Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sixteen people came together for the OPEN Hearts Reconciling Community in Grand Island Feb 20 at Trinity UMC Gathering Place --

We thank Becca for Telling her Story / journey about starting the first GSA in Grand island at the HIGH SCHOOL -- GISH! We are so proud of her persistency and her mom's too -- cindi! (and her family too I am guessing!)

The GSA started in December. Now they have officers and they viewed the documentary called Bullying based on a true story.

Send love and prayers their way or gifts for their group after we get more info on how to give!

Becca graduates in May so we hope that new persons will step forward to continue the leadership along with sponsors / faculty with the message of : SAFE SCHOOLS for Allies, GLBT persons and all persons!

We hope to nominate Becca for a Schlarship as a group.

We had a visitor from Kearney First umc and U of NE at Kearney too!

We meet again after Horizons of Faith March 25 - 27 at Omaha first umc with Bishop Spong and a new cantata March 27 by Mark Kurtz!

On April 10 we will come together to share Spiritual Awakenings with fellowship time at 2:45 PM that day in the Gathering Place, TUMC, GI.

We hope that Becca, Cindi and others will write one page stories for an OPEN HEARTS booklet of SACRED Stories, Coming out Stories, Spiritual Awakening stories -- more info coming in April!

We hope to gather Rainbows of HOPE this spring for the Rainbow Suitcase -- Rainbows people can wear for this summer at Annual conference and in the fall!

Sept 19 is the combined POTLUCK meeting with the GSA at Hastings College, PFLAG Hastings and Open Hearts Reconciling Community: Ryan Sallens, Lincoln sharing! Ryan shared three years ago and we look forward to hearing his journey!

We now have new DVD's for the Rainbow Crate -- thanks to an anonymous friend and generosity!

God's love is very generous -- let's be generous loving others!

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