There is an article about the transition team on the front page of this Messenger
Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network Visions Statement: Our vision is to create safe places for persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities in Nebraska through a statewide community ofreconciling folks centered in the love of Christ for ALL of God's Children. We hope to foster full inclusion and full participation of all gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people as we welcome, affirm and encourage them to share in all ministries in our churches.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Tuscon tragedy
John Cory, one of my favorite journalists, reflecting upon the shootings which took place in Tucson this past Saturday, quoted a statement from the Old Testament prophet Hosea: "For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind" (Hosea 8:7). For some time now, we've all been witnessing a deterioration in our precious liberty as Americans, as radio talk show personalities and some TV commentators have encouraged violence toward those with whom they disagree. [Freedom of speech is respected only if you agree with me?] Yet, not one of us can be taken off the hook. Each needs to ask What have I said, or left unsaid, to contribute to this climate of intolerance and hatred toward those of a different persuation politically or religiously? What have I sown into the wind that has helped create this "whirlwind" of violence? In the same article, John Cory wrote about what may well be the basic cause of the Arizona tragedy [and many other tragedies such as the recent Omaha school shooting]. He identifies that cause as our commitment to "perpetual war." Here is what he said yesterday: "We have become a nation of, by and for perpetual war. Perpetual war is our addiciton and our language. . .war is the metaphor of politics and business and daily discourse. . .a nation of perpetual war and constant fear eventually succumbs to self-hatred and self-loathing. It becomes consumed by the value of extremism in the maintanence of empty empire through the deceit of language. A nation of perpetual war numbs itself to violence by constant repetition of the rhetoric of death and mayhem and the slogans of militarism. A nation of perpetual war does not value human life - but rather the hollow rhetoric about human life." [Reader Supported News, January 9, 2011] Alas, I strongly suspect there is much truth to his assessment! It certainly matches what I have observed day-in-and-day-out. Recently, I read a couple of quotes shared by a Canadian Bible commentator, Laurel A. Dykstra, which tie in with "reaping the whirlwind," and which caused me to think of the young man who did the shooting in Tucson. These are the quotes: "Maya Angelou said, 'There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.' Audre Lorde [a poet] called us to transform our silence into language and action, asking 'What are the words you do not yet have? What do you need to say? What are the tyrannies you swallow day by day, and attempt to make your own, until you will sicken and die of them, still in silence'?" I don't pretend to know what sinister forces drove this young man to commit such a horrendous act, but as I reflected up his possible state of mind, that question, "What are the tyrannies you swallow day by day, and attempt to make your own, until you will sicken and die of them. . .", grabbed my attention. Indeed, I wonder what are the tyrannies many are forced to swallow day by day? I close now with a prayer which was printed this morning in the daily "Verse and Voice" column of Sojourners. "Oh Healer, we lift up all those who have been affected by the senseless shooting in Arizona last week. For the families and friends of those wounded and killed, we ask for your abundant strength and peace. We offer up to you our feelings of anger, confusion, and deep grief, and ask that you return to us a renewed desire for love in this broken world. Amen." Shalom, Del |
Open Hearts news: January 2011
OPEN HEARTS folks in Central NE ------
Happy snow day in Central NE!
Events are coming at Trinity UMC, G Island this spring with Open Hearts, check the website of PFLAG Hastings, other faith groups, other congregations, other GLBT groups, other justice and diversity groups and projects! Take Reconciling ON THE ROAD! Carpool!
Here is the Open hearts Reconciling news for January into spring and fall.. if you want more info contact Maureen vetter :
Another great spiritual awakening in 2011 ---- Seek ways to Renew yourself spiritually, find spiritual partners, seek out books, friends, share Ideas and stories, participate in Reconciling and Missions Events for spiritual renewal and support each other as a reconciling community! Give offerings and sign up folks as RUM's ---- persons of all faiths and spiritualities welcome! We welcome GLBT folks, friends and allies to our gatherings who want to support inclusive communities and actions!
We challenge folks to read a Bishop John S Spong book during Jan - Feb to share Feb 20 in the morning! He has written 20 books as an Episcopal Priest to challenge our thinking and open our hearts to new understanding --See the Bibliography of his books at TUMC offices as a handout or go online! His books can be purchased online or check at the city library or church libraries! Bishop Spong is coming to Omaha for the 10th Anniversary of Horizons of Faith at Omaha First UMC this year : They are ready for registations now! We might order a few of his books online -- if folks want to purchase them! Let me know!
Jan 15, Trek to Kearney for a Spiritual Awakening : Art Show on Diversity, MONA, leaving 10 am on south side of Trinity UMC, Grand island, SIGN up by Jan 12 at the church offices or by contacting maureen -- so we don't leave anyone behind in the cold weather! So far six people : Dee, barb, maureen, Ken, Kelly and Sandra. We will need a second car to drive over now -- it will be a bit crowded for six in one car i am thinking! That way we have a back up car too in cold weather! RSVP by Wed Jan 12 to go -- Let me know if you can be the second driver! We will arrive about 11 am when the MONA museum opens, have lunch downtown and come home!
Jan 16, Sunday, Immigration Workshop, Free from 1:30 on at First umc, Lincoln (near NWU) at St paul Ave and 50th! Freewill dinner, learn about ways to not have an AZ type immigration legislation --- and meet new friends! Contact First umc, Lincoln.
Jan 21, Friday night, 6:30 PM, TUMC Missions project: Reel Trips of the Heart, social justice movies : Battle for Whiteclay at Dentons, bring a snack to share with others -- contact TUMC or Dentons to RSVP, 308-379- 0806 or 308 - 382-1952 (church) or
Jan 22, Missions Committee, TUMC, 1 - 2 PM, Gathering Place, bring a snack to share.. come if you are interested!
