Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network Visions Statement: Our vision is to create safe places for persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities in Nebraska through a statewide community ofreconciling folks centered in the love of Christ for ALL of God's Children. We hope to foster full inclusion and full participation of all gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people as we welcome, affirm and encourage them to share in all ministries in our churches.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Workshop to offer tools to counter an Arizona-type bill in Nebraska
How people of faith can be a strong voice for positive immigration reform while countering a proposed Arizona-type law in Nebraska will be the focus of a special Peacemaking Workshop Jan. 16 at First United Methodist Church, 50th St. and St. Paul Ave. in Lincoln.
"Current Immigration Policy: a Cultural Sin" will be the topic of a 1:30 p.m. presentation by the Rev. Frederick J. McCullough, pastor of Omaha's historic St. John African Methodist Episcopal Church.
Following his inspiring message, S.A. Mora James, a Latina attorney working on immigration issues in Nebraska, will detail the problems with the recently-passed Arizona law targeting undocumented immigrants, and a bill to be introduced by state Sen. Charlie Janssen of Fremont to institute a similar potentially discriminatory law in Nebraska.
She and other speakers will address issues of racial profiling, violation of constitutional rights and practical considerations such as the cost of such legislation at the state and local level. Particular attention will be given to the ways in which such legislation undermines community policing and efforts of local law enforcement to build trust with Latinos and other minorities.
State Sen. Brenda Council of Omaha will speak at 4 p.m., sharing her own views on immigration reform and the prospects for Janssen's bill. Council is a member of the Legislature's Judiciary Committee, which will hold hearings on the bill and other immigration proposals, including a possible alternative resolution calling for comprehensive immigration reform at the federal level.
The workshop will conclude with a call for church leaders, congregations and citizens in general to educate people about immigration and bring a message of social justice to the issue. Everyone attending the workshop will receive an information packet with helpful resources and materials. Workshop participants will discuss effective ways to influence legislation, and have an opportunity to write letters to state senators.
At 5:30 p.m. participants are invited to share a light supper catered by El Chaparro Restaurant.
At 6:30 pm. the film "9500 Liberty" will be shown. It is a highly-acclaimed documentary about the impact of an anti-immigrant ordinance in Prince William County, Va.
All events are free and open to the public, except for free-will donations for the meal. Participants are invited to attend any or all of the events throughout the day.
The workshop is co-sponsored by First United Methodist Church, Nebraska Wesleyan University, the Lincoln Chapter of Nebraskans for Peace and the Peacemaking Workshop coalition of churches and civic groups.
For more information visit peacemakingworkshop/2011 or call First United Methodist Church at (402)466-1906.
For more information contact Bob Reeves at (402)464-1803,; or Coleen Seng at (402)466-1906,
"Current Immigration Policy: a Cultural Sin" will be the topic of a 1:30 p.m. presentation by the Rev. Frederick J. McCullough, pastor of Omaha's historic St. John African Methodist Episcopal Church.
Following his inspiring message, S.A. Mora James, a Latina attorney working on immigration issues in Nebraska, will detail the problems with the recently-passed Arizona law targeting undocumented immigrants, and a bill to be introduced by state Sen. Charlie Janssen of Fremont to institute a similar potentially discriminatory law in Nebraska.
She and other speakers will address issues of racial profiling, violation of constitutional rights and practical considerations such as the cost of such legislation at the state and local level. Particular attention will be given to the ways in which such legislation undermines community policing and efforts of local law enforcement to build trust with Latinos and other minorities.
State Sen. Brenda Council of Omaha will speak at 4 p.m., sharing her own views on immigration reform and the prospects for Janssen's bill. Council is a member of the Legislature's Judiciary Committee, which will hold hearings on the bill and other immigration proposals, including a possible alternative resolution calling for comprehensive immigration reform at the federal level.
The workshop will conclude with a call for church leaders, congregations and citizens in general to educate people about immigration and bring a message of social justice to the issue. Everyone attending the workshop will receive an information packet with helpful resources and materials. Workshop participants will discuss effective ways to influence legislation, and have an opportunity to write letters to state senators.
