.

I moved to Chicago and my first Sunday I risked attending a United Methodist Church. I had read about this church. Pastor Greg Dell had just been on trial for participating in a holy union for two gay men. I needed to meet this pastor. My first Sunday in Chicago was Greg's last Sunday before he went on indefinite suspension. Again, something deep inside shifted for me during that service. This time, it was my liberation. 

My God-voice had been rekindled. And then the church acted out again.

In 2005 I gave up my membership in the UMC after Judicial Council ruling 1032. The ruling was related to a Gay man who was very active in his local UMC denied membership in that church because he wouldn't turn away from his "sin" of being a sexually active Gay man. That ruling was my line in the sand.

The faith I have lost in the UMC system, has been replaced by the place I have found  in the Church Within A Church Movement. And by "place" I don't mean status or responsibility. Rather, I mean a place of community. A place where I am theologically grounded in a God of love and justice. A place to call 'my church home' that honors and respects me and offers a place to live my faith, be supported in hope and work for justice. There is no hierarchy that puts up barriers or conditions. It's community being church.

And it is in that spirit that I could be back in Tampa, Florida offering myself as a witness of a fully inclusive and just  community to the United Methodists doing battle inside the convention center.

During a dinner break from the battle next door, over 50 of us gathered at "JustChurch" Tampa! We talked, ate and shared our stories. We offered a place of support and community. We were BEing Church.

Some of the 50 are already Members of the Church Within A Church Movement. Others won't join. Others have and will. Others will find a way to stay in the UMC.

My prayers are with them all.

My community is with the Church Within A Church Movement.

cathy knight
executive director
Church Within A Church Movement

Read more of our "JustChurch" Tampa activities HERE

Read IRD (a conservative ecumenical renewal group) article"Church Within A Church Movement at General Conference" 
JustChurch Tampa
cathy knight introducing speakers at "JustChurch" Tampa!
l to r: Dave Lafary, Rev. Annie Britton, Rev. DeLyn Celec. Tampa. 2012.
Read the beautiful Communion liturgy used by Annie Britton, DeLyn Celec and Sarah Celec at the Tabernacle in Tampa, HERE.
Commuion at GC 2012
Rev. Annie Britton, Sarah Celec, Rev. DeLyn Celec. Tampa. 2012.

The Church Within A Church Movement is a Christian Ministry of hope and life. We have roots in a Methodist tradition and are growing into an Ecumenical community that lives into our Theological statement that includes:
... Therefore, we are called to hold the church universal accountable to be an inclusive community.
... We stand for the celebration of the sacred worth of all persons and the rest of creation.
... We witness to God's work of breaking down the dividing walls of hostility and will co-operate with God in restoring humanity to an image that more fully reflects God's love.

The CWAC justice ministry is guided by these Working Strategies:
  • A pathway to Extraordinary Ordination for those denied ordination because of sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, inclusive progressive theology, and for people for whom ordination through CWAC would enable a liberating expression of justice ministry within a community of mutual accountability.
  • Promote progressive church plants and ministry development.
  • Break down the walls of racism, white privilege and other "isms" that divide us.
  • Provide curriculum and worship resources for the progressive, justice-seeking church.
  • Promote Ecumenical partnerships. 
 Read CWAC's full Theological Statement HERE


