Reconciling friends in Central NE and beyond : Taking actions - faith responses!
I am speaking out on the Keystone Pipeline in NE as it is an environmental justice issue for all of us - for me, justice concerns are all intertwined - read the GI paper today to learn more and go online to BOLD NE Facebook and webite. It is totally grassroots with no big oil money placing huge ads in papers like today!
As Persons of faith we need to speak up and talk to our neighbors, talk to family members, talk to our friends, dentist and teachers, pastors, day care friends, card playing friends - write senators, go to support the NEW LEGISLATIVE SESSION starting in Lincoln on the Transcanada XL PIPELINE in NE and taking actions that will change the future of NE with our Drinking water, our livelihood, jobs and housing, life for children in the future, men and women, health for all!
Did you know we have no state regulations for pipelines? That could be why they have chosen NE for this SECOND pipeline in NE (we already have one did you know) and the new one is proposed to cut (and i do mean cut) through the sandhills, ranchland and could endanger the aquifer with accidents - there have been MANY pipeline accidents even if they say they never will happen -
It is time we think about our precious water supply, ranchers in the sandhills, the sandhills themselves which are a treasure - and how this will change life forever in NE for a pipeline of crude oil coming from precious lands in Canada that are being ripped up (the size of England i have been told and destroying habitat in Canada - all for money) -
Also this crude oil from tar sands will be very hard to refine and possibly not even refinable in the USA so it will be shipped to other countries to be refined possibly and how desperate are we?
Think about what could happen to our drinking water with ONE Accident - how do you get Oil out of water? Has anyone thought about this? We have Oil companies who want a citizenry that does not know the facts or care - they would prefer apathy - the oil companies are based on the greed concept - they are based on $$ - not people and health and our earth that is a gift.
Think about it -- we could be endangering the whole aquifer - speak up and take action - now is the time!
The SPECIAL SESSION on the XL Pipeline IS NOW - and there will be special sessions like one Friday afternoon in Lincoln for citizens to get involved Friday afternoon in the Warner room - write your senator today - or take action below - now is the time! L
Let's promote care about each other, jobs, the planet and equality for all persons - faith responses are so important to changing things in our world to be a more nurturing place, safer places.
See some of you Friday at HIV AIDS meeting Lincoln nov 4, see some of you Saturday at 10:30 am at Occupy GI, some of you Nov 12 at LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR, join us at Awaken, First umc, 6:30 PM, Nov 30 to kick off Baskets of love Silent Auction and center on World AIDS Day Dec 1 -
See some of you Dec 3 at the Christmas Potluck lunch on Sat in the Gathering place at TUMC, offerings for two HIV AIDS funds in Dec at TUMC: UM Global AIDS fund and TUMC Emergency HIV AIDS fund with Waiting lists starting oct 15 in NE.
Let me know if you can do a BASKET OF LOVE or contribute to the one for OPEN HEARTS Holiday Baking Basket - i need baking items and goods - also one for HIV AIDS called Angels are all around us - you can give items to it too ! contact maureen today!
Come join us Saturday for Occupy GI at 10:30 am at Pioneers park - justice issues are all interconnected in my view - Occupy Lincoln is every saturday! Go and give support!
Jesus was an action oriented person who also spent 40 days in the Wilderness wrestling with his spiritual side - who talked to the woman at the well, he chased the money lenders out of the temple, he cured the lame and the lepers, he lived simply, he built relationships and loved questions and stories, parables - he suggested we care for the earth and people - he reached out to others who were marginalized and encouraged new thinking and change! Jesus was a radical human being filled with justice and compassion for all. We are here to care for each other.
Remember we are asked to simply: Love your neighbor - and the lutherans too!
peace maureen and mena, contacts for open hearts reconciling community
PS see Bold NE on Facebook, website and in the news! Become a supporter! THANKS TO THE BOLD NE FOLKS and Jane Kleeb's leadership in Hastings -- from the GRASSROOTS of citizens who care!