Thursday, September 9, 2010

Soulforce Symposium

Soulforce Symposium Philadelphia 2010 - The Truth About Faith,
Science, Love and Reparative Therapy - Nov 5 - 7, 2010

Greetings Friend!
It is my pleasure to announce to you an educational symposium the will be held in Philadelphia, PA on November 5-7th, 2010. 
I am Jason Conner, Director of Programs for Soulforce and 2010 Equality Rider.  This Symposium holds a very special place in my understanding as a gay person. I grew up in a very conservative Christian home. I was raised Mormon, and I served a two year mission for the church where I preached 'the gospel'. I share an all too common story. I was raised in an environment where people in the LGBTQ community were referred to as freaks, deviants, and sinners. Simply put, I was taught to fear LGBTQ people. I absorbed these lessons, all while realizing I was one of these 'wicked' people who was considered so despicable. My inner turmoil escalated to a turning point while serving my mission. I was trying to serve God to the best of my ability, and yet these seemingly "perverse" thoughts and feeling just wouldn't go away. I confessed my feelings to my mission president, someone I considered to be a man of God, and one of the best individuals I had ever met. I explained to him that I was so conflicted and grief-filled that I had contemplated suicide. I felt so hopeless and alone.  He responded by reading me a scripture, Romans 7:24, which reads:
O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?
Here I was, more vulnerable and broken than I had ever felt, looking for Christian love and support from this man that I so admired, and I was greeted with confirmation of my worst fears, that I was undesirable in the eyes of God. Immediately after reading me this scripture and telling me that I could overcome these "same sex attraction" afflictions, I was ushered into therapy. I had never heard the words "ex-gay" or "reparative" therapy. All I knew was that if I didn't comply with this therapy program, I would be sent home from my mission, to face the shame and disgrace of my family, church, and friends. I spent nearly a year being told that no one in the "homosexual lifestyle" could ever be truly happy, and that "those people" were incapable of healthy relationships with others. After leaving the mission I found a young woman to whom I was eventually engaged, but by the grace of God, I was able to see the tragedy that heterosexual marriage would mean to me. I ended this engagement, and through participating in the Soulforce 2010 Equality Ride, I come out of the closet and accepted myself as the beautiful creature God has created  me to be.

I share my story with you to illustrate several important things. I am not angry with the mission president who read me that scripture. I'm also not angry with the therapist employed by the church to "fix" me. These individuals were victims of misinformation, perpetuated by large and well funded organizations. Most of us are familiar with organizations like Focus on the Family, NARTH, and Exodus Ministries. These organizations teach a message that is clearly harmful to LGBTQ people and pose a great danger to our society. They promote views that LGBTQ individuals are sick and should and can be fixed or changed. They cite false science and statistics that they themselves fund and compile. What are we to do with all of this false information flooding the media, the pulpit, and even the floors of the Senate and House? Thankfully, we have Soulforce, an organization that continues to "stand in the gap" for oppressed people.   We are delighted to offer this newest educational symposium which we believe will dispel untruths about LGBTQ identities and reparative therapy:

A Soulforce Symposium
Philadelphia, PA November 5-7, 2010
The Truth about Faith, Science, Love and Reparative Therapy

We are bringing together some of the most knowledgeable individuals from around the globe to teach us how to confront the false science and news out there about LGBTQ individuals. We will also look closer at reparative therapy, and how to cope as a survivor. This symposium is perfect for all LGBTQ individuals and allies. Preregister now and be the first to receive updates about presenters, locations, and special hotel deals. Click here to preregister!
Even if you can not attend, please donate to Soulforce so that we can continue fighting spiritual and political violence against LGBTQ individuals. Click here to donate now!
I look forward to seeing you in Philadelphia this November. Great change comes from great action. Great action is perpetuated by knowledge. It is my hope that the knowledge we gain at this symposium will lead us to stand up against corrupt individuals and organizations, letting them know that we are people who are whole, and just as deserving of love and equality as anyone else. See you soon!
Jason Conner
Symposium Organizer

Kansas East event Oct 24

Here is info about an Event Oct 24 in Kansas East Conference of the UMC!  Wide is God's Welcome of KS East is letting us know so I hope some folks can attend!  
We have the Inspiring Communities Conference at Hastings College on Oct 22, 23 and you might just head on down then to Valley View UMC Overland park, KS that sunday for this event!
See info below with Linda Bales coming from Board of Church and Society of the UMC!
Also the Author of THE SHACK will speak to start the conference on SHAME in our Society at St marks UMC Lincoln Oct 24 at 7 pm. To get tickets for the author sunday night or the conference, go to the church website.

Linda Bales Todd from the General Board of Church and Society will be the keynote speaker for a seminar entitled Heterosexism and Homophobia: How We All Pay the Price to be held at Valley View United Methodist Church (8412 W. 95th St.) in Overland Park on Sunday, October 24 from 2:45-5:00 PM.
Andrew Mitchell, pastor of Stull United Methodist Church and the author of the Kansas East Conference petition on Heterosexism and Homophobia, which was approved by the 2008 General Conference, will explain why and how the petition was developed. Linda will facilitate a discussion of societal factors that contribute to these attitudes, how homophobia and heterosexism are manifest in today’s world, and why the United Methodist Church should be addressing these issues.  Worship through music will be lead by Reverends Mitch and Jan Todd.
The Conference Board of Church and Society, realizing the importance of educating United Methodists on this subject, encourages your attendance.
$5 donation at the door requested.