At 5:30 p.m. participants are invited to share a light supper catered by El Chaparro Restaurant.
At 6:30 pm. the film "9500 Liberty" will be shown. It is a highly-acclaimed documentary about the impact of an anti-immigrant ordinance in Prince William County, Va.
All events are free and open to the public, except for free-will donations for the meal. Participants are invited to attend any or all of the events throughout the day.
The workshop is co-sponsored by First United Methodist Church, Nebraska Wesleyan University, the Lincoln Chapter of Nebraskans for Peace and the Peacemaking Workshop coalition of churches and civic groups.
For more information visit
For more information contact Bob Reeves at (402)464-1803,; or Coleen Seng at (402)466-1906,
Saturday, December 18, 2010
NE Statewide Reconciling Network: Breaking News: Senate approves DADT Repeal (from Human Rights campaign)
Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network, friends far and wide:
BREAKING NEWS: Senate overcame the filibuster to pave the way to approve DADT ---- Don't Ask Don't Tell
The PFLAG meeting in Hastings, NE Monday night Dec 20 at 7 PM, UCC on Marian Rd will be a celebration of this with welcoming new people -- i am guessing! Hope, equality, justice, changing away from discrimination and telling the truth in the military about sexual orientation and gender are ALL very good things to celebrate now at Christmastime as we welcome HOPE into the world again through a baby!
Peace Maureen Vetter and Wendy Smith, NE RMN Email contacts for NE Statewide Reconciling Community
PRN contacts, Local and Main Email contacts, to sign up as an RUM, or get more info!
See our Facebook under groups: Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network and our new Blog: www.Nebraskarum.blogspot.come
PS Give Holiday and New Year Gifts to your local Reconciling Group ... or send gifts of love to RMN directly.. all of the money in our local groups goes to RMN for their many ministries of HOPE and CHANGE for a more fully inclusive, welcoming and affirming UMC. Start a Reconciling support group in 2011 -- it can be two people locally or ten people getting together to share stories, give to RMN, sign folks up as RUM's (Reconciling United Methodists) & support each other in the Light of God's love!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Open Hearts news
OPEN HEARTS folks and friends: We wish you a merry christmas! We will be taking a break from now till january sometime -- with the holidays coming! We thank all of the volunteers and Main Email contacts in NE.. we have no budget per se in our groups and statewide network of RUM friends and all of our gifts go to RMN..
$250 is going to RMN by years end for our yearly commitment to RMN from Open Hearts Reconciling community from offerings and fundraiser -- we do all of our work in house and as volunteers! If you want to help or be a local contact, let us know!
Blue Christmas Service at First Christian church, GI Friday at 6 PM, call the church to confirm times and info! Rev Scott Taylor is the pastor leading this service.
Time for renewing our spirits and Another Great year of Spiritual Awakening is Coming and is happening!
THOUGHTS: In viewing a movie last week with friends on the Underground RR and remembering the great danger and risk for many as they helped others get to freedom, I also think of the "underground" struggle for many in the GLBT community, their families, friends and those affected by HIV AIDS.
Harriet Tubman and many others, white and black, were part of the route to hide folks and help them find the way to get to freedom. Many slaves were abused and horribly mistreated - and yet many were called to help others - like Harriet who could have chosen to live in freedom after she found it -- and just stay there!
Let's remember those on the "spiritual Underground RR" at Christmas as we think of the great spiritual awakening that this started as folks sought their FREEDOM to be equal citizens! Many did not see their families except at Christmas as slaves and the spiritual awakening of the Underground RR led to reuniting families & restored self and dignity!
A Baby is born soon to bring us hope, Fear not the angels sang!
CELEBRATE a surprise donation from an anonymous donor of new RESOURCES for our CRATE: a Beverly's Cole's book CLEANING CLOSETS (autographed) and some new DVDS and a CD! Feb 20 we will tell you more when we meet again!