Update for May

RECONCILING UM's in NE and friends:  400 RUM's in NE : Sign on!
We have 73 AIDS Ambassadors in NE : let's get to 75!
We need one or more in every local church in NE!   
Thanks to all who have given to the Spring Email Offering as our yearly commitment from Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network to RMN or Reconciling Ministries Network!  
We have gathered $240 so far for this SPECIAL Email offeringbefore and after General Conference 2012 in Tampa this spring!
Our Goal of this Special Email Offering is $300 to $500 this spring and summer : to help support the COMMON WITNESS at General Conference through RMN, MFSA and other groups:  and the many expenses to have a tabernacle tent air conditioned in the heat, meals each day at noon, speakers each day, tables, chairs, media, newspapers daily, the common witness each day and a protest for justice in the UMC!
Thanks to all persons who went to General Conference and for many who  paid their own way to attend the Common Witness for a week, a few days or the whole eleven days :  or Lighten the Burden IV Conference on HIV AIDS just ahead of GC 2012 in tampa.   
We are looking for HOPE FOR TOMORROW again and turning our frustrations and heartbreaks into actions and telling our stories!   Start a Reconciling Support group or become an AIDS Ambassador today : contact  .  As AIDS Ambassadors we promote offerings for UM Global AIDS fund and other fundraising if possible, we send prayers and we give ourselves!  
Become part of the 2020 Campaign to eliminate HIV AIDS by 2020 :    We have 73 AIDS Ambassadors in NE now and we would love to get to 75 by Annual Conference with one or more in each local church advocating for persons living with HIV AIDS and UM Global AIDS fund!
Thanks for all the prayers of SUPPORT!
The folks who have given as DONORS to this Special  Email offering thus far for a total of $240 : 
Bob and Betty Dorr : Reconciling Table Reservation and copies for Annual Conference in June
Linda Kastning, Ponca NE
Maureen and Jay Vetter, Lincoln NE in memory of Rev Nye Bond
Emogene and John Whitten, Omaha First UMC
Ruth and Lowen Kruse, Omaha First UMC
Joan and Lloyd Byerhof, Omaha First UMC and Florida
Loren and Iola Mullins, Omaha First UMC
Send your gift today by writing your check to RMN and then sending it to : Maureen Vetter, 4422 Drake Lane, Grand island, NE 68801     Maureen will send all the checks to RMN then as our gifts this spring from Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network!
Actions :  You can help at the Reconciling Table at Annual Conference June 6 - 9 in Lincoln at St Marks UMC :
You can help at the UM  Global AIDS fund table :  contact  Sarah or Bill Black co chairs starting march 15 :
You can be on a new District HIV AIDS team in each District or become and AIDS Ambassador!
Contact the same persons!
June 5 :  NE MFSA Dinner :  info just went out via email : contact Susan Davies, Omaha, Soul Desires Bookstore
June 7 :  Special Offering for UM Global AIDS fund at 8:30 am worship
June 8 :  NOON, Reconciling Birthday Lunch :  Dino's on 84th ST in Lincoln south of A Street near St Marks UMC :  RSVP to Liz Bady to attend :   The party room holds about 20 people so beyond 20 people folks can eat in the main restaurant :  all will order off the menu : celebrate birthdays of persons (bring your calendar) and birthdays of our groups : 15 years this summer for RUMOLA!  It started summer of l997 at Cornerstone UMHE at a potluck with about a dozen people!   Give gifts to RMN rather than cards and gifts to friends for the work or RMN through our Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network of friend!  Let's keep growing our circle of friends : we have about 400 RUM's in NE!  Sign up today:
June 9 : Queen's Birthday Party, MONA Kearney for NAP kearney as a fundraiser : starts with tea at 3 PM and silent ART AUCTION at Museum of NE ART and more!  join in the fun in central NE after Annual Conf!
July : School of Christian Mission Kearney :  if you can volunteer at an INFO Table for UM Global AIDS fund and Reconciling (one table we are hoping) please contact Andrew Brackett in Kearney :  or Evie Gulachi Johnson
Pride Events this summer in Lincoln and Omaha!  Go and participate or have a table with info!
Event in KS in August for NE and KS Reconciling folks : more info coming
AIDS walks in the fall and Coming OUT Day in Oct :  find friends to start a Reconciling support group, a book group or coffee group!  contact Maureen or Wendy if you are interested! and

Here is a LETTER we received up on returning from General Conference in Tampa :  from Rev Carolyn Dickinson, pastor at Community Presbyterian Church, Minatare NE : thanks for sharing Carolyn and helping in our way west reconciling work!  We celebrate with you in the final vote this week to replace the non inclusive language with inclusive language out west in the Plains and Peaks Presbytery!
My deepest sympathies for the lack of progress and the animosity of the General Conference. That is certainly not the Methodist Church in which I was raised. (Or maybe it is. I don't remember the battle over the ordination of women.) It seems to be more like the political division this country is experiencing, not the way followers of Christ behave.