Jan 23, Friends for the Journey Event : featuring Sara Ann Mathilde McWilliams Levell : one artist in the Greater Spectrum show at MONA, kearney with Maureen Vetter sharing -- reflections from seeing the show Jan 15 -- come even if you did not go to kearney and hear about it as it is up until April 3 : 10:45 - 11:30 in Miller Hall, Trinity UMC, G Island, bring a tea cup.
Jan 24, Suicide Prevention Workshop at Goodwill on S Locust in the evening FREE .. see earlier emails, contact Shelley aki
Jan 29, Used book sale for VIM Missions trips, Trinity UMC in the morning, come and enjoy finding good books, fundraiser
Jan 30, Friends for the Journey Event: WOOL Celebration, 10:45 - 11:30, bring wool you have to share or trade, learn about felting and wool projects, bring a cup for tea too! Get warm and wooley ----- or come to learn more about felting and wool projects if you have not done it before.
Feb 1, HIV AIDS Task force, Central Health Center, 10 am; Feb 12, 2 - 4 PM, Risk taking Mission projects and sharing, Christ UMC, Lincoln (Jan 19, HIV AIDS task force Lincoln, Conference offices, 2:30 PM with Carol Otto, testing, wellness screening)
Feb 18, 6:30 PM, TUMC Missions Project: REEL TRIPS OF THE HEART, social justice movies, BABIES a documentary, 4 babies around the world, see contact info on Jan 21, RSVP, bring a snack to share etc.
Feb 20 Friends for the Journey Event at TUMC: Book Share on Spong books you have read or come even if you have not read one: 10:45 - 11:30, Miller hall; Bring a SPONG book to share with the group or come to learn! Bring a tea cup.
Feb 20 Sunday afternoon : Open hearts gathering: Come at 2:45 for fellowship -- 3 PM Program with Becca Preisendorf, member of TUMC, Sr at GISH : sharing about the new GSA and the journey to become a GSA at GISH! Come Celebrate with Becca, friends and bring a snack to share with others! Come early if you are new to the group to read support group guidelines! We will take an offering to replenish our funds for our yearly commitments to RMN. We invite folks from other faith and reconciling groups to come join us along with local contacts, PRN contacts, PFLAG folks and friends who want to be supportive!
March 25 - 27, Horizons of Faith Weekend, Omaha first umc with bishop John shelby spong!
April 16, Open Hearts Gathering, Saturday afternoon, Trinity UMC G Island, Gathering place 1 PM, more info coming! Spiritual Awakenings : Marta Wheeler will share with us!
June 1 - 4, UM Annual Conference, St Marks UMC, 84th street, Lincoln, NE
Sept 19, Monday night, place TBA in Hastings, OPEN HEARTS, PFLAG and Hastings college GSA join Together! Program: Ryan Sallens from Lincoln will share his story, Fall Potluck with the GSA from Hastings college, Hastings PFLAG and Open hearts Reconciling Community coming together!
Spring projects: Gather rainbow things for folks to wear at Events, Annual Conference or other times -- collect items for a Rainbow Suitcase this winter/spring as a Summer fundraiser; $100 was collected from CLAB calendars for 2011 for our open hearts fund (might purchase RMN lapel pins for Rainbow suitcase), we sent in our $250 for 2010 and our yearly commitment to RMN ministries .. we hope to gather updated SACRED stories from our group in 2011 (one page) -- or stories to post on the NE Statewide Reconciling blog!
MISSIONS NOTE: We collected 11 Blankets of love for NAP kearney in December, Baskets of love for our two HIV AIDS funds and offerings brought in over $500 in Dec and the bake sale for MS support group raised $292 Dec 19. Stockings for Hassan raised over $1000 in Advent - and $2000 was sent for support of our Nigerian orphan for 2011 from SS offerings and projects.. now we are working on our fifth year of support of Hassan who is NINE years old at the new UM Orphanage in Jalingo Nigeria for 2012! Way to go everyone! Volunteer in your community and become a member of Literacy council for 2011.. contact Literacy Council to become a member for 2011 and support the work of teaching persons how to read! .. Find ways to support and help persons in our community!
We have a new RESOURCE CRATE for Open hearts with new DVD's donated over holidays! We have some New books, DVD's to loan now from anonymous donors this past fall and over the holidays! Bring your books or DVDs Feb 20 to add to the Resource Crate! Share resources with others! DVD's of RMN convo available for purchase at the RMN website below if you want to purchase any! HIV AIDS Benefit concert coming this spring and the new HIV AIDS testing site is open at Old Walnut!
Thanks everyone for help on HIV AIDS projects this last fall and new opportunities await us for spring!
Happy reading and reflecting on the snowy days coming -- as you seek spiritual awakenings around you this year in nature, people, new friends, new relationships, art, advocacy, locally grown foods, history, missions and more -- we hope to see you soon!
Celebrate the end of Don't Ask, Don't Tell in the military -- send prayers, thoughts to Tucson and our nation at this difficult time!
Help find new ways to dialogue and debate! Agree to disagree respectfully when possible! God's Spirit of Love to you this winter!
maureen vetter and mena sprague, email contacts for Open hearts reconciling community, G island area. an official reconciling group four years thanksgiving 2010!
PS Websites: RMN :
Church Within a Church :
Human rights campaign:
Horizons of faith:
Facebook Group: go to - Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network
NE Statewide Reconciling Network Blog: www.nebraskarum.
Pawnee Center : Diversity in history -- open Thurs nights, by appt, Dannebrog, NE contact Peggy and Gale for more info!
January 2011 Devotion--CWAC
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