Thanks to all who shared offerings for UM Global AIDS fund, Blankets of love, Baskets of Love, TUMC Emergency HIV AIDS fund and more. The total on baskets is $360 when all collected! With offerings and Gifts of Love (alternative giving) we will total about $516 for the two HIV AIDS funds this advent to be given to the two funds at year's end for 2011 ministry! Thanks to EVERYONE for helping on the Baskets of Love project for our HIV AIDS funds at Trinity UMC! Baskets are being claimed this week and monies are coming in to be used to help others battling HIV AIDS! The spring HIV AIDS benefit concert is coming in GI.. more details after the date is set!
We challenge everyone to read a Bishop John S Spong book this Dec, Jan and Feb! He has written TWENTY books -- so find one to read and share on Feb 20, 10:45, Miller Hall, TUMC for the Friends for the Journey Book share! He will be the guest Theologian for the Horizons of Faith Conference March 25 - 27 at Omaha First umc on the TENTH Anniversary! go to
Giving Gifts at Christmas gives us spiritual renewal and peace! To give to Open Hearts, write your check to TUMC and in the memo put Open Hearts.. then send it to TUMC, 511 N Elm, G Island, NE 68801. You can contribute books, DVD's to our Resource Crate Feb 20 when Becca comes to speak about the GSA at GISH!
To give to HIV AIDS funds: write out a check to TUMC and put HIV AIDS funds in the memo, TUMC Emergency HIV AIDS fund, or UM Global AIDS fund, see address above. Give and Help groups that promote justice and dignity all persons!
Remember the Literacy Council in Grand Island and those who are wanting to learn to read! Get a 2011 membership for $25 or give one to a friend for Christmas! LC in G island is needing volunteers as they have a waiting list of people who want to learn how to read! You can volunteer for ONE hour a week or more! Contact Kelly OUTSON at GI LC today or in january!
Feb 20 is our next gathering and Spong books will be discussed that morning at 10:45 in Miller hall! Lots of other events at TUMC coming with the Cantata this sunday at late service and at 2 PM - Christmas Eve and day services!
Renew your spirit! Watch the church newsletter for other events in January: Trek to MONA Kearney for A GREATER SPECTRUM Art show Jan 15 (sign up needed at TUMC church offices), Wool Celbration: Jan 30 Miller Hall, Missions meeting Jan 22, VIM Mission trips Used Book sale Jan 29, worships at new times and more! We can always use new helpers and subs, folks to donate snacks -- at the Sudanese Children's ed time from 1 - 2 PM sundays!
Taking Reconciling on the Road is a goal for NE Statewide Reconciling Network now -- and supporting each other in events by hitting the road as many of us do! We want to encourage everyone to carpool to events! Thanks to those who drove to Hastings for Inspiring Communities weekend, to Lincoln for the movie "Incompatible with Christian teaching", World AIDS day Services, meetups this fall and coffee times, conversations! Believe Out Loud: tell our stories, sign up new RUM's, have house parties, movie parties, cupcake parties, bowling parties, book groups, coffee times, vsiting worship in another church --
Collaborate with other groups, denominations and give generously to RMN and other groups that promote Equality for all persons! A Reconciling Support group can be a CHOIR, a SS class, two or three people who get together in a Coffee shop --Rainbow Suitcase coming in January!
Maureen and Mena, Email contacts for Open Hearts Reconciling Community
December update: Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network
Dear Reconciling friends:
The Church within a Church movement is unique and not the same as RMN or Reconciling Ministry Network --- but very much akin in spirit!
Many who are RUM's or Reconciling United Methodists are also members of and active in the Church Within a Church Movement as well as other groups seeking justice for persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities such as: HRC or Human Rights Campaign, Soulforce, Affirmation, More Light and other faith justice groups.. we are all seeking a more fully inclusive faith community.. we are all God's children wanting to birth new beginnings.
We are sending out the latest Devotional from Church Within a Church - for our spirits at ADVENT as we seek "Another Great Spiritual Awakening" in the UMC and in our faith communities this Advent -- it seems that change will not come without spiritual renewal of our hearts and spirits, honest conversations, collaboration, working together, coalitions, networking, rainbows of promise, along with caring and growing the circle of friends who care about those who are marginalized and not fully accepted through our barriers.