On the other hand, this particular presbytery (Plains and Peaks) finally voted (I hope for the last time) to be more inclusive. You remember that the Presbyterian Church (USA) voted last fall to remove the ordination ban on gays and lesbians, and we were part of the positive vote. Our Presbytery followed that with a complete reversal, adding the "fidelity and chastity, marriage between a man and a woman" stuff to the sexual abuse policy. 

In October we tried to rescind that amendment. The leadership finally decided to allow some time for discussion (not that 40 years is not long enough). In February we had small group conversations, and today we had the final vote. (At least, I hope it's the final vote.) After a series of votes leading up to the climax, they voted 62 to 49 with 1 abstention to replace the bad language with good language. A long sigh of relief! 
Carolyn Dickinson
“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”—Alvin Toffler, futurist
Become a Reconciling UM today :  go to and sign on!   We have about 400 RUM's in NE and FIVE Reconciling communities along with our Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network of friends!
The five official communities are :  Omaha First umc (official Reconciling congregation), RUMOLA Lincoln, AWE Lincoln at Christ UMC, Open hearts Reconciling Community at Trinity UMC G Island along with our Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network as an email community of friends and an OFFICIAL Reconciling community!  
Celebrate our groups and birthdays June 8 at noon in Lincoln during Annual conference :  at Dino's party room on 84th st during Annual conf!  RSVP to Liz Bady today :   The party room holds 20 people so RSVP today and others can sit in the restaurant : we will all order off the menu!  They have great sweet potato french fries! 
Start a reconciling support group of friends at your church or group : choir, UMW, SS class, youth group, book group, coffee group, smoothie group or hiking group, movie group, a friendship group today!
Facebook page: Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network
Facebook : Nebraska UM Global AIDS fund

Monday, May 7, 2012

Open Hearts Reconciling Community : don't forget : "Bully" showing in GI! GC 2012 is over! Lighten the Burden IV

Open Hearts Folks :  Don't forget to see the movie BULLY  in G Island, NE this weekend!

Support the GRAND THEATER for showing this movie by going and support the many efforts and energy to eliminate bullying!

General conference 2012 ended last night May 5 at 11 PM in Tampa Florida at the Convention Center  :   you can read reports online at :

Church Within a Church :  as well as MFSA online and

Also our conference has updates on GC 2012 with UM Connect updates from the past 2 weeks :

It was a very painful two weeks for our GLBTQA brothers and sisters, allies, families and friends!   The LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR challenge of RMN (Reconciling Ministries Network) remains clear and as a sign of HOPE for many!

Thanks to all persons who paid their ways to attend as part of the COMMON WITNESS for two weeks in the tabernacle!   We are deeply appreciative for this witness through meals, newspapers, speakers, pins, stoles, protests for justice for a fully inclusive UMC and more!

We thank all persons who have contributed to the RMN offerings to support the COMMON WITNESS in Tampa the last two weeks and as the inclusive ministries continue!

Two more checks were in the mail upon returning today :  for our Spring Email offering for Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network :  bringing us to $240 :  with our goal being $300 to $500 for our annual commitment to RMN as an official Reconciling Community (one of four in NE) :   a list will be coming in May of loving and caring donors for the spring Email offering!

More info will be coming in May on our gathering at Annual Conference in June for lunch June 8, our Reconciling table, HIV AIDS ministries offerings and table etc.

