Sunday, July 4, 2010

First UMC Omaha's 10th Anniversary as a Reconciling Congregation

Celebrate First United Methodist Church-Omaha’s 10th Anniversary as a Reconciling Congregation July 23-25, 2010 $10 donation suggested for Friday reception, Saturday lunch, refreshments, History Book and Video of stories. Please sign up either by replying to this email or by calling Betty Dorr, 402-333-7064. The weekend program is attached. A program addition: All are invited to an open house at 6 p.m. Saturday at Mike and Carol McClellan’s home, 522 S. 53 St., Omaha. This will be appetizers and desserts.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Making a Difference for LGBT People in Your Own Backyard

Friends -You and your community are fabulous. Inside and out.

That's why it's so exciting to let you know that Outlinc has partnered with the psychological Consultation Center at UNL to offer you affordable and quality mental health care services.
This summer, you can move your priorities forward! Be sure to check your inbox about every other week to learn how you can make Lincoln the place for LGBT people in the Midwest!

Your Priorities

Health & Wellness
Caring for the health and well- being of our community, starting with mental and emotional health care.

Business Directory
Putting you in touch with businesses and organizations that support you.

Keeping our community informed, connected and inspired.

Social Programing
Giving you a safe place for fun and friends.

Providing space for our community to gather and discuss our needs.
That's just the beginning, though. You can build a network of LGBT-friendly health care providers in Lincoln by suggesting your own friendly provider to the business directory.
Thank you for making sure everyone in our community knows how fabulous they are!
Heath Harding
Outlinc President
P.S. - Will you be in Omaha for Pride on Saturday? Stop by the Outlinc booth to tell us what would make you proud of Nebraska!

From the Church Within A Church Movement:

"Celebrating Life: Liturgy That Transforms"
celebratintg life
 This 182 page resource for the progressive church is based on the life-giving justice ministry of Rev. Greg Dell. This worship resource includes liturgies, sacraments, sermons, prayers and writings for the progressive and inclusive church.
Need a Sunday Resource? This is it.
Need a life-giving understanding of baptism or communion? This is it.
Need language for a Holy Union or Same Gender Marriage?
This is it.
One reader commented: "Thanks so much for Celebrating Life -  it is an amazing resource - beautifully written, rich with wisdom and practicality.  I am savoring it."
Order yours today: Order Form

"On Thundering Wings: Homosexuality, Love & the Church on Trial"

on thundering wingsThe Church Within A Church Movement is proudly promoting a new publication,"On Thundering Wings: Homosexuality, Love & the Church on Trial"
Author Rev. Ermalou Roller's intimate and moving account of her own life, juxtaposed with the dramatic records of Greg Dell's trial, advances the discussion of Lesbian and Gay people in the church and offers profound insights intoacceptance.
"I could not put this book down," comments cathy knight, executive director of CWAC. "Ermalou is a wonderful story teller. The book captures you from the start as she weaves her intimate story around a church trial some of us know only too well. And with access to the trial transcripts Ermalou offers the back story we didn't know. "On Thundering Wings" reminds us that everyone suffers when injustice prevails."
Order "On Thundering Wings"

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Summer Offering

We are pleased to report that we have raised $250 for our summer email offering. Our statewide email group is an "official reconciling community" through RMN so we want to support RMN financially too individually, in our local groups and with our statewide email group!

 We are excited to help them financially each year as a statewide email group!  

Telling Our Stories

Welcome to the Nebraska Statewide Reconciling Network blog. We believe the best strategy for change in the church is to share our stories. We invite you to share your stories with us as we work together to change our church to one that truly practices Open hearts, Open Minds, and Open Doors, and whose mission is to share God's love with ALL people.