We are aware of the wounded Body of Christ with those who feel excluded from God's community and we want to make sure they do not feel excluded from God's unconditional love too -- we are hoping for a spiritual awakening that includes our hearts, minds and souls --- to seek the way to justice, reformation, reconciliation and HOPE at this advent time.
We hope that your Advent is meaningful and that you find ways to GIVE to justice work through your local reconciling group or other inclusive group, that you find ways to ADVOCATE and do ACTIONS in missions and outreach each day or that you start a small reconciling support group of friends to gather and share books, movies, conversation, stories, coffee or tea.. pain and hope.
We pray that we all remember the UM Global AIDS fund Special Offering in NE this coming Sunday on December 5 as this offering reaches out its arms of LOVE to others who are battling HIV AIDS in NE and the world! See for info on this Special offering in recent UM connects!
The website is with an HIV AIDS Toolkit that is downloadable / info for local churches and people.
If you want to be an AIDS ambassador in your local church or on your faith journey, contact us! or Andrew at: today!
Peace and hope to all, Maureen Vetter and Wendy Smith, NE contacts for RMN along with PRN contacts, Main Email Contacts, Local Contacts and RUM's around NE and the world along with many others! See us on Facebook Groups: Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network and our new blog:
PS Thanks to all the many VOLUNTEERS who work locally and to get out info and news this year to the NE statewide reconciling network of friends! We give thanks to these folks who keep the news flowing as they have time in their busy lives! It is God's love at work within each of us.
We do all of our justice work with Volunteers and we have no budget per se.. our offerings go to RMN and our time,energy and talents are all IN HOUSE and a gift to each other and to all those who are marginalized -- we thank all of you who help in any way with a conversation, with sharing a cup of tea or mocha, with an email, with your offerings, with signing a petition, with getting together and meeting up to share God's love!
Be watching for more news from our NE local reconciling groups after World AIDS Day events, Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, nature / peace / spiritual renewal / friend & family time!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 03, 2010 7:01 AM
Subject: December Devotion: "What Will We Birth in This Advent Season?"
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Church Within A Church Movement | | fax 773 751 5261 | P.O. Box 578524 | Chicago | IL | 60657 |
NE UMC HIV AIDS task force
MERRY CHRISTMAS NE UMC HIV AIDS Task force and friends! Sending prayers at christmas to all affected by HIV AIDS in the world! We send thanks to our caseworkers at NAP kearney and in NE! We know their burden needs to be lightened!
We collected EIGHT blankets of love at TUMC for clients at NAP kearney to bring over in January if not before! Collaborate with NAP in your area and find out how you can support each other! They may not know about the UM Global aids fund offerings and we can do the AIDS walks in fall to lend them support!
Good news that our Baskets of Love for our two HIV AIDS funds in G Island at TUMC: brought in $370 the last two weekends.. on 13 baskets created in love -- and so now time to get them all delivered and collect all monies to send in by year's end! We hope to have $526 with offerings and gifts last sunday -- to divide now between UM Global AIDS fund and our local TUMC Emergency HIV AIDS fund!
We are hoping that other churches are now sending in offerings with articles and reminders in UM connect! Bill said they gave $391 at Trinity UMC in Lincoln for UM Global AIDS fund! Lots of hope in the air -- yet we have large goals to eliminate HIV AIDS in our world! WE are hoping to come up with a date for our GI HIV AIDS Benefit concert this spring soon!
We have our TUMC book group on NAMES NOT JUST NUMBERS, Don Messer's new book tomorrow at my home at 10 am.. better get reading to finish it or get a good start! i purchased 11 copies and only one remains..
NOTE: Marta i need to get a copy to you and $20 to TUMC and then put forum fund in the memo or cash.. let me know when you can get together!
CELEBRATE: Our new HIV AIDS testing site at TUMC through Parish nurse office has been going for six mos.. now time to promote it!