Let's rejoice : Five people from NE and others from KS and around the globe attended :  Lighten the Burden IV Conference on HIV AIDS and UM Global AIDS fund in Tampa April 23 and others from NE and KS were part of the Common Witness!   Several of our voting delegates in NE are Reconciling United Methodists!   THANK YOU!

General Conference 2016 is in Portland Oregon if you are interested!

Thanks Everyone for prayers as the justice work continues!

SEE YOU at the movies this weekend to see the movie Bully in G Island!  (see info below from hastings PFLAG)   peace :  maureen vetter and mena sprague

NOTE:  I purchased a copy of the documentary :  "Incompatible with Christian Teaching" for our Rainbow crate :  at the RMN Tabernacle in Tampa!   If you have movies to return or books :  we will see about a summer coffee get together or lunch in G I area before fall again!   Our FABRIC PRAYERS for GC 2012 were blowing in the wind :  will send pics!

----- Original Message ----- From: "Judy Sandeen" <>
To: "undisclosed-recipients:"
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2012 2:15 PM
Subject: "Bully" showing in GI!

The Grand Theatre, Grand Island

Exclusive engagement of "BULLY" showing this Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 7:15 pm. Rated PG-13. Adults $3.50, children 12 and under $2.50.

News from GC 2012 - books - stories - RMN Flashnet: May 6, 2012

Reconciling UM's in NEBRASKA and friends :

Reconciling Ministries Network and its Love Your Neighbor Coalition partners celebrated Sunday worship
April 29 together in Tampa, Florida:  along with daily speakers and lunch in the white Tabernacle Tent, daily newspapers, fabric prayers flying in the wind to God and each other etc.

Love Your Neighbor Sunday Worship Service
Straz Center for Performing Arts was  held Sunday, April 29, 2012 at 12 noon Eastern Time

Preeminent Black scholar Dr. James Cone of Union Theological Seminary and author of The Cross and the Lynching Treepreached.  Look for his sermon online or you tube. Rev. DeLyn Celec and Rev. Tanya Linn Bennett, Ph.D. served as our worship leaders.

Get this book THE CROSS and the LYNCHING TREE by Dr Cone this summer to read or Adam's Gift by Jimmy Creech in it's third printing!  Share with your groups or find other books telling the stories of inclusive church.

Here is a synopsis of GENERAL CONFERENCE 2012 and HOPE FOR TOMORROW with stories, VIdeos and images!   See RMN online for reflections on GC 2012 : or MFSA online for daily proceedings, Church Within a Church and other websites :   Our Ne news :

SEE Stories and you tubes below to start healing our HOPE FOR TOMORROW!
You can get Flashnet on email by subscribing today!  Become a Reconciling UM today:
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2012 2:26 PM
Subject: RMN Flashnet: May 6, 2012

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May 6, 2012
Hope for Tomorrow
By Rev. John Oda

Hundreds of people worked very hard in the months and in fact years leading up to this General Conference. But as the General Conference unfolded my hope dwindled. My optimism grew as a proposal from Rev. Adam Hamilton, the pastor of the Church of the Resurrection in Kansas, was brought forth. His proposal acknowledged "our disagreement on a huge issue that is separating churches in North America today."

I and others took to the floor of the General Conference. We broke the bar and essentially shut the General Conference down. As I stood at the communion table, I closed my eyes and wept. In my mind I pictured all of my friends who were gay and lesbian, many of whom were standing next to me. I imagined all of the young people, especially the young LGBT people, who had been watching the actions of the General Conference online. The church had failed them. My hope was shattered; my hope smashed, my hope was gone.

I was ready to leave the United Methodist Church. They could keep their bloody anti-gay and dying church. Why should I stay in a homophobic church? Why should I continue to support a church that actually took a vote on whether or not God's unconditional love reaches everyone-and only passed it by 56%? I kept saying to myself, "This isn't the United Methodist Church that I know and love!"