The mission of Wide Is God’s Welcome - KC is to strengthen the Body of Christ through the full inclusion in the United Methodist Church of persons who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.
This mission will be fulfilled as we unite Kansas City area United Methodists for education, advocacy, and empowerment. 

Church Within a Church September Devotions

You may find these devotions to be very powerful:

MFSA September newsletter

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Open hearts reconciling community news: hastings PFLAG and AIDS walk news for Central NE

OPEN HEARTS Reconciling folks --  remember also the AIDS walk in Kearney nearby as well as Hastings college below..  same time with 1 PM rally at Fine Arts bldg at UNK with Don messer, Chair of UM Global aids fund as the rally speaker *

Don participates in the worship service at Faith UMC, Kearney at Harmon park at 10:30 am that morning Sept 12..  get pledge sheet and more info on the webpage for NAP..  NE AIDS project ..    marta wheeler is the area contact for our group:  . find some friends as it is not too late to WALK sunday!

Then Open hearts Reconciling community gathers for fall Sept 19 3 PM with FELLOWSHIP time at 2:30 PM all in the Gathering place (main entrance area on the south side of TRINITY UMC, 511 N Elm G Island, NE.  Bring a snack to share and come early at 2:30 if you are new to the support group to read support group guidelines!

Del and Cathy D will be facilitating this meeting and there will be sharing about Summer Reflections and upcoming events..  info on the Inspiring communities conference at hastings college, oct 22, 23 hopefully and more.. come meet new friends, maureen and mena, email persons for Open Hearts Reconciling community

PS Collaborate with PFLAG Hastings and join in the coffeetime and other events with PFLAG too!   Collaborate with other groups when you can, offer people rides, carpool, find friends and get energy and support from each other! Thanks for gifts of support for Bill Black and me attending LIGHTEN THE BURDEN III in Oct in Dallas!

RENEW your spirit, seek spiritual faith partners and find spiritual awakenings in your life daily!

Hi, PFLAGers....

Remember, our next informal coffee is this Saturday, September 11, at 11 AM at the Hastings Blue Moon.  Hoping to see many of you there.

The AIDSWalk is the next day, at the Hastings College student center on 9th street, with registration beginning at noon and the walk at 1 PM.   It would be fabulous to have PFLAGers participating.

We had a conference call about the October conference yesterday, and they are still interested in offering home-stays for people driving in on Friday night, October 22.  Some of you had volunteered space when the conference was scheduled for March, and if you're still willing to host someone, please let me know.  We won't know until after registrations begin just how many might want to take advantage of that opportunity, but it would be good to know how many spaces we're able to offer before the requests begin to come in. 

Movie on Sept. 19 at First Plymouth

Have you ever heard that who and what you are is an abomination to God? Have you ever been hurt by someone or some group using a passage of the Christian Bible to condemn homosexuality? If you can answer yes to either question, you will want to see the movie,
“Fish Out of Water.”

Plan now to attend the Plymouth Pride Fellowship annual Movie Night, Sunday, September 19, 2010. The movie begins at 4:00 pm. in the Chapel at First-Plymouth Congregational Church, located at 20th & "D" Streets in Lincoln. Rev. Nancy Erickson has made arrangements for a special screening of the movie, “Fish Out of Water.”

Filmmaker Ky Dickens explores the seven Bible passages notoriously used to condemn homosexuality and justify marriage discrimination, using interviews and animation to make this polarizing subject accessible and non‐threatening.

Popcorn and beverages will be provided for that authentic movie theater experience, followed by an All-American dinner of hot dogs and potato chips. This is a free event; however, free-will donations will be accepted at the dinner to help defray the food costs.

All members of the LGBTQ community, friends, allies and interested persons are invited to attend.

11:59 service at First Plymouth on Oct. 3

Plymouth Pride Fellowship will celebrate its 5th anniversary on Sunday, October 3, 2010. This will be a time to celebrate where we've been in the last five years since the inception of the Fellowship, and all the places we may go.

The event begins with the 11:59 worship service at First-Plymouth Congregation Church, led by Rev. Dr. Jim Keck. The service will focus on LGBTQ pride and inclusion at First-Plymouth and beyond, and will include personal remarks by individuals.

Following the worship service, at approximately 12:45 p.m., an excellent luncheon will be held in Pilgrim Hall, catered by the extraordinary Timothy Benavidez. An anniversary cake is included in the celebration which includes a presentation by a nationally recognized speaker. The cost for the catered meal and event is $10 per person, and reservations are necessary. Contact or call 476-7565 to make your reservation today.

The special guest and speaker for the luncheon event will be Rev. Dr. Bill Johnson. Rev. Bill was the first openly gay person ordained in the United Church of Christ (Congregational) and the first such person ordained in the Christian Church in modern times (1972).

Don't miss this special celebration of Plymouth Pride Fellowship, and who we all are together.