You can get confidential testing there (across from our church at Old walnut apartments and offices: two times a month at Old Walnut offices, first thurs morning 9:30 to 11:30 am and third thurs of the month from 3 - 5 pm.. start to identify nurses and health professionals, missions folks in your church who will promote the offerings, do education and do collaboration and education with NAP in the area, health offices, etc.
Feb 1 at our Task force meeting we hope to award grants to local churches which is our main Task! Our meeting for our task force is at 10 am in Grand island at the new primary site for: Central Health Center: in the Conference room arranged by Susan Goodman, Educator there! Just go to the Locust Street exit on i-80 and it is a new strip mall on the EAST side of S locust where Stolley park crosses it! Susan Goodman is the contact person if you need to call for directions that day!
Primary Site
217 East Stolley Park Road Ste E
Grand Island NE 68801
Fax: 308-384-8904
Hours: Monday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday 9-5, Tuesday 1-7
Our next meeting is in LINCOLN on Jan 19, 2:30 in UMC Conferenceoffices at 2:30 PM with Carol Otto, Insurance person and also Wellness screening coordinator at Annual conference in June.. talking to her about having HIV AIDS testing with Wellness screening somehow!
217 East Stolley Park Road Ste E
Grand Island NE 68801
Fax: 308-384-8904
Hours: Monday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday 9-5, Tuesday 1-7
Our next meeting is in LINCOLN on Jan 19, 2:30 in UMC Conferenceoffices at 2:30 PM with Carol Otto, Insurance person and also Wellness screening coordinator at Annual conference in June.. talking to her about having HIV AIDS testing with Wellness screening somehow!
RSVP if you can come! If anyone can contact Thurman Hoskins about doing testing again that would be GREAT! We might need more than one nurse or health professional who is trained to do such testing if we go forward with this!
Thanks to all churches and AIDS ambassadors in local churches -- for Offerings for UM Global AIDS fund Dec 5 or other dates in Dec, fundraising projects, alternative giving at holidays etc. Merry Christmas to all and thanks everyone for a year of HOPE with HIV AIDS projects, events and UM Global aids fund offerings!
Saturday Feb 12 is an event at Christ UMC on A Street in Lincoln for all the groups that get support from Risk taking mission and justice team for the UMC.. let me know if you might come or lend support on this event! we might need a display and Liz has volunteered to help on a trifold.. thanks tons liz! we might need a three to five min DVD .. have the ones from UMCOR and one from Don messer if can find it or bill if you can bring a short piece on Zoe ministry -- also Nigerian orphanage support too.. many of the children lost parents to HIV AIDS that are there or malaria! peace and preparing the way for our hearts at christmas and in 2011 ----- maureen and marta co chairs
Note: We will set a date then for an April Meeting too and Andrew is chair of selection for Feb 1 at 10 am in G island. I am gone all of march on renewal leave. I will also be gone most of the summer and info Sept to co again. If anyone can come on as Co chair with marta by summer, let me know!
Open Hearts news
OPEN HEARTS folks and friends: We wish you a merry christmas! We will be taking a break from now till january sometime -- with the holidays coming! We thank all of the volunteers and Main Email contacts in NE.. we have no budget per se in our groups and statewide network of RUM friends and all of our gifts go to RMN..
$250 is going to RMN by years end for our yearly commitment to RMN from Open Hearts Reconciling community from offerings and fundraiser -- we do all of our work in house and as volunteers! If you want to help or be a local contact, let us know!
Blue Christmas Service at First Christian church, GI Friday at 6 PM, call the church to confirm times and info! Rev Scott Taylor is the pastor leading this service.
Time for renewing our spirits and Another Great year of Spiritual Awakening is Coming and is happening!
THOUGHTS: In viewing a movie last week with friends on the Underground RR and remembering the great danger and risk for many as they helped others get to freedom, I also think of the "underground" struggle for many in the GLBT community, their families, friends and those affected by HIV AIDS.
Harriet Tubman and many others, white and black, were part of the route to hide folks and help them find the way to get to freedom. Many slaves were abused and horribly mistreated - and yet many were called to help others - like Harriet who could have chosen to live in freedom after she found it -- and just stay there!