And then I realized, this is precisely one of the reasons why I must stay. This is NOT the United Methodist Church back home that I know and love. This is precisely one of the reasons I now have hope for tomorrow. Rev. Bonnie Beckonchrist, the Chair of RMN, said to me later that afternoon, "My hope is not in the larger UMC, it is in my church back home."

My own church, Lake Park UMC, is full of loving people who care for all people - gay and straight. We affirm the LGBT community. In fact our church is getting ready to launch an LGBT Bible Study this month.
I remain hopeful for tomorrow not because I agree with nor will I uphold the Book of Discipline but because I know back home the reality is a much different story. I will also remain hopeful because of the Reconciling Ministries Network which brings hope to thousands and thousands of people, including myself. I will remain hopeful because of people like Jan Olson, Board Member of Affirmation, who told me, "I stay because if I don't who is going to continue the fight?" I too will stay to fight another day.

It was Martin Luther King Jr. who said, "We must accept finite disappointment but never lose infinite hope." And from Romans 12:12 "Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer."
My sincere prayer for all of us is that we will continue to be the all inclusive church for today and tomorrow even if the United Methodist Church is one step behind us. And I hope to see you all at the Reconciling Ministries Network Convocation in 2013!

Rev. John Oda is a past Chair of Reconciling Ministries Network, current Board Member and Chair of the Grassroots Committee. He is the pastor of Lake Park United Methodist Church in Oakland California.
Beyond General Conference
Rachel Harvey, Deaconess and Associate Executive Director of Reconciling Ministries Network, offers words of hope after General Conference as well as a glimpse of RMN's plans for the next quadrennium. Listen to Rachel and consider how you'll advance justice for LGBT people in The United Methodist Church.
Rachel Harvey Offers Words of Hope
Rachel Harvey Offers Words of Hope
Neighbor News
Looking for a fuller account of General Conference? Check out the Love Your Neighbor News, the daily newspaper of the Love Your Neighbor Coalition during General Conference:

Bishop Talbert:
A Call for Biblical Obedience  
Altar For All - Celebrating Marriage: Witnessing God's Inclusive Love
Altar For All - Celebrating Marriage:
Witnessing God's Inclusive Love
"I declare to you that the derogatory language and restrictive laws in the Book of Discipline are immoral, and unjust and no longer deserve our loyalty and obedience. [...]
"I call on the clergy who have signed the pledge to stand firm in their resolve to perform marriages among same-sex couples and to do so in the normal course of their pastoral duties. Encourage your congregations to support you by taking actions to support you in your efforts to be faithful to the Gospel by taking action [to use] your local church facilities for such marriages."
- Bishop Melvin Talbert
Read More Button
Videos & Images
Check out dozens of short videos from General Conference on the Coalition website: 
Support RMN
As you know, expenses expand and we did more at this General Conference than during any previous General Conference to get our messages to the delegates and to the larger world: 
  • Daily distribution of the Love Your Neighbor News newspaper to all delegates and observers;
  • Web-broadcast videos to help tell our stories;
  • Daily meals at the Tabernacle to provide hospitality to delegates; and
  • Translation of resources as well as provision of translators to delegates.
Will you make a donation today to help cover the unanticipated expenses of General Conference?
Without your support, RMN could not accomplish any of this justice-seeking work. Thank you for your consideration and support of a just and fully-inclusive United Methodist Church. Donate today!

Hope for Tomorrow
In This Issue
Beyond General Conference
Neighbor News
Biblical Obedience
Videos and Images
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Mission Statement
Reconciling Ministries Network mobilizes United Methodists of all sexual orientations and gender identities to transform our church and world into the full expression of Christ's inclusive love.

Reconciling Ministries Network envisions a renewed and vibrant Wesleyan movement that is biblically and theologically centered in the full inclusion of God's children.
Reconciling Ministries Network is committed to making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by living out the Gospel's teaching of justice and inclusion. 
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