Let's remember those on the "spiritual Underground RR" at Christmas as we think of the great spiritual awakening that this started as folks sought their FREEDOM to be equal citizens! Many did not see their families except at Christmas as slaves and the spiritual awakening of the Underground RR led to reuniting families & restored self and dignity!
A Baby is born soon to bring us hope, Fear not the angels sang!
CELEBRATE a surprise donation from an anonymous donor of new RESOURCES for our CRATE: a Beverly's Cole's book CLEANING CLOSETS (autographed) and some new DVDS and a CD! Feb 20 we will tell you more when we meet again!
Thanks to all who shared offerings for UM Global AIDS fund, Blankets of love, Baskets of Love, TUMC Emergency HIV AIDS fund and more. The total on baskets is $360 when all collected! With offerings and Gifts of Love (alternative giving) we will total about $516 for the two HIV AIDS funds this advent to be given to the two funds at year's end for 2011 ministry! Thanks to EVERYONE for helping on the Baskets of Love project for our HIV AIDS funds at Trinity UMC! Baskets are being claimed this week and monies are coming in to be used to help others battling HIV AIDS! The spring HIV AIDS benefit concert is coming in GI.. more details after the date is set!
We challenge everyone to read a Bishop John S Spong book this Dec, Jan and Feb! He has written TWENTY books -- so find one to read and share on Feb 20, 10:45, Miller Hall, TUMC for the Friends for the Journey Book share! He will be the guest Theologian for the Horizons of Faith Conference March 25 - 27 at Omaha First umc on the TENTH Anniversary! go to
Giving Gifts at Christmas gives us spiritual renewal and peace! To give to Open Hearts, write your check to TUMC and in the memo put Open Hearts.. then send it to TUMC, 511 N Elm, G Island, NE 68801. You can contribute books, DVD's to our Resource Crate Feb 20 when Becca comes to speak about the GSA at GISH!
To give to HIV AIDS funds: write out a check to TUMC and put HIV AIDS funds in the memo, TUMC Emergency HIV AIDS fund, or UM Global AIDS fund, see address above. Give and Help groups that promote justice and dignity all persons!
Remember the Literacy Council in Grand Island and those who are wanting to learn to read! Get a 2011 membership for $25 or give one to a friend for Christmas! LC in G island is needing volunteers as they have a waiting list of people who want to learn how to read! You can volunteer for ONE hour a week or more! Contact Kelly OUTSON at GI LC today or in january!
Feb 20 is our next gathering and Spong books will be discussed that morning at 10:45 in Miller hall! Lots of other events at TUMC coming with the Cantata this sunday at late service and at 2 PM - Christmas Eve and day services!
Renew your spirit! Watch the church newsletter for other events in January: Trek to MONA Kearney for A GREATER SPECTRUM Art show Jan 15 (sign up needed at TUMC church offices), Wool Celbration: Jan 30 Miller Hall, Missions meeting Jan 22, VIM Mission trips Used Book sale Jan 29, worships at new times and more! We can always use new helpers and subs, folks to donate snacks -- at the Sudanese Children's ed time from 1 - 2 PM sundays!
Taking Reconciling on the Road is a goal for NE Statewide Reconciling Network now -- and supporting each other in events by hitting the road as many of us do! We want to encourage everyone to carpool to events! Thanks to those who drove to Hastings for Inspiring Communities weekend, to Lincoln for the movie "Incompatible with Christian teaching", World AIDS day Services, meetups this fall and coffee times, conversations! Believe Out Loud: tell our stories, sign up new RUM's, have house parties, movie parties, cupcake parties, bowling parties, book groups, coffee times, vsiting worship in another church --
Collaborate with other groups, denominations and give generously to RMN and other groups that promote Equality for all persons! A Reconciling Support group can be a CHOIR, a SS class, two or three people who get together in a Coffee shop --Rainbow Suitcase coming in January!
Maureen and Mena, Email contacts for Open Hearts Reconciling Community
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